Monday, January 30, 2012

Why do people twist words and make it so that it turns into a fight? this confuses me.?

Because they want to fight. People who don't want to fight often twist words in order to prevent a fight.Why do people twist words and make it so that it turns into a fight? this confuses me.?
People are inherently stupid, and when they're angry, want to take it out on whomever it is possible to. Typically, that turns into whoever made the mistake of talking to them, and they deflect their anger towards that person.

Why do Liberals twist everything?

Ok, so another Liberal was talking about how Limbaugh said he wanted Obama to screw up the country. Once again, a complete twisting of words. Limbaugh said he hoped Obama's Policies failed because if Obama was successful in implementing Government Healthcare, Cap and Tax, and all his re-distributive policies (see the budget) we were screwed!

Guess what? Limbaugh was right as usual and Liberals twist everything.Why do Liberals twist everything?
The leftist must deny and hide the truth for the truth reveals their lies .
Saying that if such listed policies were instituted that we would be "scr@wed" is a leap of conclusion founded upon no listed factual evidence. Why do cons leap to conclusions with no factual evidence? Why do cons think we are ignorant to perceive this, and that we automatically accept such baseless conclusions?

By the way, would you call what happened in Autumn 2008 being "scr@wed"? Now, that's hard evidence of what being "scr@wed" means.Why do Liberals twist everything?
If they went with the TRUTH... if they went with what was right... nobody would vote for them... not even KOOL-AIDE drinkers.

Can you Imagine - the speeches?

I know I've already lied about it once... during the campaign - but hell - you fell for it once before... There will not be any LOBBYISTS in my Administration, - also - I will not support EAR-MARKS - although my first "stimulus" bill (which really didn't stimulate anything - except my pet projects) contained almost 9000 Ear-Marks... And BY THE WAY... the 8% unemployment that we were not supposed to exceed - even though we spend BILLIONS... is really now at 17% - if you included the UNDER-EMPLOYED and the people who have been out of work SO LONG that they have GIVEN up.

No... when you are like that... you have to twist - or perish.
They, are a twisted lot. They try and rewrite history to suit their needs -- they'd have you believe that THEY were the ones in support of Civil Rights,etc., etc., etc.. Twisting the truth then is the only way they can face themselves in the morning.

Isn't it funny that the lib.s seem to know more about what's said on Fox than do most Republicans? Must be because when you collect Welfare, you have nothing better to do... The rest of us are too busy working.Why do Liberals twist everything?
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Like the rest of the GOP, Limbaugh wants Obama to fail so that he doesn't end up looking good and thereby get reelected.

It's important to the GOP that it happens that way. Even if America completely tanks in the process. Republicans don't care.
Conservatives do it to. All politicians and political commentators lie. Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck lie all the time, just like Michael Moore lies, Nancy Pelosi lies, and every other person you see on the TV lies.
What he said.....

"I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: “Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.” Somebody’s gotta say it."

No twisting needed.
hoping that Obama's policies fail to end the recession is NOT ACCEPTABLE and is not something an American who loves his country would ever do.
Liberals have to twist everything because, deep down, they know that their ideas are completely un-American and anti-Constitution and anti-Laissez Faire
Oh, so it's only okay for cons to do it constantly, including Rush, but heaven forbid anyone give him a taste of his own medicine.
And of course no conservative has ever misquoted a liberal.
Limbaugh is an idiot.
Different words, same meaning.
Lying and fraud are a way of life for liberals.
Rush Limbaugh is so fat,

I can see him from my house.
Yes, he did @ Cpac. Who cares, the man is allowed his opinion.
They have no substance ....therefore they lie.

Why is it so hard for people to understand Islamic extremist have twisted the words in the Holy Qu'ran to?

justify the unjustifiable just as people have twisted the word in the Holy Bible to justify everything from slavery to murder.Why is it so hard for people to understand Islamic extremist have twisted the words in the Holy Qu'ran to?
You're absolutely right. Every group, religious or not, has its extremists. You wouldn't know it from here, but most Christians are moderate, tolerant people. And so are most Muslims, atheists, etc. It's just easier for most people to paint with a broad brush, I think. I don't think there are that many haters out there.
People will twist the meaning of anything if it helps them get their way. In an interview, a man who identified himself as a former Palestinian said that when the concept of suicide bombers was first brought up, people resisted. They said that suicide was forbidden in the Qu'ran. He then went on to say that the Imams got together in Egypt, and came back and said that suicide was acceptable if you killed a lot of infidels in the process. I'm sure that there have been people who have twisted the meaning of all religious text, if it suited their needs.Why is it so hard for people to understand Islamic extremist have twisted the words in the Holy Qu'ran to?
One problem.

The Koran and the Hadith both contain many passages that direct the Muslim follower to jihad and to fighting and killing non-believers. This is not twisting the Koran, nor is it taking it out of context - these are direct quotes.

Yes, the Koran also contains passages that promote peace and harmony of Muslims with others. But those passages co-exist with passages calling for violence and jihad against non-Muslims. So it depends on which Suras and passages one chooses to highlight that one can find both peace and violence withing the Koran.

And the interpretation of the Koran and Hadith falls on individual Imams, who are considered both the spiritual and political leaders of their followers.

Remember, too, that Islam is the only religion that places hits / contracts (fatwas) on unbelievers or heretics.

While it is true that the Bible and Christianity have been twisted to support the unsupportable, the fact is that those who claim the Koran supports their violence and hatred do not twist it at all. They just select the verses that support them. And there are many which call on them to jihad and to war.

Qur'an (5:33) - "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement"

Qur'an (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Qur'an (9:123) - "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness."

Bukhari (52:177) - Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."

Muslim (1:33) - the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah

Ibn Ishaq: 327 - 鈥淎llah said, 鈥楢 prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.鈥欌€?br>

Ibn Ishaq: 992 - "Fight everyone in the way of Allah and kill those who disbelieve in Allah."

These are just a few, there are many more...
Education? Intelligence? Common sense?

The whole "twisted the words" argument is kind of a hard sell when the guy who wrote them slaughtered every last male in any tribe who wouldn't convert.. and brought their females back to be raped repeatedly.

Al Qaeda is actually far more moderate than Muhammed ( may he rot in hell ) was.Why is it so hard for people to understand Islamic extremist have twisted the words in the Holy Qu'ran to?
I think plenty of people understand that.

The difference is, in large scale examples, Islam is the only religion that is still pushing those twistings. Christianity gave up twisting the bible to justify atrocities a long time ago.
Yes, because I see SO many "moderate Muslims" criticizing the "radicals." I mean it's not like their Holy book says to kill infidels and that their prophet was a pedophile who raped little girls.
The Quoran is not violent. Islam doesn't promote violence. But the 1 billion people with a 5th grade education and a background of poverty who practice Islam DO promote violence.
Those books kinda DO support all that violence and oppression...

