Monday, January 23, 2012

Why do people twist the words of the Bible around to fit their life style?

very true ...also why do ppl use GOD for a fly-trap,or make HIS words into gummy speech to sway ppl their way for self gain....interestingWhy do people twist the words of the Bible around to fit their life style?
It was written by man, you can't take it word for word
It's an ancient collection of fairy tales. What do you expect?Why do people twist the words of the Bible around to fit their life style?
so they don't need to change...
because they like judging people when jesus clearly said not toWhy do people twist the words of the Bible around to fit their life style?
That way they can live their lives the way they want to while telling everyone else what a sin it is to do so. Hypocrisy rules!
it's easier than living by what is written...
People do not like to be accountable and responsible if they do not twist the words around they would be hypocrites. A vast majority of Roman Catholics would.
For the sake of sin

tGod bless
Because they're not willing to accept it.
That is a very good question. A lot of people either listen to somebody else's interpretation of it, or else they misinterpret words on their own. You need the proper tools to translate words correctly and many people fall short on that too. I can see where all these different versions come from these days. God INSPIRED the bible and man wrote what God told them to write. So the more original the text the better. The best proven English bible is the kjv 1611 version, it has the least errors of them all.
most of the people who do that are ignorant of what they are talking about

and some are just wicked

here's is a verse just for those people who get it "twisted"

Revelations 22:18-19

18For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

19And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Cause their lifestyle is too degrading [morally] and they just don't know what to do about it.
I come here for teh lulz; that was superb.

It's almost as if you do NOT believe that godsters pick and choose which parts of the goat herders' guide to the galaxy you should live by this week.

Ever wondered why godsters suddenly (relatively) realised that Slavery, Rape and Child Molestation, weren't good things.

When did y'all suddenly realise that stoning disobedient children to death was not a good idea?

And don't tell me that's Old Testament stuff - there's lotsa stuff in Leviticus y'all still quote to justify you position on stuff ... when it suits you.

It seems that the godless atheists didn't believe in the assertions of your 'god' ... thank god.


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