By the way, I'm not a democrat and not a republican.Why has the word Liberal been turned into a bad word, when it means being open?
In American politics, "liberal" doesn't really mean liberal, and "conservative" doesn't really mean conservative.
Those two terms are now most often used in their political contexts. With politics being as polarizing as it is, vocal members of each side consider the term for the other to be a "bad word".
If you mean that to be objective, is not tell the truth. You may want to rethink that!
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Why has the word Liberal been turned into a bad word, when it means being open?Liberal is NOT a four letter word. John Kennedy said he was proud to be called a Liberal. Liberal has become negative to SOME people in recent years becuase of Limbaugh, Hannity , and the number of clones they have spawned. They spew hate and misinformation on a daily basis. Unfortunately, those people are where the uninformed go to get disinformation and lies. It is propaganda years in the making.
by the way, below is what Liberalism is all about. Sounds pretty good to me: to bad no one on the "right" wants to concern themselves with the facts:
...of conscience
You have the right to think as you wish.
...of religion
You have the right to worship as you please. The government has no business either supporting or opposing religion in general or any specific religion.
...of speech
You have the right to express your views, whatever they may be. Only in the free marketplace of ideas can truth emerge.
Civil rights
All people are equal under the law. Any type of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or gender is not only inconsistent with a free and civil society, but is immoral as well.
Universal public education
Equality of opportunity requires all Americans to have access to a basic education consistent with maintaining informed citizenship and the ability to participate fully in society.
Tolerance of Differences
Because we are all unique beings, with different skills, needs, and wants, we must respect the life choices of others as long as their life choices do not infringe on the rights enjoyed by other citizens.
A Social Safety Net
Recognizing that circumstances beyond mortal control play a part in all our lives, a basic social safety net shall be avaliable to all who need it, not as a permanent lifestyle, but rather as a helping hand to get back on one's feet.
Employees' Rights
We spend most of our lives working. Work is the foundation of our economy and a major part of the glue holding together communities. The employee is an equal business partner with the employer, and as such, has the right to collectively bargain for terms of employment.
Environmental Protection
Contrary to some people's opinions, it is possible to both protect the environment and sustain economic growth. We support taking all reasonable and responsible steps to protect the environment and the species contained therein.
Strong Families
The family is the primary social unit in America. It must be respected, and encouraged in all its forms. Government should make policy with this in mind.
With rights come responsibilities. Exercising our rights means taking responsibility for our actions, and their effects on others.
Free Enterprise
The capitalist economic system is the most efficient solution to providing for peoples' wants and needs. Government's role is that of a regulator, not a controller of industry, and any regulation must only be for the good of society as a whole, and not for the benefit of any one entity.
Rule of Law
Law is the framework in which society operates. There can be no society without justice. Justice means that those who commit crimes must be made to answer for them, and that the criminal code is fair and wisely constructed. When criminal actions go unpunished, respect for the law weakens. The law applies to all, including all agents of the government.
...most importantly, Progress
Well, because a Republican campaign advisor correctly realized that turning a word that inherently describes Democrats into a word with a strong negative connotation would give the republicans an advantage with Independents.
It was a brilliant idea and I can tip my hat to them.
I came up with a counterbalance to that in 2004 to help eliminate that --- A "Republican Tool" --- someone who votes Republican against their own self interest so that (in their opinion) they do not appear foolish.
Feel free to read the link for more details on how to determine if you are a Republican Tool.Why has the word Liberal been turned into a bad word, when it means being open?
There isn't a "why." When the Rushes and Billos of the world repeat it frequently enough, it becomes a curse. Most people who rail against liberals (and socialists) can't tell you what those words actually mean, never mind explaining to you why they're bad.
ask the sp's
Perhaps because they are "open" with the money I earn for my family and are more than happy to take it and give it to others who "need" it.
There is a difference between Liberal and liberal. The former, capital L, is an ideology in which people believe the government's job is to actively help all people with social programs. The latter, lowercase l, is the classical form of liberalism, in which people believe in less government interference in their lives, knowing that people can best do for themselves without government interference. The reason some believe the word Liberal, capital L, is a "bad word" is due to its close ties to socialism and communism. These people to not think it is the job of the government to provide everything to the people.