You don't have to twist too hard to find justification for negativity.
so, it's like saying the Americans didn't bomb Hiroshima the bomb did. all religions that are 7th century ethic all want to kill in the name of their God.
Then where is the condemnation from the reasonable Muslim. I don't hear it. If you have a link please post it.
It's not hard for them to understand at all. They choose not too.

It helps them justify their bigotry. So why would they want to understand?
Interesting you call the Qu'ran "holy", and the bible trash.
Some people think that extremism must be dealt with more extremism.
Its easyer to just hate people than to understand them.
They do not want to understand and they twist the Christian Bible too.
Don't ask me.

It's hard enough for me to even care?
Jehovah's Witnesses did not fly planes into the WTC

Is World of Warcraft WoW Really Addicting?

Well my bro has World of Warcraft III Reign of Chaos And Frozen Throne And I played for 2 hours and didn't like it, no offense but for me that's boring i'd rather play crossword and word twist so my bro is keeping on forcing me to like it man i hate that crap i see him play it non-stop till 3am!Is World of Warcraft WoW Really Addicting?
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne are good Real-time strategy computer games.
OMG, WoW is rather addictive!!! I played for over a year, and was actually quite thrilled to not pay it one month just because that was the only way I would get away from it. I've been WoW free for 2 months now, but honestly, I miss it sometimes, because I actually made some great friends on there... Then again, I didn't spend time with my kids, and I almost ruined my marriage because I was on there talking to other guys instead of my husband.. (yes, I'm one of the few chicks that played the game).Is World of Warcraft WoW Really Addicting?
Well, as other people have said, thats a completely different game. I play this game and i cannot say im addicted to it, its just fun to play every now and then. I still have a life, in fact, I play varsity football for my school, i have a girlfriend, and i keep a respectable 3.8 GPA. its a fun game, and you can get addicted to it, just make sure you play it in moderation.
Om I'm not sure about those wow games.But if you play the real one just world of warcraft and burning crusade to me it is really addicting.So if i was you I would try those not you're bros Iv never even herd of those ones.Be sides if you're starting out lvl 1 its not so fun specially if you only play for 2 hours wants ur lvl gose higher the game gets really fun. But that is just my idea.If you dont like it who cares just means you'll do beter in school. LOL!Is World of Warcraft WoW Really Addicting?
OMG dont play it its so addictive its not funny i had to stop playing after a while and i discovered how i cud have been outside on sunny days playing but instead i was on wow once you start you cant stop and if you do stop u look back what a looser you were!

I use to play

it had damage my brain so much..

but it was worth no not really

I love the game... but it is really really really addicting i found my self up till 5 am on day and i got to school at 6...try telling your teacher you had to finish Hall of stone
if you don't count the people who stopped playing then yes its addicting at 1st but sometimes things get boring, but I bet those people will come back. If you haven't tried WoW, then just create a new char and start from the beginning.
Yes wow (world of warcraft) is very addicting. I play it and you get hooked and start playing it non stop. a way to get un addicted is to set times when you gotta get off. i am still addicted..................WORLD OF WARCRAFT ROCKS
i have a 35 yr old english teacher who plays it to 4am almost every night. he comes to school looking like he's on crack and once even fell asleep in class. hell yes it is addictive
No no, World of Warcraft Warth of the Lich King. It's the newest one and extremely addicted.

It's better quality and much funner then that old game crap.

Don't get sucked into it. I did but luckily I got out (:
yes its really addicting but if u want to play but dont wanna play to much theres a parental control option in acc managements to limit urself if u want to try it and are afraid of getting addicted
um, thats warcraft 3 not world of warcraft, completley different, ones an rts the other is an mmorpg
No one can force you to like WOW.

It is addictive, yes.

"South Park" did a great bit about WOW and how it can ruin lives.
Well considering there are 3 million players I'd say yes it is addicting.
there are 13 million players right now.... i play.... YES ITS ADDICTING lol
Not really, thats not World of warcraft thats warcraft!
well all yu need is a guy and a game and theyll get addicted to anything
play WoW,BC,WOTLK and then ull get addicted trust me.:D
No, I didn't like it either.

What Word Can You Make Out Of this?

Make one word out of this please...

C, H, I, L, E, S

One word please... I'm playing Text Twist and im trying to figure this out. :) Thanks!What Word Can You Make Out Of this?
Chisel, Slice, lies,What Word Can You Make Out Of this?
im clueless?
chisel. It is a word like chiseled chest.What Word Can You Make Out Of this?
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  • Need help with twist endings?

    The objective is to write a 55 word story with a twist ending. The problem is that I can not come up with any good twist endings. So can you please help me?

    Thanks in advance!Need help with twist endings?
    Well, that's a short story, if you want to kill off a character, then throw him off a cliff, make him a zombie,etc.

    If you killed off the villain then make him come back, have the hero/main character family or friend member work for the villain

    If you killed off the hero,person then make them come back as something.

    If you kept a person alive, then kill them

    Sorry I know my answer above stink : (
    55 words? thats only like 4 sentences

    to have a twist you have to have a developed plot so i dont really know what to say... just kill off the main character or have him be a ghost or something Need help with twist endings?
    At the end...the storyteller dies, or is dead, or has been dead, and it's a ghost telling the story.

    Like that.
    Write about a beautiful woman who displays strange characteristics of something of another world. The twist being she is a fairy or "Faerie" and fairies are master of disguises as they can shape shift. Mainly butterflies.Need help with twist endings?
    An unexpected ending that defies logic.

    Need help with twist endings?

    The objective is to write a 55 word story with a twist ending. The problem is that I can not come up with any good twist endings. So can you please help me?

    Thanks in advance!Need help with twist endings?
    you can just do the obvious. A man tries to help a woman find the killer of her friend, and he turns out to be the killer. You can start in the middle, kind of an as it is happening story. Talk about how she trusts him. (not all that detail) basic facts.

    Survey: Do you have a contact that can twist your words?

    Into something you totally did not mean! *cough* Kevin *cough*Survey: Do you have a contact that can twist your words?
    No, but I have several that give me Pre-c*m Lol
    No, but I'm known as the Nipple Twister. Interested, Kristy?Survey: Do you have a contact that can twist your words?
    I like to play "binoculars" with my wife. Takes about 28 minutes to finally get the focus perfect.
    yes, a contact who's name also begins with the letter K...i'm seeing a Konnection here...Survey: Do you have a contact that can twist your words?
    Yes. You being one of them! Lol joke.
    Yes - a couple of them in fact. It's OK though - I just twist them right back.
    lol only one that does it all the time...he twists EVERYTHING into either "oh so you are horny" or "oh so you do want to have an orgy?"

    lol its pretty funny though!
    My words are already twisted.
    i can twist you and tinka into a pretzel. she so wants u.
    yes. lol.

