Thursday, February 9, 2012

What's wrong with writing BIBLE fanfiction! It's not like I'm twisting the word of God!!!?

I mean, if you don't like it and are offended by it, then I'm sorry and I apologize and don't read it!

Personally, the reason I wrote this story is because I'd like to think that Rachel and Leah learned to FORGIVE EACH OTHER!!!

And what about those NOVELIZATIONS of Bible characters (Saul, Michal, David and Bathsheba, Jonathan, Joseph and his brothers, Jacob, Esau, Leah and Rachel, Laban), huh?!? It's not like it's the DaVinci Code or something!!!

Max Lucado! Other CHRISTIAN authors! Does it mean they're twisting GOD'S WORD and TAKING AWAY AND ADDING FROM IT?!?

'Cause NOVELIZING the life of BIBLE CHARACTERS (to me) is a form of FANFIC!!!

Does that mean they're BLASPHEMING?!?


I'm a Baptist and a PREACHER'S KID!!! You think I would blaspheme?!?

There are MANY CHRISTIANS who WRITE CHRISTIAN FANFICTION!!!What's wrong with writing BIBLE fanfiction! It's not like I'm twisting the word of God!!!?
I guess I really shouldn't be surprised that there is Bible fanfiction out there. Rule 54 in action.
It's not wrong; it's just lame.

If you're gonna do something nerdy like fanfiction (and this is coming from a former fanfic writer), do it on books that are fun to read.What's wrong with writing BIBLE fanfiction! It's not like I'm twisting the word of God!!!?
Can you make one where Jesus is like Superman? I'd buy one of those.
k, dude, calm down.

I know there's tons out there, and you aren't the only one.What's wrong with writing BIBLE fanfiction! It's not like I'm twisting the word of God!!!?
LOL. why would you want to write Bible fanfiction?
I don't see anything wrong with it, keep it up. A lot of people have converted to Christianity because of such writings. The Shack is a good example of such writings
Isn't the Bible itself fanfiction?

It's based on previous religions and ancient writings.
There is nothing wrong with writing fiction based on the Bible, as long as nothing you write goes against biblical principals.

Your SHOUTING, and one sided argument however, make it appear that you are very immature, as a person and as a Christian. I don't know if that's true or not, but that's how you come across.... and it won't help you prove your point at all. Frankly, what other people feel about your writing is really unimportant and you should prove that to them but stating your point clearly, once, in a calm and rational manner, and then ignoring them.

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