Thursday, February 9, 2012

How would you deal with people who twist your words with intent to distort what you say?

you say clearly how you feel about a subject what your stance and opinion is about something.

then these human pieces of sh1t come out of the toilet to intentionally try to distort what you have said to suit their agenda or maybe to cast you in an unfavourable light .

you made yourself perfectly clear on the first attempt.

other than chasing after them, attacking them and causing them severe brain damage - which would result in me being in trouble or prosecution -

how else can you deal with such toilet sht of people ?

i find myself very exasperated by such people and i feel so angry by their actions i have the overwhelming urge to smash them into the ground.

forcibly shut them up or suppress them.

i have been in physical situations such as these a few times, i find it very difficult to ignore such people intentionally twisting my words in a discussion.

the last time i cut off all contact with the person and told them not to try to make contact with me again or else they would seriously regret it.

told them i would make their nightmares become a reality in a very threatening angry voice.

they listened and headed what i said, thankfully for them.

but i know there must be better ways to handle such people, in assertive, calm tones.

how do you do this ? especially if filled with indignation, anger and wrath ?

10 points best answer.How would you deal with people who twist your words with intent to distort what you say?
Avoid people like this. Just don't include them in your circle of friends. You should just, plain and simple, not associate with people who make you this angry. I've had ex-friends like this before and each time I would see them,... there was something they would say that would upset me. Sometimes, they have mental problems themselves. (one of my ex-friends were bipolar). In the meantime, ... when you DO need to deal with these people, have a few 'lines' up your sleeve to comeback with like... Now I know why some animals eat their young. And then... just don't associate with them anymore. They'll get the hint!How would you deal with people who twist your words with intent to distort what you say?
??What???How would you deal with people who twist your words with intent to distort what you say?
Why do you ask detailed convoluteded questions and get angry when someone doesn't answer it just the way you think it should be answered.You call people names and threaten individuals. why not just as like an adult and take what you can use and leave the rest without the threats and name calling..Maybe working on your issues of anger, and thoughts of smashing people in thte ground would benefit you.

Opinions are like a**holes, we all have one. Why ask questions when you don't want answers. God Bless and Hope you find the Answer you Seek.

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