    Some how I don't think ill get much answers for this one?

    Im doing some research in my head. Did the word twisted exist before the 1960,s and I don't mean the twister the wind or what ever I mean the word twisted to indicate that you are around the twist, nutty, short of a screw.Some how I don't think ill get much answers for this one?

    "perverted, mentally strange," 1900, from twist (n.) in a sense of "mental peculiarity, perversion" first attested 1811.Some how I don't think ill get much answers for this one?
    you're won''re intuitive.Some how I don't think ill get much answers for this one?
    im not certain but im pretty it was used in the 50s as im sure i heard it in old films.

    Love is word with no meaning?

    Who thinks that love has no one meaning anymore. Is it a word that has been so twisted and distorted that its no longer a word with one meaning but is an idea that can be interpreted in many different ways?Love is word with no meaning?
    I agreeLove is word with no meaning?
    The truth is people don't get together for the right reasons most people get together because of opinions of family,friends,race or religion.For rich people they only get together for plublicity or rmore fame.There will be no more break ups if people get together only for love.

    I found my perfect girl ,but had to look on another continet to find her lol,but it was worth the wait shes a japanese girl and im a black man we're the most happy couple in the world after we denied all the opinions and criticism. Listen the right person never be local you have to look all over the world.

    Heres some knowledge.

    Love is when you love someone no matter how they are. LOVE sould never be about money,sex,race,star signs or religion and you sould never get with someone because your friends and family want you to be with the person it must be your choiceYou can't let your family,friends and reilgion get in your way for true love.In a relationship or married both people sould be faithful,loyal,respectful,careful and have affection and passion for one another that is what love is.

    Now let me tell you what love at first sight is first physical attraction that sould lead to wanted to know the person's life and personality it sould not matter if the preson is rich or not as long as the person is not lazy to work and the person must have a good influence on you or other people.

    Well i hope i helped you:)Love is word with no meaning?
    what you are saying can be true, however love comes in different forms, the love of a family member, then you can have the person you feel very deeply for and they will look into your eyes and say those three words that will make you feel good... love is a word to tell another how they feel....
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  • If the Bible is important to you, how do justify twisting its words?

    The Bible says certain things very clearly, like, "Thou shalt not kill." If you believe the Bible is 'the word of God' and it is very important in your life, how do you justify twisting it to fit your own desires and lifestyle?If the Bible is important to you, how do justify twisting its words?
    Your translation from greek is slightly off. It says thou shalt not murder.There is a difference.
    Well, I don't think any of us have killed someone. Perhaps a more relevant example...If the Bible is important to you, how do justify twisting its words?
    I don't twist it.I have not killed anyone.
    I haven't killed anybody--and the correct translation is "murder". I guess this question doesn't apply to me?If the Bible is important to you, how do justify twisting its words?
    you cant
    Have you ever eaten a lobster? Worn a poly-cotton blend? If yes, then you really shouldn't speak about hypocrisy.
    it is the miracle of faith whereby you can believe the preposterous makes sense
    It's thou shall not murder actually. The words in the Elizabethan era translations have different connotations than the modern idiom.
    I know what you are trying so say but I don't think the killing a person example is relevant to many readers (or I really hope not). People interpret the Bible in many different ways and therefore follow it differently. Also, no one is perfect, we all sin. But we have accepted Jesus as our Savior and he pays for our sins so we do not have to
    People do it all the time. I think it is justified by making excuses, and I'm pretty sure people have an inkling that they're being disobedient, which is why they get so very defensive when their error is pointed out to them.
    I've killed a few enemy in Viet Nam. As the chaplain put it, they were monkeys in the jungle though. Meaning they were not descendants of Adam so they didn't count.

    Doesn't apply to me though as I am an atheist.
    All of the commandment given here were man's relationship with each other. God gave Noah the right to eat animals, fish, etc and it is ok until God says to stop, if that ever happens.

    It then becomes a twistlation.
    Rephrase please, Who justifies twisting the word of the Bible?..
    Salvation will help you, you need it.
    ....what? and it's "Thou shall not MURDER" twisting that one!. God Bless
    I haven't killed any one. Just the same, make sure that you understand what in intended by words. Someone could take the words "thou shall not kill," and apply it to meats that we eat, or even germs that we kill. That is not the intention.

    2 Corinthians 3:6

    Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

    Romans 2:29

    But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

    Romans 7:6

    But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.
    You meant to tell me Christians can't pick and choose from the bible to fit whatever they want?
    Its the bad christians that do that,trying to play god,they the worst christians that exist
    I don't justify it, really. Much of it is hard to understand, which is why people often interpret it so differently.

    There are many things in the Bible I question, because it was written so long ago and cultures and lifestyles have changed so much.

    For example, some parts of the Bible talk badly about women in leadership (especially in the church.) Some parts do not.

    I don't believe (if God is real) that he would look down on women in the church or in any sort of leadership because I don't feel that the people writing the Bible were completely unbiased by the ways of the world in that time period.

    Hopefully that made sense to you.
    Guys, i think it's just an example. Don't apply it to yourself.

    The Lord said "Thou shalt not kill" and "Love thy neighbor as you love yourself".

    But have you ever heard of the crusades? The short story of the crusades is: Between 1000 AD and 1500 AD, the Christian soldiers were at war with the Muslim Saracens, fighting over whose big imaginary friend was better. It didn't just keep going for 500 years though... there were many wars throughout this period all trying to tell the other side that they were right and they should have the Holy Lands. Tens of thousands of people died during these wars, and all for the sake of one bit of land that could have been shared.

    Many Christians say "They started it!" but even if they did, doesn't the Bible also say "Turn the other cheek"?

    So, you really can't justify twisting the words.

    I'm a non-Christian, and i use the Bible as a reference for different moral teachings when i teach people morals. I don't twist the words, you just have to interpret it the right way.
    Because we as human beings are weak and when we sin we try to cover it up because of our GUILT or wanting to live our life to please ourselves, not God, therefore we try and put the blame somewhere else instead of just owning up to it.

    Some people who truly believes God's Word and try to live by it will confess right away and say "I was wrong God please forgive me" and try not to do it again.

    It could be with anything God said not to do, not just killing someone.

    God said not to commit adultery but people do it and do it often.
    Let me turn it back on you. Jesus said 'Turn the other cheek' but when He and Paul were in the situation where that might apply neither of them did.

    As to 'Thou shalt not kill' who decides what that means. Do you put the Lawmaker under the Law. Doesn't St Paul say :

    For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; {4} for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.

    And St John the Baptist does not tell the soldiers that come to him that they should not be soldiers.

