|||The anti-fems can rail all they want (I believe it's just practice to become Politicians later) but nothing they say should be able to redefine what a Feminist IS. It's the member *within* a movement who define it. No offense to Winter Glory, but it's shallow and yes, weak, to let Feminism-Detractors slander cause people to abandon the... cause.
I'm reminded of a quote by Colin Powell: "Never let someone else's opinion of you, become YOUR opinion of you."|||The words have not been twisted at all. They are complete answers from Yahoo! We must all remember that this is a public forum and our answers, once in the public domain, have no protection of copyright - as such they can be linked to etc.
I think some of the points he is trying to illustrate by using those questions as examples are lost and linking to Y/A as a valid source is questionable but he has every right to do so, just as (if I could be bothered) I'm sure I could find some feminism blogs/sites doing the same.
MRAs and modern feminists are just as bad as one another, they will both twist things and misrepresent statistics but both fail to realise that confrontation and blame are not the keys to curing ills - it merely exaccerbates things.
(let the thumbs downers begin!)|||Ryu is outright wrong for one thing, as is the man's snide comment about weak-minded femininsts. It's not only a very poor comparison - people can change their minds without being weak, it's called learning and flexibility. It's method is also wrong - he's leaping to conclusions based on 2 quotes. I'm sure he has more up his sleeve but he doesn't understand that when it comes to politics and faith nearly everyone has a bias or an ax to grind. What is GWS anyway? I know lots of feminists and quite a few lesbians - none of them ever talk about supremacy. It's an urban myth, most likely sponsored by brain dead fundies.
To me Men's Rights Advocates are generally men very bitter about divorces and alimony. One of my best friends was traumatized by the fact that his lover opted for abortion when she got pregnant. He desperately wanted to have a baby (and continued to be desperate after that). But he was badly hurt and became quite conservative. He remained his old generous and funny self, but his bitterness never left him. He complained about all the attention breast cancer gets while bemoaning the lack of attention about prostate cancer. This is simple envy, but he couldn't see it.|||Yeah, obviously some of those responses are twisted. Take Julie M's response, for one. How do we know Julie M's response was made towards Winter Glory? Yet they way the site presents it, it gives the impression that Julie M is specifically calling Winter Glory weak, which may not be the case.
Additionally, Sam is OBVIOUSLY being sarcastic and joking--and those on this site immediately recognize her wit. The poster of the site obviously is twisting her humor for his/own benefit.
I don't think that site should be allowed to take responses from GWS for their own site. I would be rather pissed off if my words were taken and used somewhere else--especially if they were twisted for the sites own agenda. While I'm all for freedom of speech, the writer needs to learn how to write his/her own stuff instead of stealing others and twisting it. It shows a lack of integrity as well as intelligence and creativity.
EDIT--Wow, and if you keep looking, the site upholds obvious TROLLS as viable feminist statements. Several times the site quotes Heather 2.0, a notorious troll on this site. Geez, the poster doesn't even have the ability to tell who a troll is? Or they simply don't care.|||I think this questions gonna be posted by the end of the day.
That's about all I can think about it. It's kinda funny though.
I doubt it's about representing feminists and more about making fun of people they don't like. Who knows though, I haven't seen much of this site, had a skim earlier but didn't have the focus to really read things there so I'm just guessing.
In the end it's just another site, and we're all on a public forum here so to see answers or quotes elsewhere feels queer but at the same i know if I post anything here bajillions of people can read it so, eh =o)|||haha we're famous! :-)
the answers are obviously jokes e.g. the one about men on leashes
all in all they don't have much do they?? :-)
it's kind of funny about the 'superiority complex' comment - i posted a link to that same website a week or so ago in which a whole number of anti-fems/mras/whatever including someone called 'marx' discussed how men were natural leaders and should rule both the world and the family ... unfortunately my question was removed within a day!|||I find it absolutely stunning that anybody would go to the trouble of building that web page. Most of their shocking examples of feminism were pretty obviously fakes, plants or parodies.
There are some dim witted academic feminist hacks on this forum, no doubt about it. But the person who went to the trouble of creating that page has issues AND way too much time on their hands.
I also have my doubts about the mental health and/or priorities of any self-described feminists who spend a lot of time getting in pissing matches with these people. It occurs to me that a webpage like that could very well be nothing more than an over-the-top example of sport trolling.|||You should know by now that those anti feminist "men" project their own attitude onto women. They completely ignore the thousands of questions on here that denigrate women, and home in on the few that put men down. They will never admit to their own faults. A true sign of weakness. They have the idea that they have a perfect right to dish it out, but GOD FORBID they should ever have to take it.|||Being as I have not 'twisted' any one's words - your allegation remains baseless.
Those are graphical snapshots of the responses, there is no way on Earth you can pretend they have been 'twisted' whatsoever. They are in full context.
You, Deidre Duh, are a liar and misrepresent my blog.
However, thank you for the free traffic.
ETA: To quote 'morbid one' above me, "It's the member *within* a movement who define it." thus confirming my stance that dictionary definition is meaningless, when so many feminists *within* the movement are so hateful and seem to be seeking supremacy over men (Harriet Harman, Jacqui Smith, yourself, etc.)|||interesting
that was not posted by an mra so it is propaganda of the feminists most likely who i don't know
but the site is new and shallow so not anything to do with any mra movement i know ive been looking for one
i recall the question and the answer 's
there is no twisting of the words at all
merely true representation of the Q %26amp; A
must be frustrating when the words are correct aye|||It's just sick. They quote trolls and twist words to take them out of context to make feminists look bad.
Can't we copyright GWS or something? These people are out to give feminists a bad name, and must be stopped.|||Ive also been to a blog where Anti-Mra's used clever propaganda in order to make MRA's out to be chauvinist pigs in general, who are out to set women back. As a result I do not read either sides agenda!!|||If I may paraphrase, "Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics", Dr J. Evart
Lies, Advertising and Propaganda. Me.
People only believe that which supports their personal political agenda.|||That site should be reported for stealing answers from Yahoo's site and using it for their own stupid purposes. In the first question, Sam is obviously being facetious, but they've turned it into something else.|||Is that you Jewelry? Jewelry kept stating that responses would be followed on other web sites.
I am not stating that you are, but it does sound plausible.|||Wow..I'm being talked about.
I took what Julie said as a comment directed towards me specifically.
Whether it was meant to be or not.|||Eh, Pot and kettle come to mind love. Feminist sites are a bloody disgrace.|||they didnt twist the words of what they said at all..... i remember that question and specifically Winter Glory's nice answer to that....|||Is that begging the question or what?
I don't know. It's not cool. But feminists are the worst for that BS.
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