to justify their prejudices and discrimination?
As they Historically did to justify segregation and even slavery and as they now try do to prevent legalization of gay marriage.Jesus affirmed a gay couple.This story is recorded in Matthew 8:5-13 and Luke 7:1-10.鈥?/a>
Why do conservative Christians refuse to see this and justify their hatred and paranoia for gay people with vague descriptions about sexual morality that aren't even the words of Christ Himself?
How can they at the same time support any war and do it so easily as they do simply ignoring one of the corner stones of His teachings that is very clear?Love your enemies,do good to those who harm you.How do they do it?Is it selective Christianity?|||If your God hates all the same people you hate you can be assured you are the one that created him.|||Most people use religion as a means to an end. Whether they know it or not....|||The word of God is clear on this subject. The bible tells us that God created man and woman and they are to cling together in marriage. It never gives examples of same sex marriage. Why do you need Christian approval?|||i dont find the TEN COMMANDS to be vague...adultery equals fornication!! plain and simple
i dont hate anyone...why do you continue to ask the same thing?
i do not support any wars..|||Because they lust for control. In my opinion most conservative Christians have an agenda that grants them control. It starts in the church, seeps into local politics and then grows to cause mayhem and discontent in national politics That's why I believe they twist Scriptures.|||Not that I even needed to get my Bible out to refute this preposterous assertion, but I did: Matthew 8:5-13 is the story of the Roman soldier asking Jesus to heal his SERVANT. There is no affirmation of a supposed relationship of that kind, even if there were one, which is neither indicated directly nor by implication. Neither is there one indicated in the passage from Luke; it merely states that he requested help on behalf of his servant "who was dear to him" and was sick and ready to die. In all likelihood, the servant in question had been a family servant since this centurion was a child, and was therefore like a parent, and was elderly and sick. In any case, there is not a HINT of indication that there was a homosexual relationship, and even if there had been, there is not a HINT of Jesus' "affirming" it; He merely healed the man in response to the centurion's faith in asking Him.
I don't know what pro-homosexual-agenda translation YOU have, but the Bible is very clear on the issue, regardless of whether Jesus Himself spoke on it directly. He certainly never refuted the condemnation of homosexuality in Mosaic law, so regardless of whether He personally spoke about it or not, He at least tacitly affirmed God's position on homosexuality.
WHOA BUDDY!! "You are the same people who were in favor of segregation..." HOLD UP! CHRISTIAN people organized the Underground Railroad to assist runaway slaves in their escape. CHRISTIAN people lobbied for equality next to Reverend Martin Luther King. Don't make mass accusations. People can and do twist scripture (as you've just aptly demonstrated). But you can't just condemn a whole group for the sins of a few. If we did where would the Civil Rights movement be today, taking into consideration racial statistics associated with crime, for example? You don't pass judgment on a whole group of people for the actions of a few.
And I've read God's Word myself, not relied on my pastor to "think for me." I suggest you do the same. Talk about "selective Christianity."|||I am 56 and have experienced this more and more and I have decided for myself that there are many narrow minded people out there and I think they are born that way and they can only see things one way. I mean that in sincerity.|||Your verses you gave have nothing to do with gay people. I don't see what you're talking about. Jesus outlined proper, godly, and acceptable marriage - between a man and a woman - several times in his teachings.|||nature of the beast|||Romans 1:22-32 Clearly states that all homosexuality is a sin and it is also a sin if you enjoy watching those who participate in such acts.
AND Matthew 8:5-13 and Luke 7:1-10 is talking about the centurions servant being sick with the palsy and the centurion had so great a faith that Jesus could heal him just by saying it.
These 2 passages are showing what great faith can do in a Christians life.|||I simply have found out over the years to not pay that much attention to the old testament and try my best to live by the words of Jesus. having true undoubting faith and love.and accepting the holy spirit into me and trying to do Gods will. the spirit of God is what directs me.not some words in a book.Peace|||Wow! That's a lot to consider in one question. Your primary question seems to be about Gay people and Christians, however. And while I am not Christian, I do believe in balance. Therefore, Gay relationships don't make sense to me----but I would never hurt or discriminate against someone who is Gay. Some of the best nurses I have worked with -- more compassionate and caring than any others -- have been Gay men. I am not supposed to judge---that's God's department. Blessings!|||You must be reading some kind of new bible. That passage is in no way referring to an affirmation of a homosexual couple. You must be flying in a fog, man.|||That's a new one in my book of stereo types...|||Oh, my goodness, now who's twisting Scripture? Jesus does not affirm gay couples and doesn't tell us to legalize gay marriage.
