Ok, so another Liberal was talking about how Limbaugh said he wanted Obama to screw up the country. Once again, a complete twisting of words. Limbaugh said he hoped Obama's Policies failed because if Obama was successful in implementing Government Healthcare, Cap and Tax, and all his re-distributive policies (see the budget) we were screwed!
Guess what? Limbaugh was right as usual and Liberals twist everything.Why do Liberals twist everything?
The leftist must deny and hide the truth for the truth reveals their lies .
Saying that if such listed policies were instituted that we would be "scr@wed" is a leap of conclusion founded upon no listed factual evidence. Why do cons leap to conclusions with no factual evidence? Why do cons think we are ignorant to perceive this, and that we automatically accept such baseless conclusions?
By the way, would you call what happened in Autumn 2008 being "scr@wed"? Now, that's hard evidence of what being "scr@wed" means.Why do Liberals twist everything?
If they went with the TRUTH... if they went with what was right... nobody would vote for them... not even KOOL-AIDE drinkers.
Can you Imagine - the speeches?
I know I've already lied about it once... during the campaign - but hell - you fell for it once before... There will not be any LOBBYISTS in my Administration, - also - I will not support EAR-MARKS - although my first "stimulus" bill (which really didn't stimulate anything - except my pet projects) contained almost 9000 Ear-Marks... And BY THE WAY... the 8% unemployment that we were not supposed to exceed - even though we spend BILLIONS... is really now at 17% - if you included the UNDER-EMPLOYED and the people who have been out of work SO LONG that they have GIVEN up.
No... when you are like that... you have to twist - or perish.
They, are a twisted lot. They try and rewrite history to suit their needs -- they'd have you believe that THEY were the ones in support of Civil Rights,etc., etc., etc.. Twisting the truth then is the only way they can face themselves in the morning.
Isn't it funny that the lib.s seem to know more about what's said on Fox than do most Republicans? Must be because when you collect Welfare, you have nothing better to do... The rest of us are too busy working.Why do Liberals twist everything?
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Like the rest of the GOP, Limbaugh wants Obama to fail so that he doesn't end up looking good and thereby get reelected.
It's important to the GOP that it happens that way. Even if America completely tanks in the process. Republicans don't care.
Conservatives do it to. All politicians and political commentators lie. Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck lie all the time, just like Michael Moore lies, Nancy Pelosi lies, and every other person you see on the TV lies.
What he said.....
"I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: “Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.” Somebody’s gotta say it."
No twisting needed.
hoping that Obama's policies fail to end the recession is NOT ACCEPTABLE and is not something an American who loves his country would ever do.
Liberals have to twist everything because, deep down, they know that their ideas are completely un-American and anti-Constitution and anti-Laissez Faire
Oh, so it's only okay for cons to do it constantly, including Rush, but heaven forbid anyone give him a taste of his own medicine.
And of course no conservative has ever misquoted a liberal.
Limbaugh is an idiot.
Different words, same meaning.
Lying and fraud are a way of life for liberals.
Rush Limbaugh is so fat,
I can see him from my house.
Yes, he did @ Cpac. Who cares, the man is allowed his opinion.
They have no substance ....therefore they lie.
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