    You are a Fundamentalist. You should check in at the Betty Ford Clinic, they have a section for non-believing Fundamentalists.

    I am a Catholic. I could NEVER leave my faith and its interpretation to a two-bit confused Pope such as yourself. And that is why Jesus gave us a Church, so that His teaching on Faith and Morals would stay clear and uncorrupted.
    I know but I did not see that squirrel coming, it is like he had his own agenda. Good thing he dropped and rolled back to the curb. It was actually the car behind me that got him. It is not our fault, seriously, it was just not a good idea to cross at that intersection.

    And I understand but I had a bit of a fly problem so I got this stuff from Home Depot. It seemed to work pretty good, but you are right, who am I to justify such barbaric...

    I also killed a wasps nest, it is hard to imagine I sprayed then ran like the dickens. But I guess sometimes you gotta do whatcha gotta do.

    Of course, I did confess to killing my sister's guppies but the priest rolled down the front of the church steps laughing hysterically. I choose to conceal that I also killed her gold fish. It was not on purpose, the jar crashed in the sink before I could clean the tank.

    Overall, I guess I have lived on my own terms. How can I justify it? Again, it is covered by the blood of Jesus but it does not mean, I will not act in a similar manner in the future to fit my own desires and lifestyle forever.

    To the people who love flies and the fact that they vomit and/or lay eggs everytime they land. Forgive me. I want to acknowledge that their were animals hurt or killed during the making of this email since I believe the insect barrier around my home is still working within a 2 feet radius according to the directions on the package.

    Christians do believe many are twisting the word of God to fit their lifestyle or personal beliefs?

    We are not bound by the law as a Christian but should we still pay close attention to scripture and the will of God.

    If we adjust the scriptures to fit our needs the are we not defiling the WORD OF GOD? Then in essence we become a harlot?Christians do believe many are twisting the word of God to fit their lifestyle or personal beliefs?
    I would say even though we are Christians we are still half human and until we go to Heaven we will make mistakes. But in God's sight I am the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ who Loves me.

    1Co:1:21: For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

    1Co:1:22: For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:

    1Co:1:23: But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;

    1Co:1:24: But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.

    1Co:1:25: Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

    1Co:1:26: For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:

    1Co:1:27: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

    1Co:1:28: And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:

    1Co:1:29: That no flesh should glory in his presence.

    1Co:1:30: But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:

    1Co:1:31: That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.
    O NOES!!! HARLOTRY!!!1!!111Christians do believe many are twisting the word of God to fit their lifestyle or personal beliefs?
    wowser, an echo!
    noooooooooooooo.......that never happens.Christians do believe many are twisting the word of God to fit their lifestyle or personal beliefs?
    no it says in revelations that no one should add to the book there are serious consequences
    Of course they are, why do you think that a large number of people want the Pope to "update" the Catholic religion?
    You already asked this.

    See my previous answer.
    the 10 commandments do still stand .. no where in the bible does God say it is done with .. the law that was done with was the scarfical system becuase jesus died.

    and yes people do change Gods word like sunday worship is not the lords day the sabbath the 7th day is ...
    I don't believe this practice is limited to Christians. After all, most of the legal profession seems to be devoted to the practice of twisting words to benefit their clients.

    In the end, God is the judge of what He said, not us.
    If God made us shouldn't he be the one to set the standards of right and wrong? It's like ignoring the fact that your car's manufacturer is saying you need to come in for your ten thousand mile tune up just because you think the car is running great.

    He'd never tell us anything detrimental to our health. Like abstaining from sexual relations outside of marraige. Considering the rampant STD's floating around the pool i'm a little scared to jump in.

    Besides, rebelling against the standards he laid out is what got us into the mess we're in currently. Adam, Eve, "DON'T EAT IT. DON'T TOUCH IT. WILL SURELY INCUR DEATH" Yeah it went a little more or less like that.

    Genesis 3:15-21
    The problem with your scripture is that it is open to interpretation of necessity.

    The English language cannot possibly relate all of the cultural colorings of the words in the original tongues, and if one tries to impart these in English, interpretation is a necessity.

    Anything that exists of scripture is colored by those who translated, and of necessity, interpreted it.

    If you assume that what you have in English is the unaltered word of God, then you must, a priori, assume that those who wrote originally were unfailingly led by god, that everyone who copied these until we got to the manuscripts to be translated from were unfailingly led by god, that those who chose the canon were unfailingly led by god, and that those who translated to English were unfailingly led by god. That seems to be a huge assumption.

    Then, people make the bold claim that the Holy Spirit will enable everyone who reads it to do so correctly, even when people come away with vastly differing interpretations.

    It certainly seems a bit far fetched.
    Absolutely, Yes many Christians are twisting the very words of God to fit into their religion they have created. I read most answers here on R%26amp;S and it is just amazing to witness this, but the sad thing is they are ignorant of this fact.

    No we don't become a harlot but a heretic (Titus 3:10).

    To give you an example, I have been telling many so called Christians here that the only way to be truly born again is to believe in the full and complete atonement for our sins. This is exactly what Jesus said in John 3:5, His water baptism which cleanses us from all our sins, and His blood on the Cross where He paid for all our sins. But do they listen....No!! they reject His water baptism and continue to just believe in the blood on the Cross, even though Jesus told us that we need to believe in both righteous acts (1 John 5:6-11).

    All these many people who reject His righteousness like this are still sinners and are standing outside of Christ even though they believe in Him somehow.
    Of course the word of God is twisted to serve interests. Put your every-day Christian next to, say, a secularist. Which one, do you think, will have more firm, internalized concepts of right and wrong? The latter will. Because he/she doesn't necessarily think he/she will be forgiven for anything they've done.
    It was already twisted from the very start. what else do you expect to happen after that? If any Book for that matter was misunderstood from the very beginning, then what it say in the middle will be confusing and it never end fully understood.

    That gave the translators so many twisting answers to a confused mind.
    Yes I do think alot of Christians do twist the word of God to fit their lifestyles. Like these polygamists that are in TX. I have watched numerous news reports about them and when they talk they do take the Word out of context and twist the words to fit the wrong they are doing.
    That is why it's important to rightly Davide the word. That is one of the reasons there are so many different Denim-nations , it's going and buying a pair of shoes, people gets what fits them, or feel more comfortable. The Bible speaks of false teachers. i know of some preacher"s that preach what the congregation likes to hear, you know, tickle the ear.

