Monday, January 23, 2012

Why do some Christians try to twist God's inerrant Word to suit their modern liberal, secular lifestyles?

According to God, in His best seller The Bible, it's OK to sell your daughter into sex slavery - see Exodus 21:7-8:

"When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her."

Yet when I approach my Christian neighbors with a $20 and express my interest, they actually seem to take offense. I know that it can't be because they doubt God's Word, which is 100% literally true. I even reassure them that if she fails to please me, I won't sell her to the Mexicans, but will deliver her back in decent condition, minus normal wear and tear. Still, nothing doing.

I assume that this is because of the influence of modern, liberal, secular society, which, as we all know, is the great evil of our times.

What's the best way to bring them back to God's Word?|||Most of today's Christians are cherry pickers that endured childhood indoctrination and are making their way in the world the best way they know how -- ignoring the words from their god that don't support their views and fiercely embracing the misconstrued messages that endorse hate and the superiority over non-Christians.|||Don't ever change, jonjon.|||I am going to keep this simple, you are asking "Christians" and ur question is concerning the mosaic law, which Christians are no longer under, did u not know that?

update: Yes Jesus fulfilled the law, that is why we are no longer under it. Basically the law showed folks that as imperfect humans we need something greater, thus Jesus Ransom sacrifice.

the most import. commandment is to love God and neighbor.|||Hey man, keep negotiating with those neighbors, and if you score one of those daughters, pick up one for me.---I'll send you the 20 plus a fin for your troubles.|||It's very interesting that Christians will recite from the OT till it bites em in the butt, then all of a sudden it's all about the NT. Take Leviticus, they will curse all Homosexuals to Hell using that texts, but when you make a valid point of the OT then all of a sudden "NOOOOOO.............we are now in the NT times". Funny huh?|||There is some things in the prophetic books I find to be useful; they are the prophecies of Christ to come. But, other than that, I don't really focus on anything but the Words of Christ... my goal is to be Christ-like.

Paul is widely misinterpreted. His epistles are historical, not doctrine for all time.|||You love that old testament don't you? Wake up and smell the roses, we are in the new testament now.|||Not all Christians are Biblical literalists. There are a number of different denominations that do not insist upon literalism (including my own), and the material you're citing above is one of the many reasons why. As for being both modern and liberal, I plead guilty to both. I'd rather live in a postmodern, inclusive society than to live in the past.|||They turn their back on God's Infallable Word. If it wasn't true, Bronze Age men wouldn't have written it down, now would they.|||That's why tyrants throughout history have used the bible as a tool of control. They could justify their tyrannical decisions easily when there is SOMETHING in the bible that makes it OK.|||the same way that you could twist gods word like you just did.|||Dear Dr Laura,

Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God’s law. I have learned a great

deal from your show and try to share that message with as many people as I can. When someone

tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus

18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate.

I do need some advice from you however regarding some of the other specific laws and how to

follow them.

1. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odour for

the Lord (Lev. 1:9). The problem is my neighbours. They claim the odour is not pleasing

to them. My question to you is; - should I smite them?

2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day

and age what do you think would be a fair price for her?

3. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided

they are purchased from neighbouring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to

Mexicans but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can’t I own Canadians?

4. I have a neighbour who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2, clearly states

that he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself?

5. A friend of mind feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination (Lev 11:10),

it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don’t agree. Can you settle this?

6. Leviticus 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in

my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20 or

is there some wriggle room here?

7. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples,

even though this is expressly forbidden in Lev. 19:27. How should they die?

8. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same

field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (in her

case a cotton/polyester blend!). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. My question

is; is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together

to stone them? (Lev. 24: 10-16). Couldn’t we just burn them to death at a private family

affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)

Dr Laura, I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident that you can

help. Thank you again for reminding us that God’s word is eternal and unchanging.

Your devoted fan


Dear Dr. Laura (An Open Letter),

Inasmuch as countless others are contacting you daily regarding God's law and family matters, I felt that I should do so as well.

My teenage son became rebellious, disobedient, and drank and ate too much. I knew that the Old Testament (OT) required me to gather my neighbors together and take my unruly son to the edge of the city and stone him to death (Deut. 21:21). Should I have obeyed the OT?

My neighbor suspects his young vivacious wife with infidelity. He is consumed with jealously just thinking about this. His wife denies his accusations. The OT (Numbers 5:11-31) provides a way to reconcile this dilemma for the couple. What it allows, is, for the husband to take his wife to the priests, or rabbis, and have her fed poison. If she is innocent she will not be harmed. If she is guilty she will get what she deserves; her insides will bloat and her thighs will rot away and she won't be able to have any more children (they already have five). My question to you is: "Do you believe this a failsafe way for my neighbor to handle this problem?"

I recently heard of someone who has come down with leprosy, of all things. According to the OT (Leviticus 14:1-8), the first step in cleansing leprosy is to have the priests or rabbis to kill a dove and spill its blood into an earthen bowl. Then the priest or rabbi is to take a live dove and, dip it in the bowl of the blood of the first dove. Then the live bird is to be loosed in the fields. If this doesn't work one can take a larger more expensive animal, such as sheep, and do a similar exercise (the priest gets to eat the meat). Would you advise that this person, diagnosed with leprosy, seek this kind of help from one of your Rabbi friends -- perhaps the one with whom you co-authored your book?

My spouse, -- "the wife of my bosom" -- for some 57 years, has, in recent years, sought comfort and solace in some aspects of the "New Age" religions. She has talked repeatedly and glowingly, to me, other members of our family, and people generally, about the joy and contentment she finds in some aspects of this. Sometimes I fear she may be becoming a later-day pagan. She has definitely turned away after other gods. I am told (Deut.13:6-11), in no uncertain terms, that I must personally kill her, lest she contaminates me and others with these gentler, un-God like, non-biblical beliefs. I really don't want to stone her to death. Our children and our grandchildren love their mother and grandmother very much, and are opposed to my killing her, refuseing to help me as they are required to do. After all she is her children's mom. Is there any way out of this for me?