But you are right in one way. Too many believers say they believe the Bible but ignore much of what it teaches. Anyone who reads the book of John should be able to see that Jesus asks his followers to love and serve others with their lives.|||because conservatives are not serious to be taken people at all. they are hedonistic and brainles as can be. so what do you want from them?|||Christian's are taught to love the sinner. (and it states very clearly in the bible that sodomy is a sin) As a Christian I am compelled to love all my brothers and sisters, those in Christ and those who have not yet accepted him. I do not have to love their lifestyle. I have a sister who is a lesbian and I love her just as much as I loved her before I knew of her decision. This does not mean that I accept her lifestyle choice, and she knows how I feel about her decision. We have talked very openly about it.
As far as your claim that Christ "affirmed" a gay couple, I don't know what Bible you're reading, but that is a description of Christ healing the servant of an army officer. It says absolutely nothing about a gay couple!! I think you're reading way too much into it!!|||first of all don't be so quick to judge people yourself and second of all Matthew 8;5-13 talks about Jesus healing a soldiers servant ,and its not usually Christians who hate gays,why are you worrying bout others problems when you have your own to worry bout take a look at Judges 7;1-6|||I think that you had better READ the passages that you put in you question. It is a Roman officer asking about healing a servant --not a gay lover.|||I am sorry but who is twisting words here???...I am not going to condem gay people..they are wonderful people I have gay friends and family members does Jesus love them? Heck yes he does , but Jesus did not affirm a gay couple..nice try. This is a story of Jesus healing the servant of a you twisted this into any sort of gay affirmation story is way beyond me. Maybe you are the one who is practicing selective Christianity. Homosexuality is a sin...does this mean all gay people are going to hell..I personally do not think so, sin is sin in Gods eyes, and according to his word, the worst of all sins is taking his name in vain....I do not believe Christians necessarily support war, but we are supposed to support and pray for those who lead our country.. There are two people in this world who have basically volunteered to die for us...One is Jesus, the other is and American for our sins, the other for our Freedom. SO instead of preaching your anti-war crud, why don't you go and make some care packages or send some clean sheets or a letter to the people who are enabling you to have the freedom to write quesitons and comments such as this... instead of preaching against it think of the men and women in other countries and do something for them...they aren't sitting there bashing war and bashing the president, they are dying for us proudly, even if it is something we have nothing to do with..
For the record I am sure a good majority of us on this site had nothing to do with segregation...especially since I wasn't even how dare you lump me into that slavery was around LONG before America was even founded so it is not like you can blame Christians for that...Oh are you forgetting that the Pagan Egyptians had slaves...that were Jewish...If anyone of any race has any reason to feel slighted and who has had more injustices than any other race, creed or would be our Jewish brothers and sisters.
Luke 7:1-10 is retelling the same story.
Matt 8:5-13
5 When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help. 6 "Lord," he said, "my servant lies at home paralyzed and in terrible suffering."
7 Jesus said to him, "I will go and heal him."
8 The centurion replied, "Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. 9 For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, 'Go,' and he goes; and that one, 'Come,' and he comes. I say to my servant, 'Do this,' and he does it."
10 When Jesus heard this, he was astonished and said to those following him, "I tell you the truth, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. 11 I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. 12 But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
13 Then Jesus said to the centurion, "Go! It will be done just as you believed it would." And his servant was healed at that very hour.
NIV|||I agree 100% with those who have answered by quoting actual Bible verses.
Homosexulaity is considered a sin. Just like stealing, adultry, etc. are considered sins. We are all sinners in one way or another. By the grace of God ALL sins can be forgiven if we ask them to be. Most Christians I know tend to use the phrase "hate the sin, not the sinner" when it comes to homosexuality or any other sin.|||You're really going to hate me, if you don't already. Before I answer, let me make one thing clear: I do NOT condone hatred or discrimination in any form whatsoever. I have my reasons for being against same-sex marriage, but the top ones have nothing to do with anything the Bible says.