    God don't like that, He wants His preachers to preach the truth.
    Many are twisting the words of the Bible to fit their personal bigotries, while ignoring that which is inconvenient or unimportant to them. Hence all of the people demanding bans on gay marriage yet saying nothing about adultery, picketing abortion clinics but not divorce lawyers. Why do people denounce the "abomination" of homosexuality while they eat pork and shellfish? How can they ignore large portions of the Bible, or claim they don't "count" anymore, then turn around and insist others are set in stone? Have you noticed that for many people God hates the same people they do?
    of course, there are religions that have their own book beside the bible. for instance Jehovah's witness and Mormon.

    the truth is found in the bible. that is the word of god and there is no reason to go outside of it. alot of people believe if you are a "good person" then you will go to heaven. i guess they never learned or don't believe that you have to be saved in Jesus name. the Jehovah's witness think they can work their way to heaven. it is outrageous what different religions believe. i don't understand why people just cant read and learn from the Bible.

    Notice anything about the word "heresy"?

    A so-called heresy is just something that contradicts a religious dogma. But there's another twist. The word heresy is derived from the Greek word "hairetikos", meaning "able to choose", or haireisthai", meaning "to choose". What does say about heresy? Why choose a word that comes a word relating to choice? Does that mean that the Church really wanted to prevent people from choosing what they believe?Notice anything about the word "heresy"?

    After Christianity became the official state religion and all other religions were banned by Emperor Theodosius I in 380 CE, heresy became a crime, as part of the Edict of Thessalonica.鈥?/a>

    The first execution for heresy was in 385, of a Bishop accused of 'magic'.

    It was part of a major effort to wipe out the non-Christian beliefs which were still in a large majority in the Empire at that time and replace it with Nicene (later Catholic) Christianity, as well as replace all accountable local civic governments with unaccountable ecclesiastical ones. The most famous case is of the murder of the philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria.

    So yes, it was very much a suppression of free choice of belief.


    @Noor: Instead of copy/pasting the contents of the Wikipedia page it's a lot easier just to provide a link:
    Heresy is a strange word in its religious use, pretty meaningless from the way they use it to denote something that has strayed from the perceived original truth, when the church itself is based around a lie. How many people have died because of this heresy concept of the church is the more important question here.

    And yes of course the church wanted to prevent people choosing what to believe - one early famous religious leader is quoted as complaining "why do people ask so many questions? Why can they not just believe?". An idiotic statement of course showing their true colours as deceivers. Another pointer that confirms the truth of your question is the early printings of the bible and the trouble that happened around that time. It was against the interests of the church to allow people access to their own bibles and being able to read it for themselves, it put the scipture out of their hands and allowed people to ponder things more for themselves instead of just listening to the preachers. This is typical of cult behavoir, not that I would admit any difference between a cult and a religion, it does show them for the brainwashing control freaks they are.Notice anything about the word "heresy"?
    Paul certainly proved this beyond any shadow of a doubt. He picked and chose among the beliefs of his time and crafted a heresy that was eventually to become the faith of the roman empire. He would stop at nothing to get converts. His heresy was so clever that it eventually trumped the actual teachings of Jesus being taught by James the brother of Jesus and the remaining apostles. Causing the true teachings of jesus to be declared Heresy.

    Here it is in Paul's own words.

    Paul all things to all men. 1 Corinthians 9:19-22

    19Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. 20To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. 21To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law), so as to win those not having the law. 22To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.

    A very dedicated man.

    Love and blessings Don
    I think heresy means "deliberately stupid."

    I have the right to choose that definition for the word heresy, and you can't tell me what's what!Notice anything about the word "heresy"?
    The Catholic Church is what it is.It is how Jesus Christ established it there are no changes no choose.
    well when ya look at what abrahamic faiths say about other religions... the ya they believe that choosing something other than them is wrong XD they call it heresy..
    i noticed that the word has no practical use these modern times.
    Notice your rant?

    You ask and then answer.

    Why ask?

    Heresy is a controversial or novel change to a system of beliefs, especially a religion, that conflicts with established dogma.[1] It is distinct from apostasy, which is the formal denunciation of one's religion, principles or cause,[2] and blasphemy, which is irreverence toward religion.[3] The founder or leader of a heretical movement is called a heresiarch, while individuals who espouse heresy are known as heretics. Heresiology is the study of heresy.


    The word "heresy" comes from the Greek hairetikos "able to choose" (haireisthai "to choose"). The term heresy is often perceived as a value judgment and the expression of a view from within an established belief system.

    Heretics usually do not perceive their own beliefs as heretical. For instance, some Roman Catholics hold Protestantism as a heresy while some non-Catholics considered Catholicism the "Great Apostasy." For a heresy to exist there must be an authoritative system of dogma designated as orthodox, such as those proposed by Catholicism.

    The first known usage of the term in a civil legal context was in 380 AD by the "Edict of Thessalonica" of Theodosius I. Prior to the issuance of this edict, the Church had no state sponsored support for any particular legal mechanism to counter what it perceived as 'heresy'. By this edict, in some senses, the line between the Christian Church and the Roman State was blurred. One of the outcomes of this blurring of Church and State was a sharing of State powers of legal enforcement between Church and State authorities. At its most extreme reach, this new Church authority of legal enforcement gave Church leaders the power to pronounce the death sentence upon those whom they might perceive to be 'heretics'.

    Perhaps due to the many modern negative connotations associated the term 'heretic', such as the Spanish inquisition, the term is used less often today. There are however, some notable exceptions: see for example Rudolf Bultmann and the "character" of debates over ordination of women and gay priests. The subject of Christian heresy opens up broader questions as to who has a monopoly on spiritual truth, as explored by Jorge Luis Borges in the short story The_Theologians within the compilation Labyrinths.[4]

    [edit] Orthodox Judaism

    Main article: Heresy in Orthodox Judaism

    Orthodox Judaism considers views on the part of Jews which depart from the traditional Jewish principles of faith to be heretical. In addition, the more right-wing groups within Orthodox Judaism hold that all Jews who reject the simple meaning of Maimonides's 13 principles of Jewish faith are heretics.[5] As such, most of Orthodox Judaism considers Reform and Reconstructionist Judaism to be heretical movements, and regards most of Conservative Judaism as heretical. The liberal wing of Modern Orthodoxy is more tolerant of Conservative Judaism, particularly its right wing, as there is some theological and practical overlap between these groups.

    Main article: Heresy in Islam

    Many in the two main bodies of Islam鈥擲unnis and the Shi'as鈥攈ave regarded the other as heretical. Groups like the Ismailis, the Hurufiya, the Alawis, the Bektashi and even the Sufis have also been regarded as heretical by some[who?]. Although Sufism is often accepted as valid by Shi'a and many Sunnis, the relatively recent movement of Wahhabism view it as heretical.

    [edit] Contemporary heresy

    Today, heresy can be without a religious context as the holding of ideas that are in fundamental disagreement with the status quo in any practice and branch of knowledge. Religion is not a necessary component of the term's definition. The revisionist paleontologist Robert T. Bakker, who published his findings as The Dinosaur Heresies, jokingly treated the mainstream view of dinosaurs as dogma.