Well, when the liberals started believing that the answer to every problem in this nation became more government and less freedom, then it became a bad word.
Liberalism has a brilliant history, and it's a very necessary part of politics.
Liberals of the last few decades have made complete @sses of themselves and made it a bad word.
If you think about it, some of the best things about America came from liberals--the Civil Rights movement, Sufferage, Equal Rights, Equal Pay, women serving in the military, breaking the glass ceiling.
All of these things are basically liberal concepts and entirely within the American way of life, but liberals don't think this way any more.
Today, it's special rights, it's okay to kill unborn babies, it's okay to kill old people who have become a burden, it's okay to legalize drugs, it's okay to screw anyone you want and have society pay the price for your stupidity.
Liberals have become brain-dead, hate-filled, bearly human entities. They really don't stand for anything that is "Liberal", they just wear the name. Most of what they stand for is "Leftist" the way communism and fascism promotes liberalism.
Only the far right hatemonger neocons consider liberal a bad word. *sm*
That's what happens when talk radio gets a hold of it.
I hear you. It seems that people who dislike all things "liberal" are mostly concerned about people who are liberal for the sake of being liberal, i.e., never satisfied unless they are pushing the envelope on social/political issues - effectively, liberal fundamentalists. Living in NYC, I can tell you it's more often used here as a badge of honor.
i dont know...i'm a lib and still call myself a lib....the politically correct term now is *progressive*
It use to mean open. Not any longer. It now means socialism. Liberalism has gone so far to the left, that its leaders, want to control us, they do not want anyone having their own mind, or self control.
because they ruined their own name.
It doesn't mean "open" in most contexts anymore. It can, as in "liberal democracies" in the West. But now "social liberals" support freedom-crushing (always in the name of the collective good) things like taking away guns, banning smoking and foods that make you fat, and certain "offensive" behavior/language (that they define as offensive).
It got twisted during FDR's New Deal, when liberals supported bigger government to deal with the Depression. It's gotten so bad that we now call your liberalism "Classical Liberalism" in contrast to what it currently means in America. It wasn't conservatives that made it dirty, it was liberals who abandoned the concepts without abandoning the word.
Although to be fair, conservatives claim to believe in limited government (which is Classical Liberalism), but they can't stand social freedom so they're losers too.
btw, good for you not feeding the beast that is two party politics.
The problem dear is not the word itself, it is most people who call themselves liberal that are the problem. The reason why you see so many conservatives bash the liberals by using the word Liberal as a curse word is because "in practice" the same people who call themselves liberal are anything but.
The meaning of the word liberal is very unique but certainly you do not need to be a liberal to have such qualities.
For example: Open minded. Sorry most liberals( The ultra liberal ones at least) are not open minded. Which is why some many liberals, the second they hear or see a message that is not acceptable to then, they start screaming personal attacks, and/or assault those who disagree with they viewpoint.
You can see such liberal intolerance at the Republican Convention, and most college campuses for example.
David Horowitz has been booed off a few campuses without even saying a word. Ann Coulter was pied in the face at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
And they wonder why those who dare to disagree attack them back?
According to the liberal, in order to be open-minded, not only are you supposed to agree with the liberal view point but one is supposed to accept the liberal agenda. No! It is not!
Just because someone doesn't accept your agenda and disagree with your view point, does not mean that individual is not open-minded
All it means to be open-minded is that one has the ability to look at the world(Both the Micro and Macro) through different lenses in order to gain perspective of the world.
While looking at the world through each lens, one of three things can happen.
1. Ones original or current view can change, from liberal to conservative or visa versa.
2. Ones original or current view can become neutral.
3. Ones original or current view can become strengthened as a result of having an open mind.
In the end, until the liberals start praticing what they preach, they do not desirve to be called a liberal in a manner that is not a curse word.
Besides liberals often use the word "conservative as a curse word" is that ok? or not ok? Or a double standard?
Because in this country, where conservatism reign supreme, it's the equivalent of a four letter word.
give thanks to the closed minded conservatives
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