Saturday, January 14, 2012

Any Cons out there watch msnbc all day to pick their every word apart and twist it into an insult?

And then post and ignorant question on here about it?

Just wondering why the left watches Fox news so much if they hate it so?

Oh wait let me guess for the entertainment value.

I don't know any Cons that watch msnbc all day just to post retarded questions about what they broad cast like you Dems %26amp; Libs do with Fox.Any Cons out there watch msnbc all day to pick their every word apart and twist it into an insult?
Nope not a fan of lib propaganda and that dude Racial Maddcow!!!
If we say anything about Fox News, you guys say "How do you know, you never watch it," and if we say we watched it, then you say "Liberals all watch Fox News" - LOL!Any Cons out there watch msnbc all day to pick their every word apart and twist it into an insult?
Some people get their news from more than 1 source to see what the opposition is talking about and get an understanding into their views. Others get their news from one source and draw inaccurate conclusions on what their opposition is talking about or their views based on what the only news they watch says.
I do watch it just to get the other spin.
Both commentary sections have their share of crap but one can find some kernels of truth to investigate if you look for them.
I hate to say it but Beck does back his stuff with more facts than most that you can go find and verify yourself if you just take the time.
The connections of who and what people are doing can be found by other sources than him and verified the Soros stuff is pretty on the mark.Any Cons out there watch msnbc all day to pick their every word apart and twist it into an insult?
The good part about MSNBC is that their entertainment shows are the only ones with a liberal slant. Their actual news coverage is quite unbiased. Fox anchors, on the other hand practically cheer the tea party as they read the news. And fox is the only network that actually rewords associated press stories to give them a more conservative slant.
i have been saying that for a while dems watch fox and quoye everything beck says the same could be said i guessn about msnbc

neithern ere the news,they are for entertainment,like jon sterart,not to be taken seriously

read the paper and make upm your own minds

if you quote beck or msnbd i dont listen because it is not news
docker....Let me set you straight. This is the real issue. People who are liberal might watch fox news so that they can see what the enemy is saying, because they want to be informed of both sides of the issue for intelligent debate.

Right wing neo cons only do one thing. Stick in their little box and watch a racist, uniformed, planned attack on the REAL Americans in this country. Not the Lazy red states in the south but REAL America. Hard working democrats that pay more taxes per year than you could dream of and certainly more than the Beckster pays as he gets his massive rich tax write offs.

I just do not understand why the right can not see through the B.S. and see reality as it is.


I watch Morning Joe sometimes and I tried to watch Ed Shultz a few times but he is a raving hate filled lunatic and a few minutes is more than enough to figure that fact out. It seems that the left is turning more towards Al-Jazeera and RT anyway.
Filled with Liberals propaganda. I could list a whole book on its biased propaganda but I don't stoop to the level of the libs.
they dont. Media matters tells them what they want to hear and then they complain about fox news watchers echoing fox. Its really funny actually
I tried to watch MSNBC. I really did. I felt like puking after 2 minutes.
I will occasionally watch it,and listen to NPR radio,for a giggle.Boy they live in la-la land on those places.
We never watch the cartoon network that's for kids silly rabbit .
I watch FOX to get more than one view. Don't blame me if FOX is a joke.
I don't watch it, too extreme left wingers.
I don't watch MSNBC its too far left and full of hate
Waste of my time!
No, cons only get their news from one source.

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