    The term heresy is also used as an ideological pigeonhole for contemporary writers because by definition heresy depends on contrasts with an established orthodoxy. For example, the tongue-in-cheek contemporary usage of heresy, such as to categorize a "Wall Street heresy" a "Democratic heresy" or a "Republican heresy", are metaphors which invariably retain a subtext that links orthodoxies in geology or biology or any other field to religion. These expanded metaphoric senses allude to both the difference between the person's views and the mainstream, and the boldness of such a person in propounding these views.

    The song twist by korn?

    Besides saying the word 'twist', is the rest of that song real words or just jibberish?!The song twist by korn?
    people like to say it has real lyrics, but if you listen to it live, he just goes with it, and it doesn't sound like the album version, so yeah its just scat talk.The song twist by korn?
    Hes speaking, it's just in a mangled screech. I can make out "You're not right", "rapper" and "************"

    What Word Can You Make Out Of this?

    Make one word out of this please...

    C, H, I, L, E, S

    One word please... I'm playing Text Twist and im trying to figure this out and I have a few seconds left. :) Thanks!What Word Can You Make Out Of this?
    lie, lies,What Word Can You Make Out Of this?






    les (french word might not work)What Word Can You Make Out Of this?
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  • Why is it that many people enjoy twisting the word of God around? Do they feel...?

    an obligation to a friend who said that first, or an obligation to keep the devil happy? Oh they don't believe in the devil? Well, when their eyes are open they will see the truth, and the truth will set them free indeed. Whom the Son sets free will be free indeed.Why is it that many people enjoy twisting the word of God around? Do they feel...?
    When they twist it they dont have to believe it. Atheism has nothing to do with not believing in God. Atheists came across something that went against what they wanted so they twisted it and chose not to believe. They exist, we live. They find solace in the ignorance of false intellect and they find bliss in the ignorance of thinking that if they choose not to believe then it must not be true. You can stand in a hurricane all night and believe it wont affect you until it does. Have you noticed that atheists will come up with all sorts of *science* explanations to alternatively explain that which they do not believe in? I am sure that most christians would not engage in an argument about the keebler elfs whereabouts. The endless flow of theories and conjecture is an acknowledgement of their belief without discipline. Their silliness is a bit dumbfounding when observed as a whole. Atheism IS a religion. They have accepted their own lies and have placed their faith in ignorance and the bliss it provides them. God Bless
    Many Christians don't get it either while they say they are saved but still sinning and the Atheist builds upon the ridiculous position, but all he's heard from are babies who don't know anything but milk.The pride of atheism is ego clothed in narcissism. Use the word slave to Jesus n hear their obj

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    Why is it that many people enjoy twisting the word of God around? Do they feel...?
    Many misconceptions and mis-translations and contradictions have been carried through time. The simple truth in most beliefs is, "If you just allow God to work through you and wait upon him in anxiousness and joy" he well feed you all the wisdom, knowledge and Truth anyone of us needs to know....Anything less is only coming from your over-anxiousness and your subconscious. Truth doesn't even come from us originally . It comes through us from God the Father.
    successful troll is successful...

    As I recall, the people who do the most twisting of the word of God are Christians. It's the people who don't believe in the Bible as the word of God who think it's great fun to show people exactly what it says. For example, when someone tells me that the leviathan was a dinosaur, I refer them to Job 41:18-21 and psalm 74:14, which say that it was a multi-headed fire-breathing dragon when taken together. (read it)

    Or, perhaps 2kings 2:24, which shows that God will kill 42 children with bears for calling an old man names. I like to use this one when people call God just and loving.

    See? I didn't twist a damned thing. I just read it to you. look at the context, look at the original translation. There's no twisting here.Why is it that many people enjoy twisting the word of God around? Do they feel...?
    A very good question that has a very good answer:

    Lets say that you build a house and the foundation cracks. That's very bad. You can patch the crack or rebuild the house. But you just patch the crack beacuse it is easier and less expensive.

    But that house is for all purposes all but gone in a short period of time.

    Well people build "houses" in their brains - referring to a system of beliefs. And when something comes up (a "crack") that threatens that belief, rather than rebuilding their "house" they just patch it. And they do this by twisting a scripture's meaning to fit the gap that has been created in their "houses". But there are times when a patch will not do. Sometimes we must start all over and build anew. That takes time and great effort that most people don't want to invest. So they wrest scripture instead - and to their own demises.

    I see this happen all the time right here in R%26amp;S.
    If, according to the "word of God", it was appropriate to murder the firstborn infants and children of Egypt for the "hardened heart" of their parent's unelected leader when the Bible clearly states it was your God who hardened his heart, I don't see the need to bring any devil into it.
    "The conclusion you jump to may be your own. "

    “Intelligence is the capacity to receive, decode and transmit information efficiently. Stupidity is blockage of this process at any point. Bigotry, ideologies etc. block the ability to receive; robotic reality-tunnels block the ability to decode or integrate new signals; censorship blocks transmission.”
    I think that the most twisting that have been done is when people call Jesus God,when God said that He sent his son but most of the world have call Him a lie, and call His Son God.God set us free through Christ but some would say the Christ set us free as though God had nothing to do with it.

    Everyone that call themselves Christians are not Christians but broken branches and is not part of the vine.God is only in their mouth but not in their image,they are trying to fake their way through life

    by pretense and showmanship.

    When you ask a person what their faith is they will tell you :Iam a baptist,or atheist,or i am a buddhist,orcatholic,or mormon,or pentecostal ,anything but a CHRISTIAN .They are what is call RELIGIOUS PEOPLE ,they are not Christians,They are what they call themselves and CHRISTIAN IS NOT THE FIRST THING THAT COMES OUT OF THEIR MOUTH.THEY ARE WHAT THEY ARE. They are trying to have their cake and eat it too.Those are the real twisters of the bible,and to make themselves look righteous they put the blame on anyone but themselves.That is a true methol of satan Himself.
    Because they really don't want to KNOW the actual TRUTH, which is the word of also means they are being convicted and they don't like that, so they'll do what makes them happy.
    They are miserable, unhappy, unfulfilled, lost souls with no direction or truth inside of them.

    Why do you twist Mark 10:17-23 and Luke 18:18-24 ??
    I don't twist any of the Bible. The actual words in it have shown me what a monster this "god" of yours is.
    Teachers are held to a higher accountability and greater condemnation.
    an eye for an eye
    define your concept of the "truth"

    then look at the world you live in and face reality.
    So you like show tunes. It doesn't mean you're gay. It just means you're awful.
    Well, okay then. Have fun with that.
    there is no words of god. the bible was written by men
    maybe cause they dont believe the word of god
    people compromise the WORD OF GO to wallow i n their sins
    I don't the Bible does a perfectly good job of that on it's own.
    Sometimes that's the only way they can justify what they are saying, by twisting the Words of God more to their liking.

