Monday, January 30, 2012

If the Bible is important to you, how do justify twisting its words?

The Bible says certain things very clearly, like, "Thou shalt not kill." If you believe the Bible is 'the word of God' and it is very important in your life, how do you justify twisting it to fit your own desires and lifestyle?If the Bible is important to you, how do justify twisting its words?
Your translation from greek is slightly off. It says thou shalt not murder.There is a difference.
Well, I don't think any of us have killed someone. Perhaps a more relevant example...If the Bible is important to you, how do justify twisting its words?
I don't twist it.I have not killed anyone.
I haven't killed anybody--and the correct translation is "murder". I guess this question doesn't apply to me?If the Bible is important to you, how do justify twisting its words?
you cant
Have you ever eaten a lobster? Worn a poly-cotton blend? If yes, then you really shouldn't speak about hypocrisy.
it is the miracle of faith whereby you can believe the preposterous makes sense
It's thou shall not murder actually. The words in the Elizabethan era translations have different connotations than the modern idiom.
I know what you are trying so say but I don't think the killing a person example is relevant to many readers (or I really hope not). People interpret the Bible in many different ways and therefore follow it differently. Also, no one is perfect, we all sin. But we have accepted Jesus as our Savior and he pays for our sins so we do not have to
People do it all the time. I think it is justified by making excuses, and I'm pretty sure people have an inkling that they're being disobedient, which is why they get so very defensive when their error is pointed out to them.
I've killed a few enemy in Viet Nam. As the chaplain put it, they were monkeys in the jungle though. Meaning they were not descendants of Adam so they didn't count.

Doesn't apply to me though as I am an atheist.
All of the commandment given here were man's relationship with each other. God gave Noah the right to eat animals, fish, etc and it is ok until God says to stop, if that ever happens.

It then becomes a twistlation.
Rephrase please, Who justifies twisting the word of the Bible?..
Salvation will help you, you need it.
....what? and it's "Thou shall not MURDER" twisting that one!. God Bless
I haven't killed any one. Just the same, make sure that you understand what in intended by words. Someone could take the words "thou shall not kill," and apply it to meats that we eat, or even germs that we kill. That is not the intention.

2 Corinthians 3:6

Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

Romans 2:29

But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

Romans 7:6

But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.
You meant to tell me Christians can't pick and choose from the bible to fit whatever they want?
Its the bad christians that do that,trying to play god,they the worst christians that exist
I don't justify it, really. Much of it is hard to understand, which is why people often interpret it so differently.

There are many things in the Bible I question, because it was written so long ago and cultures and lifestyles have changed so much.

For example, some parts of the Bible talk badly about women in leadership (especially in the church.) Some parts do not.

I don't believe (if God is real) that he would look down on women in the church or in any sort of leadership because I don't feel that the people writing the Bible were completely unbiased by the ways of the world in that time period.

Hopefully that made sense to you.
Guys, i think it's just an example. Don't apply it to yourself.

The Lord said "Thou shalt not kill" and "Love thy neighbor as you love yourself".

But have you ever heard of the crusades? The short story of the crusades is: Between 1000 AD and 1500 AD, the Christian soldiers were at war with the Muslim Saracens, fighting over whose big imaginary friend was better. It didn't just keep going for 500 years though... there were many wars throughout this period all trying to tell the other side that they were right and they should have the Holy Lands. Tens of thousands of people died during these wars, and all for the sake of one bit of land that could have been shared.

Many Christians say "They started it!" but even if they did, doesn't the Bible also say "Turn the other cheek"?

So, you really can't justify twisting the words.

I'm a non-Christian, and i use the Bible as a reference for different moral teachings when i teach people morals. I don't twist the words, you just have to interpret it the right way.
Because we as human beings are weak and when we sin we try to cover it up because of our GUILT or wanting to live our life to please ourselves, not God, therefore we try and put the blame somewhere else instead of just owning up to it.

Some people who truly believes God's Word and try to live by it will confess right away and say "I was wrong God please forgive me" and try not to do it again.

It could be with anything God said not to do, not just killing someone.

God said not to commit adultery but people do it and do it often.
Let me turn it back on you. Jesus said 'Turn the other cheek' but when He and Paul were in the situation where that might apply neither of them did.

As to 'Thou shalt not kill' who decides what that means. Do you put the Lawmaker under the Law. Doesn't St Paul say :

For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; {4} for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.

And St John the Baptist does not tell the soldiers that come to him that they should not be soldiers.

You are a Fundamentalist. You should check in at the Betty Ford Clinic, they have a section for non-believing Fundamentalists.

I am a Catholic. I could NEVER leave my faith and its interpretation to a two-bit confused Pope such as yourself. And that is why Jesus gave us a Church, so that His teaching on Faith and Morals would stay clear and uncorrupted.
I know but I did not see that squirrel coming, it is like he had his own agenda. Good thing he dropped and rolled back to the curb. It was actually the car behind me that got him. It is not our fault, seriously, it was just not a good idea to cross at that intersection.

And I understand but I had a bit of a fly problem so I got this stuff from Home Depot. It seemed to work pretty good, but you are right, who am I to justify such barbaric...

I also killed a wasps nest, it is hard to imagine I sprayed then ran like the dickens. But I guess sometimes you gotta do whatcha gotta do.

Of course, I did confess to killing my sister's guppies but the priest rolled down the front of the church steps laughing hysterically. I choose to conceal that I also killed her gold fish. It was not on purpose, the jar crashed in the sink before I could clean the tank.

Overall, I guess I have lived on my own terms. How can I justify it? Again, it is covered by the blood of Jesus but it does not mean, I will not act in a similar manner in the future to fit my own desires and lifestyle forever.

To the people who love flies and the fact that they vomit and/or lay eggs everytime they land. Forgive me. I want to acknowledge that their were animals hurt or killed during the making of this email since I believe the insect barrier around my home is still working within a 2 feet radius according to the directions on the package.

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