Sunday, February 12, 2012

Why do so many Christians like to play word games?

I hear Christians very often try to twist the language someone uses to make it seem as though they confirmed Christian beliefs, when it is clear that is not the narrow definition being used. For example, say "stars create atoms," and they say "A-ha! You believe in creation!" Or they make a big deal out of the use of BC and AD for historical years. Or they try to twist meanings of words around to define atheism as a belief or religion. Some even claim you believe in God if you use common phrases like "God knows where I left my keys," or "who's got my God damn keys?"

Like any of that means anything. It's just words. I don't believe in God. That's all the words you need to know about my religious beliefs. Words and changing their meaning doesn't make something real. Is it because they believe "at first was The Word," and that words really can have magical powers? Don't they know the Bird is the Word? Why do so many of them do this?Why do so many Christians like to play word games?
They sincerely believe you will burn in hell for all eternity and want snatch you out of the pit of hell.

This is the main reason.

This approach is offensive to most people who end up feeling bullied. They justify their behavior because sometimes they are able to hook a fish.

A friend of mine attended seminary for a time and all the students took the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.After the test, the professor told the class that the majority would score the exact results as a used car salesman. Many would lie on the test because some were already pastoring and concerned that the denomination would know too much about them . The results came back true to form. My friend was the only one who did not lie and who did not fall into the same profiling as a used car sales man. These pastors go on to teach people these kinds of techniques for soul winning in some fundamentalist churches.

They try to wear you down. if you believe in the Trinity , the Holy Spirit came as a dove so the bird really is the Word. Everybody knows that the bird is the Word.

Word game!
The very survival of the religion depend on words,rather twisted words. Take the word person,there 3 persons,yet there is one god.

one god person died and the other god persons did not,yet these god persons are coequal

Sometimes, Christians say you can not take the words of the Bible literally,sometimes they did otherwise.

Just as like Jesus said when he refused to preach the God and the Scriptures to the Gentiles because they will trampled under their feet.Why do so many Christians like to play word games?
I'm related to a couple of talented debaters. Right or wrong, they're hard to beat.

They are not limited by the true nature of reality.

But we all are challenged in that area.
Atheism is a religion. It is secular humanism. It is a belief system and a world view. You atheists are more religious than we are.Why do so many Christians like to play word games?
Don't let them get you in a fit, bro. Relax and troll them harder :]

@Archangel You should probably know what you're saying before you say if. Otherwise, you just end up looking stupid.
Whenever someone says that atheists believe in God because they use expressions like "oh my God," I ask them if they actually roll around on the floor when they say ROFL.
When you have NO evidence to back up childish claims all you can do is misrepresent-twist FACTS and definitions...

Nicky and Archie show how totally inept they are.

Pathetic really.

i find your lack of faith...disturbing.
Why do so many atheists not know that they actually believe in God and haven't realized it yet?

(see what I did there)

Generalizing an entire group of people is never smart.

I'm sorry to hear your "Christian Experience" has been disheartening, that definitely should not be happening. To clear things up: Christians should not twist words in any way to impose their beliefs on the non-believers. That's a fact.

The next time a Christian does that, remind them that their role as (realized) children of God is to respect other people beliefs as much as their own. If a non-God believer has questions or is interested in learning more or wants to share their doubts, Christians should be there to listen and give insight on their own beliefs. Disrespecting others' beliefs is as bad as disrespecting their own.

At least, that's how I see it.
All people use word games, conceitedness, accusing people etc.I mean all Muslims, Jews etcSee If you say you don't you are a hypocrite.

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