    What is the 7-letter word that can be derived fron "TEXTSES"?

    Quick 10 points for the first right answer. I need it for my Text Twist' am already on my 1.7M points. Can't give up nowWhat is the 7-letter word that can be derived fron "TEXTSES"?
    sextetsWhat is the 7-letter word that can be derived fron "TEXTSES"?
    sextetsWhat is the 7-letter word that can be derived fron "TEXTSES"?

    How did Fox twist Hank Jrs words around to get him so upset?

    I thought he did all the talking but he is mad at FoxHow did Fox twist Hank Jrs words around to get him so upset?
    One of the people interviewing him at the time admonished him for his comment. Maybe in his little mind he thinks nobody would have noticed it otherwise. He should have been sober during the interview. It might have turned out better.
    Twist his words around?

    So, you're saying that drunken, stupid, Southern redneck was comparing president Obama to the right wing Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu and was comparing that cry baby, Oompa Loompa John Boehner to Hitler?How did Fox twist Hank Jrs words around to get him so upset?
    It's called "quoting him verbatim". They get so upset when you do that. .
    They made the mistake of inviting him for an interview and he has a right to be angry about thatHow did Fox twist Hank Jrs words around to get him so upset?
    Con'sarn it, what with quoting him and such.

    It's like watching Elmer Fudd deal with Yosemite Sam.
    "Cocain is one hell of a drug' - Rick James

    In what twisted mind did pl0x originate as an alternative spelling for the word please?

    what sort of idiots are popularizing this kind of thing?In what twisted mind did pl0x originate as an alternative spelling for the word please?
    Not in my mind. I never saw this used before.

    Who thinks that the media has gone overboard on Michael Jackson's family since his death?

    i mean they take helicopters to take pictures of his kids, always have tp get an interview from one of his family members. the Jackson's just lost a family member they need a break, the media are crummy sick word twisting lying freaks. they need to stop.Who thinks that the media has gone overboard on Michael Jackson's family since his death?
    I do!

    i mean dude! they just lost a member of their family! (cuz to us he ws the amazing King Of Pop! but to them he was family!)

    And all they need is peace....
    you know, I think it's funny that these people are saying that it's unfair how the media is paying so much attention to Michael Jackson's death but not to the dying soldiers in the middle east, but if you think about it in the matter that the media is banking off of Michael's death and that they don't really care that he "died" other than the fact that it makes them money, why would anyone want that kind of recognition. If it wasn't Michael, those dying soldiers would be the money makers for the media. It's sad that the media banks off of other people's hardships and downfalls.Who thinks that the media has gone overboard on Michael Jackson's family since his death?
    Same. It's insane and just ridiculous.

    But one good thing I just recently found out was that Prince, Blanket, and Omer went to Barnes and Noble a couple days ago. [I saw some pictures, hahaha] And it didn't seem like people recognized them. A lady stood right next to them and continued talking to her friend, haha. This might not be that big of a deal, but hey. At least their not getting attacked[:
    the Media overdo's everythingWho thinks that the media has gone overboard on Michael Jackson's family since his death?
    thats the media.

    sick and cold

    I do think they should leave his poor family alone. Especially his children.
    This is why Michael concealed his children.
    That is the media, lovey.
    They need to let the family grieve in private. Give them some space.
    yeah way overboard
    yea...i mean this is the opposite of what michael wanted to happen to his kids...i mean its been over a month..its one thing to talk good about him but they are over doing it
    I think so too. Honestly, I think they just want money.
    yeah you are so right i think that they just needa leave him and his family alone and stop making up rumors!

    R.I.P Michael,you will forever be in my heart%26lt;3
    tbh im sick of people asking the same questions
    **** they went overboard wen he was alive 2
    What else is the media good for?

    R.I.P Michael Jackson!
    so many mj questions

    he is dead forget him

    but not his music
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  • My friend thinks im sad alot and i twist his words around he says he loves me and thinks of me everyday does?

    does this mean i have pushed him away completely? i dont mean to twist words around it just how i interpret what he saidMy friend thinks im sad alot and i twist his words around he says he loves me and thinks of me everyday does?
    2 ears 1 mouth

    listen twice as much as you talk

    What to include in an Oliver Twist monologue?

    Basicly i have to pretend to be Oliver Twist, and include things like how i feel ect... but i really dont know what to include and how to put it into words to present to the class.

    Thanks xWhat to include in an Oliver Twist monologue?
    Please, mum, could I have s'more?

    How did my question end up in the gay section?

    A bit worrying guys! Just asked a question that got placed in the gay section. I'm a bit concerned about the method of selection that yahoo use. Nothing in the question should have given the impression that it was intended for that section. My question is, was it the word twisted or the words fancy dress that were picked out? I think yahoo need to have a look at themselves.How did my question end up in the gay section?
    Er, excuse me... it got placed in that section because you SUBMITTED it in that section. When you ask a question, the site picks out key words and on that basis selects a catagory (sometimes, admittedly, with hilarious results), SO... you then take the 'browse catagories' section, CHOOSE a catagory, and then post your question. Not YA's fault at all, its yours. Take time, READ things, and then, it will go where you want.
    Yahoo only suggests a category, based on some keywords. Fancy and dress might be enough to let them suggest Beauty %26amp; Fashion, or Gay etc.

    Next time just pick your own category.How did my question end up in the gay section?
    You can pick a section for yourself.
    Maybe Yahoo knows you better than you know yourself.How did my question end up in the gay section?
    Maybe you are, but just don't know it yet.

    Word of phase for a person's hostile attitude toward another victim that actually making the victim look good.

    I need words, slangs or phases that describe a person who keeps coming demeaning, degrading, arguing relentlessly toward someone in an intend to bash him but instead, the intention backfired into favoring the victim in the end because of sympathy from the audience or readers of a forum.

    What are the words or phases that describe this twist of irony ? ThanksWord of phase for a person's hostile attitude toward another victim that actually making the victim look good.
    His relentless badgering only served to create an unsavory impression of his own demeanor.

    His unrelenting verbal assault caused onlookers to look on her with pity.

    His vicious verbal attack horrified those who heard.

    If one twists a string so that it is made tight, when the string uncurls really fast, what's the word for that?

    Is it twirl, kink, or twiddle and/or do you have any better words for it?If one twists a string so that it is made tight, when the string uncurls really fast, what's the word for that?
    unfurl, unwind, rewind or spin
    unkink? uncurl?If one twists a string so that it is made tight, when the string uncurls really fast, what's the word for that?
    UncoilIf one twists a string so that it is made tight, when the string uncurls really fast, what's the word for that?

