Monday, January 30, 2012

Need help with twist endings?

The objective is to write a 55 word story with a twist ending. The problem is that I can not come up with any good twist endings. So can you please help me?

Thanks in advance!Need help with twist endings?
Well, that's a short story, if you want to kill off a character, then throw him off a cliff, make him a zombie,etc.

If you killed off the villain then make him come back, have the hero/main character family or friend member work for the villain

If you killed off the hero,person then make them come back as something.

If you kept a person alive, then kill them

Sorry I know my answer above stink : (
55 words? thats only like 4 sentences

to have a twist you have to have a developed plot so i dont really know what to say... just kill off the main character or have him be a ghost or something Need help with twist endings?
At the end...the storyteller dies, or is dead, or has been dead, and it's a ghost telling the story.

Like that.
Write about a beautiful woman who displays strange characteristics of something of another world. The twist being she is a fairy or "Faerie" and fairies are master of disguises as they can shape shift. Mainly butterflies.Need help with twist endings?
An unexpected ending that defies logic.

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