Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How could some Christians accept evolution as fact?

God created humans in their present form. The Bible clearly states. He also created the universe in 6 days, not the big bang. The BB and evolution condradict the truth of the Bible.

If you are a Christian and accept the BB and Evolution, you aren't a real Christ-follower. You can't twist the Holy Bible, the truth, word of God to fit however you want.How could some Christians accept evolution as fact?
For those who hold to the Bible as the word of God, theistic evolution should not be a viable option. The Bible says, "Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us..." (Psalm 100:3). The Scriptures state that God created. God said, "Let there be..." and there was. The Scriptures speak of the creative word of God. When God speaks, it occurs. He said "Let there be" and it was so. It does not say, "Let there be a slow development through an evolutionary process."

God said in Genesis 1:26, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." The Hebrew word for "make" in this verse, and in verse 25 where God makes the beasts, is "asah." It means to do, work, make, produce. This is not simply the limited Hebrew understanding of evolutionary principles.

The land animals were made differently than man. The animals were made from the ground, but man was made directly by God: "the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being" (Gen. 2:7). Evolution states that man evolved from life forms that developed in the ocean. Here, God made man from the dust of the ground--not the water of the ocean.

If evolution is true and the Bible is true, then how is the formation of Eve explained? She was created out of one of Adam's ribs (Gen. 2:22). There is no way to explain this if theistic evolution is true; that is, unless you want to say that Eve wasn't made from Adam's side. Then, if you do that, you are doubting the very word of God.

Also, Jesus said in Mark 10:6 "But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.'" The beginning was not evolutionary slime; in the beginning of creation there was Adam and Eve.

Though this information is brief and far from complete, it should be obvious that theistic evolution and the Scriptures cannot be harmonized.
You are wrong that Christians cannot accept the truth about evolution, they just cannot be literalists. Many Christians view the stories of the Bible (especially the old Testament) as parables and analogy, not literal. E.g. evolution is a fact, but it operates within a system established and controlled by god.

The problem with this view is that ultimately god is irrelevant (if 'the universe'+god = 'the universe'-god then god=0) and the concept of a loving god is impossible (evolution is an ongoing process and thus then we cannot be the ultimate vision of god). These are the reasons that Darwin, who was a Christian, agonized over publishing his work, he knew that ultimately it was damaging to Christianity.How could some Christians accept evolution as fact?
Because I understand science and because no where in the Bible does it say that God did not create using said processes. I'm not necessarily a fan of the big bang, but evolution is very real, and we can see it every day.

Frankly, evolution is a much more beautiful and thought-provoking process than magically being made from dirt... Why would God not use it?

I twist nothing by saying this. Jesus categorically used parables in his teachings in the new testament so that people would UNDERSTAND. He even cites that as the reason. Why would the same not be done in Genesis and other parts of the old testament? Either way, do you believe that Moses and the people of the time were ready to have what we consider modern science explained to them?

And by accepting "fact," in this case, I am acknowledging that it is the most reasonable and provable scientific view on the subject at this time... It may be changed in the future, just like everything else. (Apparently wearing bird masks does not help cure the Black Plague and there are better ways to treat mental disorders than lobotomy... Funny the things we learn as science advances.)
How could christians accept the bible as fact? You have it backwards. The 'bible' contradicts the Truth of the big bang.

There wasn't a bang because oxygen doesn't exit in space. Therefore, there was an explosion but no sound. Radiation is the 'evidence' of this explosion, or, big bang. I don't think you will find this explained in your 'bible.' You may want to at least try reading a physics book from time to time.

I have read and studied the bible.How could some Christians accept evolution as fact?
Because not all Christians take Genesis as a historical event. The story has been found in other cultures and religions which differ on the details. It's clear Genesis didn't originate from the Israelites and simply a retelling of a different story with variations.

Also, Genesis contains TWO creation stories. It's clear as day that it's simply giving different interpretations as to the origins, and not a historical record of events.
Most Christians went to school, and believe in evolution. The reason is that we can see evolution work. We can also make it happen (we breed new roses, and new types of dogs all the time).

What the Bible doesn't say is how God made the world, and how God made the people. In His Image may very well mean "A thinking being" as opposed to "looking just like a human".
Gods are not real. The "truth" of the Christian bible is a collection of myths, parables, distortions and outright lies.

If you are the "Christ follower" in your example, technology is from the Devil and demons cause disease, so I hope to never find them in the hospital. That would make them bad Christians.
"You can't twist the Holy Bible, the truth, word of God to fit however you want."

actually, yes you can. Isn't thatw hat your preacher/priest does every Mass? They take a verse and run with it and make it relate you our everyday lives. Plus, it is widely accepted that the Bible is meant to be interpreted to benefit your own life and enrich it.

The bible is not carved in stone. It is not direct from God to the pages, it has been edited, translated, and orated thousands of times over by people doing exactly that. It was written by men hundreds of years after Jesus, who took the oral tales and twisted them to fit thier ideals and wrote them down.

It's Christians like you that make the entire establishment of organized religion look bad.

And as for the whole 6 days thing... how do you know? maybe 6 days to god is actually 6 million years to humans. If God was creating the world and humans were not around yet, then there is no such thing as time. Time is a completely human construct... we created it, we edited it, we added daylight savings and we took it away.... we added months, took some out, created clocks, etc. There was no such thing as time when God was creating the Unviverse, even if you actually choose to believe that. So his 6 days could be 6 miliseconds (big bang) or 6 million years (evolution) or both.
Because it IS a fact? And the majority of Christians aren't actually ignorant morons? Though I grant, it is sometimes hard to tell from the population present on the internet.

