Thursday, February 9, 2012

How would you feel if you were hated for your skin color? I was raised in the south and never was prejudice?

How sad it must be to be afraid of the color black

you have to hurl words so ugly, cruel to show the

itelligence you lack.

Who are you to demean one of God's creations?

God made man in many colors, spread them across the nations.

How you twist that knife of words in the heart, soul so deep.

If you only knew how your hatred made God weep.

My heart is wrenched from my chest with tears

of shame of your foolish fears.

Tears flow down my face

trying to put myself in their place

I try to comprehend

being hated for the color of your skin

It is so horrible I would not know where to begin

My tears can fill every ocean, river, lake

but their's must fill the universe from the pain you make.

How can you go to bed, pray?

When God must turn His back on every ugly word you say.

When your day comes to stand before God what will you do

when he shows you the terrible pain you put the blacks through?

Turning His back, walking away you will finally feel

the pain you inflicted on the color black this dayHow would you feel if you were hated for your skin color? I was raised in the south and never was prejudice?
This poem obviously had a powerful meaning for you personally. I feel ashamed of my species, that means everybody, for the way they act towards a person of another color than themselves. It's such utter ignorance, the way people will be sometimes, it blows me away.

A very well expressed poem as well.
Prejudice affects everybody. Every race, and religion are hurt. The blacks in the 1800's was a more visable predjudice than others, but that is long over. No black alive today is more affected by predjudice than any other human being.

Your heart is in the right place though, it is so horrible to see humans hurting and killing other humans. It is an issue that weighs heavy on my heart always.How would you feel if you were hated for your skin color? I was raised in the south and never was prejudice?
i'd feel horrible ! but if they hate me... hey, it ain't my problem! they have their own little issues and insecurities.

p.s. i try to stay away from crazy people like that = )

lovely poem
As a white person that lives in the south; I have lived in a predominantly black neighborhood and didn't have problems for years. But....but I have gone grocery shopping, drive thrus, etc. and have definitely got attitude from black people. Pretty poem but prejudiced does not mean" hate black people." prejudice is a hatred of others. Others ; people not like yourself. Did you forget that hatred is one of those things that cross all boundaries? How ironic that Prejudiceness is one of the only things that crosses all borders like hatred of religions and skin color.How would you feel if you were hated for your skin color? I was raised in the south and never was prejudice?
All living human beings are beset with some challenge of one kind or another. The trick in life, is to see the divine inside yourself. The truth in yourself that exists inside yourself, is the power in your life. Discover that and use it in your life,and all else pales into insignificance. We are, all of us, so much more valuable, than we can even imagine being. Sure there are many inequities and insane injustices that exist in our world, but we can only choose to be part of them, or be a part of something greater. Life presents us with many challenges. Even being blessed with incredible wealth or success can be a challenging experience for some people. Vio con dios (go with God).

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