Monday, January 23, 2012

I need a quote about like how people twist words, and like karma and gossiping?

this girl is starting crap about me and telling people that i called this one girl a whore when i didnt. and this girl always talks **** about everybody and i never did anything to her.I need a quote about like how people twist words, and like karma and gossiping?
Worthless people blame their karma. ~Burmese Proverb

What you don't see with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth. ~Jewish Proverb

Gossip is what no one claims to like, but everybody enjoys." -Joseph Conrad

Karma is a ***** and she'll gets what she deserves in the end- AnoymousI need a quote about like how people twist words, and like karma and gossiping?
You know, just stay out of the drama and claim you never did, although its the hardest thing to do and you just want to punch her across the face the best thing to do is not fight back, cause that's what she wants you to do,take a deep breath, act careless and maybe tell someone if you feel like you're really gonna rip her head off... Or if you do add a mortal kombat pun in the mix ^_^
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