I have two brothers who pre-deceased their wives. One of these women was childless. I understand that it was my duty as the husband's brother (Deut. 25:5-10), to go in unto this childless sister-in-law, and bed her, and take her as my wife and bring up an heir for my poor dead brother. Dr. Laura, did it matter that I was already married? Did it matter that my wife took a dim view of my actually doing this? Was letting my sister-in-law publicly spit in my face the only alternative I had to doing this? That was pretty damn humiliating, I can tell you! Even so, that is much better than what happened to poor pitiful Onan (Gen. 38:9-10)! Now that was a sad business. Not only God killing Onan was sad, but also extrapolating from this that male masturbation is a capital offense, is a real downer for a lot of men and boys -- this includes a good many deeply religious folks.

Dr. Laura, I know that you have not long been a convert to the God of the OT. But you do speak as one of the anointed ones, with the most certainty I have ever heard. Certainty is not uncommon in new converts but yours is exceptional. You say that you are knowledgeable in all the world religions. You can see why I have turned to you. My personal problems are rather pressing. Even though I have several biblical reasons for stoning my wife to death (she may have also been guilty of using perfume and body oil intended for priests and rabbis, Exodus 30:22-38) -- I wouldn't put it past her -- I just can't bring myself to throw the first stone. Like me, my wife is 75 years old, and if I put off killing her indefinitely she may die of old age, or I may die, and then I would not be able to kill her. What am I to do?

Oh by the way, do these commands of God apply only to Orthodox Jews? Are Reformed Jews, Christians, Muslims, Mormons, or others, who worship the OT God, bound by these laws as well? If you are an Orthodox Jew and your wife becomes a Christian, are you required to kill her, or is that okay? Is it all right for wives who believe in the OT God to kill their husbands if they turn to other gods, like football, say? These are just a few of the questions I have when I hear you singing the praise of your newfound fundamentalist faith.

Blessings and Shalom!

Bob Minick|||You *******, Jonjon! I was going to ask this one! I had it all worked out!

You gotta remember though not to beat her so hard that she can't get up on the second day. If she can't get up on the first you're still quite within your Biblical rights. Also she is not allowed to leave your home (unlike any male slaves you may also have acquired).|||try $40 next time.|||oh i know the answer to this one: Jesus came and made certain things invalid in the old testament. not all though! apparently some are still good practices, so they still refer to them as God-given truth. now they can enjoy their shrimp salads and still despise homosexuals with equal vigor.

God bless.|||don't forget about stoning your neighbors if they don't keep the Sabbath holy.|||Well, its cause it their choice whether or not to sell her, you know?|||try living in the NT times instead of the OT...this will require

reading the bible from matthew to revelation though...might

be tough...|||I think it was just the $20 that they were offended at.

A good young woman, methinks, would be worth $100K to $1M depending on looks, education, poise, personality, etc.|||If you're going to hold us to Old Testament standards of behavior, then all of us will fall short of God's glory....

....oh yeah, almost forgot.

That's why we need a Savior!

That was in fact the purpose of the law - to help the Jews understand how they would never be able to "work" their way into God's good graces, as it were.

In other words - as Jesus said - it's not enough that you're not committing murder, if you hate in your heart - it's the exact same thing as murder; or it's not enough if you don't commit adultery, if you lust in your heart, it's the exact same thing as adultery.

The law you see, was leading the Jews to the sad, inescapable truth - that God's holiness and God's righteousness were well beyond anything we could comprehend or obtain through normal human effort.

The point is - we all sin, we all fall short, we all need a Savior for redemption and reconciliation - and despite its improbable beginnings, it is actually the easiest standard of all to achieve.

All you have to do is believe it.|||I know! I know!

It's because they're your neighbors. They're so overjoyed by the thought of selling their daughter as your sex slave, that they're afraid of selling her to their neighbor. If you sold your daughter as a sex slave, you'd want to celebrate with her CONSTANTLY! They're worried they'll spend too much time over at your place helping the two of you celebrate your potential great sex, and because of that worry, they only want to sell her to people that live farther away.

Move down the street.|||What a pathetic excuse for an Atheist. In the ancient world, they didn't have bankruptcy laws, so they would sell themselves in to slavery, although it was more like servant-hood.|||Well, a couple things.

1) Stop opposing the Church. It is not right "to sell your daughter into sex slavery ". The Bible is the Bible because the Church says so.

2) The Bible is not 100% literally anything. It has many genres. Tell me this, Why did both Jesus and Paul NOT turn the other cheek when struck ???? Why was Origen condemned for cutting off a body part that offended. And most of all why was St Augustine's favorite scripture : The word kills , but the Spirit gives life !!

3) Modern liberal society is not what you think it is. Read

Newman against the Liberals (25 Classic Sermons) by John Henry Newman.

Then do the blowhard thing.

Oh yeah, just curious, is 'Top Contributor' for quality or for quantity. Just curious.|||LMAO...thats sounds like something my boyfriend would say.

Maybe you should try offering more money. $35 sounds about right.|||God also said we should kill our kids for cursing us.

Do the fundies execute their kids?|||You're talking about Jews here buddy. WHATEVER is in the New Testament as a rule, that we do and you can ask us about. The rules/laws of Moses, we don't care too much for.|||One of the problems with people who believe in the bible is that they take it literally. It shouldn't be it's a writing meant for contemplation not for literal interpretation. But most people would prefer not to think so a literal view becomes the norm among alot of Christians.

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