Thursday, January 26, 2012

What is the name of the "Thing" Called when you Twist/ lie and contradict what you say?

Expanded Question: You are in a shop, You ask a question about a price of an item. The cashier gives you an answer. You ask them a similar question the following week and they give a completely different answer than b4. They phrase it in such a way. .. That you think you've lost your Head. What is that? is that Lying is that Twisting the truth. to say a completely different statement than the previous. as if the Previous never took place? Whats it called how do you do it? for when i try it turns in my face "They remember exactly what i said word for word. I can't deny it they can"?What is the name of the "Thing" Called when you Twist/ lie and contradict what you say?
We all have our own maps of the world held in our brains; hence when an event occurs which is witnessed by 10 people, 10 different maps are created.

When one witness tries to describe the event to someone else, they must take a stored memory, replay it internally, turn what they saw/heard/felt into words, which are then interpretted and turned into a different map by the recipient.

As you can imagine, there is a large scope for error - an event that took 10 minutes can literally be reduced to a couple of 20 second soundbites. Add into this the fact that people delete, distort and generalise their experiences, and it's a wonder we ever communicate at all.

So you ask a question, the cashier interprets, gives an answer based on a set of assumptions and remembers what was said with distortion/deletion/generalisation applied.

Examples - you say I was late for work today - generaliser replies - everybody is always late. Deleter remembers it as you were late, or perhaps you went to work today. A distorter may relate the tale as: this guy came in today, he has a really high powered city job and they let him come in late every day!

Once someone has commited a fact to memory (with faulty logic applied), they will swear that they are right, and if you produce a tape recorder will accuse you of making it at home.

The best advice I can give, knowing the above information to be true, is to observe the world going about its business, communicating hopelessly, yet getting on - and have a little chuckle to yourself.
hypocrite (sic)?What is the name of the "Thing" Called when you Twist/ lie and contradict what you say?
If you refer to someone specific, record him/her next time! Let's see now!
contradictionWhat is the name of the "Thing" Called when you Twist/ lie and contradict what you say?
hypocrite? Manipulating? White-lie? None of those are quite right. Perhaps there is no word for that in English

No matter how you attempt to soften the fact.

It is a lie and this person is a liar.
Being a two-faced hypocrite!
bait and switch
Double-talk. Or in the case of the shop owner stating different prices...Price gouger!!!
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