But I'll get to that in a minute. First, let's start with the link you posted. It's pretty ironic using a site like that, because it's pretty obvious that they have an agenda, just like the conservative Christians. THEIR agenda is to justify homosexuality, when at MANY points in the Bible, it is spoken against. If people are gay, fine. But don't look to a book that's so against it for permission to be that way!
No, Jesus Himself did not speak out specifically about homosexuality. However, He ALSO didn't mention bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia, orgies, threesomes, spouse abuse, emotional abuse, or child abuse. He never mentioned war, or if it was okay for a person who served Him to also serve in the military. As for the first things I mentioned, perhaps the reason He didn't name them specifically was because His audience didn't NEED to have them named. All He had to do was mention sexual immorality, and people KNEW that that included bestiality, adultery, pedophilia, and yes, homosexuality.
There's another problem with that site's version of the story. It's true that the only direct mention of homosexuality in the New Testament was from Paul. However, Paul knew the other disciples. If any of Paul's teachings had been incorrect, I'm sure one of the apostles would have corrected him. Why didn't they? Even in the apocryphal writings there is no mention of this. I would think that would be important enough to warrant a mention, ESPECIALLY since homosexuality was common in the Roman Empire. Think about that. There would not have been a political agenda against homosexuality at that time, and yet no one tried to say that Jesus endorsed it. Why? BECAUSE HE DIDN'T. (Sorry for the caps, but that's the only way to make that stand out.)
If one studies early Christian writings, they find that NONE of the earliest Christians believed that homosexual sex was acceptable. Not ONE.
As far as war goes, that's kind of a touchy thing. Some wars are justified (World War II, World War I, the U.S. Civil War, Revolutionary War, et cetera). The war in Iraq...well, I don't know. Don't assume that ALL conservatives are for the war. Not all of us are. I'm not "for" it, nor am I against it. And may I remind you, my own husband is going to be there sometime in November, for fifteen months. Allow me to remind you, also, that I've lost friends there, and had friends injured. Of all people, I'm in the situation where I would have the RIGHT to be against the war. My information is second-hand (straight from people who have been there, or are there now)...and yet, I'm not against it.
No, it's not selective Christianity. It's called "people are entitled to their opinions." It's called "judge NOT." I don't have the right to judge people who don't share my opinions.
Furthermore, let's take a quick look into all the things in the Bible that are considered sins. Why are they considered sins? Every single one of them falls under one or both of these two things: either A) they harm someone else (murder, adultery, theft, lying, et cetera), or B) they harm the person who commits the sin (drunkenness, fornication, et cetera). Does homosexuality fall under either one of these? If you look into the statistics for HIV/AIDS and other various infections and STD's, the answer is YES, it most definitely does. In the US, male homosexuals comprise about 47% of all people who have been diagnosed with AIDS, while heterosexuals only comprise 17%.
And you'll notice that the site is actually NEUTRAL, and receives their information directly from the CDC (Center for Disease Control). That's just one example. I can obtain other statistics on demand.
I would never tell you that just because you disagree with me, you're not a Christian. That's between you and God, isn't it? Let me offer one piece of advice though, and I'm done.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Are you trusting God, or are you trusting someone else's interpretation of God?|||When you ask someone to reconsider beliefs, especially those which may not have been questioned in any real depth, you catch them off guard and defensive.
It's so much more comforting for people to hold onto and nurture their long-held beliefs rather than go back and take a more critical look at the subject.
Thank you for your question and I'm sorry the Christians here didn't take the opportunity to search their hearts before sprinting to the bookshelf to retrieve a Bible.
I have always thought that if there is a God he would encourage people to find him there first-in their hearts.
The Bible is open to interpretation and that's what makes it so confusing to get a clear answer and so simple to twist and distort.
How can anyone trust such a book, and why do people ignore the conflict between what their heart tells them and what they read in the Bible. If you believe in a God wouldn't he live in your heart?
Well, I'm rambling now but the point I am trying to make is this; It IS selective Christianity because Christians are as confused about their God as I am but the difference between me and them is I don't try to make a square peg fit into a round hole, I continue to question everything.|||I dont think the true message of christ will ever really be read or adhered to by very many in the world. If christ uses the word sword just once well thats taken that he approves violent action. Christianity is very selective they adhere to the sections of the bible that suit them.
Religion is a tool of the elite to control. It used to be that they even controlled reading. Now that people can read they just distribute various versions of the bible. Check it out there are literally dozens of versions of the truth.
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