Oh, and just for good measure- No True Scotsman fallacy renders this argument invalid anyway.
1st of all, it's not that clear. God created humans in their present form but there were humans before. Nothing in the Bible contradicts that. Read that part.

About Big Bang, the Bible also states that a day to God is a lot more to us. So, time is relative.
I am a christian and i believe in evolution and the big bang, I don't believe it contradicts the bible because the bible does not say how the earth was created, it only says that god created the earth.
Yes I am in favor of literal translations of our holy books.

Either accept that you must stone your disobedient children and beat your slaves while you use pi=3 for all math calculations while living on this disk cemented in firmament, or give up the ancient crazy religions
"God created humans in their present form. The Bible clearly states"

nowhere in the bible are the words "God created humans in their present form" in that order

and i agree, no true scotsman fallacy
WOW...great logic there, Ace. How about this: The bible contradicts the big bang and evolution so you can't just make stuff up because you are mentally deficient. Way to belittle the only Christians that aren't completely deluded. Bravo
Nobody in the Bible uses the internet. If you use the internet, you can't be a True Christian
No True Scotsman fallacy.

Also, there's proof for the big bang and evolution.
They will if they possess even a little of their human mind. Please understand that the bible is simply a poor attempt at mythology.

At this point a tastily Playgirl spread is not out of the question if I can open up a no kill animal sanctuary
I know you're just Poe-ing and all, but I'm still this ---%26gt; %26lt;--- close to reaching through the monitor and slapping the stupid out of you.
"You can't twist the Holy Bible, the truth, word of God to fit however you want"

You can't? ROFL
I would guess they have chosen to follow deception.
unbelief in the literal text
Please read the following completely...

There is no such thing as "The Theory of Evolution." There isn't now and there never has been. There are, however, theories that try to explain biological evolution…

Biological evolution is a conclusion based on FACTS. An individual fact of biological evolution is a single fossil or other artifact recovered, studied and reported in detail. There are over 100,000,000 "facts" of biological evolution. It is a fact that in the recent past (60 million years ago) there were no large mammals at all such as horses, bears, man, etc. Farther back it is a fact that there were no flowering plants of any kind. Still farther back it is a fact that there was no life on land- at all. Still farther back the fossils reveal that there were no fishes in the oceans. Still farther back it is a fact that there was no multicellular life on Earth, anywhere. These are a very few of the many, many facts that make biological evolution on Earth a fact.

The facts show unmistakably that life in the past was different from life today. The facts show unmistakably that life has changed (evolved) over time. Biological evolution is a FACT, not a theory. The question is: how can these facts from the fossil record be explained? How did biological evolution happen?

The theory of "Decent With Modification" (first proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace - since improved) is the theory that currently best explains the mountain of FACTS showing that biological evolution happened. Without the theory of Decent With Modification the FACTS of biological evolution would still be there begging for an explanation. If a theory is proposed in the future that better explains the facts of biological evolution, we will discard the Darwin/Wallace theory as we have discarded Aristotle’s "Great Chain of Being" theory and the Bible’s “Creation Theory.” They were discarded because they couldn’t explain the FACTS.

Natural Selection is not a theory but is a proposed mechanism to explain how the theory of Decent With Modification would proceed. The theory of Decent With Modification does NOT need Natural Selection for the theory to be valid. If a better mechanism is found we will relegate that mechanism to the scrap heap as we have past mechanisms such as Lamarck's “Inheritance of Acquired Traits”...

“Survival Of The Fittest” is nothing but a catch phrase that is not even accurate. A more accurate representation of that poorly worded concept would be “Differential Reproduction.” That is, the favored survival of individuals and their progeny who posses variations that can better utilize the environment they currently live in.

There is no such thing as “Darwinism” any more than there is “Newtonism” or “Einsteinim.”

There is a general misunderstanding about just what constitutes a “theory.” The word "theory" has several meanings. The common meaning used by the general public is that of a "guess" or "opinion." You could say, "It is my theory that the CIA ordered Kennedy's assassination." or "It is my guess/opinion that the CIA ordered Kennedy's assassination. A scientific theory, however, is not a guess or opinion as the word “theory” is used by the general public.

A scientific “theory” is an overall unifying principal that seeks to explain seemingly disconnected observations (facts) under a single, simple concept. As such, a theory is the highest form of knowledge about the universe because it explains not just one isolated part of the natural world but it ties together many observations (facts), that may not seem to be connected, under a single unifying principle.

Facts, on the other hand, are single pieces of information about the world that usually come from controlled experiments. Lots and lots of facts are usually unified and explained by a single theory.

You can collect facts (measurements) about the motions of the planets. You can collect facts about the movement of projectiles and falling bodies. You can study the flow of rivers. The Theory of Gravity explains all of these observations and measurements. Without the Theory of Gravity the FACTS of the movements of objects remain and beg to be explained...
The Thing about science is that i believe they are trying to disprove the existence of god, but you cannot because all things that make up this world are of the flesh and god is simply not. They will never be able to go beyond and explain exactly how we got here because you cannot go beyond god. We cannot create life as god can, we can only create robotic being that arent comparable to life itself by far.

Cmon people did they have internet in the bible days.... did they have cars, no you are living in this day in time lets get real people.
Yes - sad to say but there are Christians that have compromised themselves with this lie:

The whole hypothesis of Evolution is itself based on unobservable events, happening in unobservable past and most of it especially Chemical Evolution deny experimental reality.

One could easily say that Evolution is the Science of Fiction

C S Lewis expands on the idea and shows why the non Christian really has no logical alternative but to accept that Jesus is God:

“I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God.” That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic-on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg-or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God; or else a madman or something worse.

You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon; or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God. “
Anyone who accepts the theory of evolution are brainwashed, and it may take a long long while for them to come out of this form of hypnosis..

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