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  • Is the MTECH Twist butterfly knife discontinued?

    I was wondering why every online store i found is out of stock, theres rumor of discontinuation, whats the word on this?

    thats the knife, is it still being manufactured?Is the MTECH Twist butterfly knife discontinued?
    I haven't heard anything official, but I would assume it is discontinued. I haven't been able to get any for over 3 months.Is the MTECH Twist butterfly knife discontinued?
    it isnt discontinued. i just ordered one yesterday and i also noticed many websites have it in stock

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    Why does Dr Zakir Naik promote terrorism? And Twist Words?

    Why does he promote terrorism? and twist words of the Quran and other religious texts, like the Bible, Gita, Guru Granth Sahib etc to make Islam look like its better when its not?Why does Dr Zakir Naik promote terrorism? And Twist Words?
    Evil is as evil does.Why does Dr Zakir Naik promote terrorism? And Twist Words?
    you IDIOTS

    he isn't promoting terrorism

    hes trying 2 say that the Americans who are terrorist are being destroyed

    osama bin laden is destroying the REAL terrorists

    Dr Zakir Naik is a scholar

    He wud NEVER promote terrorism

    RELATIONSHIP talk via TEXT? He implied he wants to break up but he was twisting every word I wrote...?

    No matter what I wrote he turned everything I said upside down and finally said in general terms (not using "I" and "YOU")that maybe a couple with no potential should never see each other again. That was hours ago, and I haven't replied because I know no matter what I say he'll continue to twist it all up and be hurtful. How will he interpret my non-response? Will he think I took him at his word and am done with him, or will he have doubts or regrets? I know he won't contact me for days because when he gets this angry and stubborn he distracts himself with work and hobbies and avoids the issue (but ruminates about it). He's this way about work, friends, family and me. I don't mind not talking again for a week or so, to give him time, and to focus on myself, but I'd like an idea of what he might make of me not answering him? Ladies and gentlemen, I know this isn't a very exciting question, but I'd really like your opinions. Thanks.RELATIONSHIP talk via TEXT? He implied he wants to break up but he was twisting every word I wrote...?
    Sounds like a dousche I had a friend who just recently did that to me and I didn't do anything about it. Now I'm miserable whenever I hang around her. It sounds like he wants to break up but wants you to be the one to do it. No man's worth your time if he doesn't even want to be with you. I'd dump his sorry a$$.RELATIONSHIP talk via TEXT? He implied he wants to break up but he was twisting every word I wrote...?
    if your guy does that to you then hes not that great. ditch the loser and keep your eyes pealed for someone who really cares for you.

    What word is made up of these letters, R G T I O L Y?

    i'm playing text twist and can't find the 7 letter word, can you please help me?What word is made up of these letters, R G T I O L Y?
    TrilogyWhat word is made up of these letters, R G T I O L Y?
    you can just go on type in the letters you have and it will arrange them for you

    Do atheists have disdain for the word believe?

    They sure like to twist words. For an open minded crowd they're panties get bunched up quite easily.Do atheists have disdain for the word believe?
    This is exactly why you need to realize this.That is a very condemning statement and goes against the Jesus's teachings. Don't you read the bible at All!!

    YOU ARE A SINNER TO!!!! They used to sacrifice sheep for sins and then Jesus died on the cross for all sins. All SINS including the one you have just committed here. Don't you remember with the story of Jesus and the supposed prostitute and Jesus said those without sin cast the first stone and no one could. Same situation here. Read the bible you preach from that would be a start.
    I believe so.Do atheists have disdain for the word believe?
    Atheists BELIEVE in using words with precision, so that everyone knows what the argument is about. We get annoyed when people use words incorrectly. Like they're, their, and there.
    Interesting you should ask; I'm Jewish, and they've never bothered me about what *I* believe. Of course, I've never tried to convert them. Do you suppose there's a correlation?Do atheists have disdain for the word believe?
    Remember, kids, you can't have a belief without a "lie" in it!
    No. I believe the sky is blue. I believe evolution is a fact of nature. I believe my car will start when I turn the ignition key. I believe my refrigerator will keep my food cold. I believe in things that can be proved.
    atheists believe in lots of things, just not YOUR god, its that statement that gets people's panties knotted up, and its not the atheists who are suffering
    Ya ever heard of the words," Kill em with kindness?".I believe in God and know that a way to a person's heart is not thru ridicule, name calling, and demeaning. You might wanna take a look at your own soul before you judge others...Amen.
    no not at all. right now, i believe i'll have a nice dry martini.
    I BELIEVE there is no God.

    There I said it.

    My 'panties' are way not bunched.

    Many who believe the way they do(Christian and non) get a bit testy when discussing their beliefs.

    It's a fundamental flaw of humans. Some just handle the flaw better than others.

    I'm happy for all people for what ever they believe.
    If the militant atheists and the militant Christians would stop yelling at one another and talking past each other for a minute, maybe we could actually have a discussion. Is that likely to happen? No. Should it happen? Yes. There are people on both sides who are intelligent, well meaning, and reasonable, but they are rarely the ones who speak up.

    Grace be unto you and peace.
    No, I quite like it. So nice, with the i before e and such.
    first off we aren't a group. So honestly i don't give a flying gorilla what the hell other atheists think because i'm not associated with them, and they aren't associated with me. I have very conservative views, I don't believe in smoking, drinking, drugs, one night stands; and if you disagree I'll fight with you, is that open minded? It sure the hell isn't and i like it that way. So deal.
    i'm ok with the word. but i always capitalize the lie right in the middle of the word beLIEve
  • map of united states with cities
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  • Christians do believe many are twisting the word of God to fit their lifestyle or personal beliefs?

    We are not bound by the law as a Christian but should we still pay close attention to scripture and the will of God.

    If we adjust the scriptures to fit our needs the are we not defiling the WORD OF GOD?

    Then in essence we become harlot?Christians do believe many are twisting the word of God to fit their lifestyle or personal beliefs?
    There is no doubt that many Christians are drawn to the things of the world. We're told in God's Word to "live IN the world, but not OF the world." Yet so many people have to have THINGS in order to be happy. A big screen TV, a certain fancy car, a bigger house, more clothes, etc., etc. That is definitely living worldly, and it takes the heart away from Christ where it should be.

    God bless!
    You bet. People throughout history have done this and still are doing it.Christians do believe many are twisting the word of God to fit their lifestyle or personal beliefs?
    Jhn 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

    Jesus speaking
    Dang it! I was going to put down what the first guy said.Christians do believe many are twisting the word of God to fit their lifestyle or personal beliefs?
    People adjust the scriptures to meet their needs all the time. They do the things in the bible that are easy for them and ignore the things that aren't easy for them. That's why people will paint their faces and scream their heads of raise their hands and clap and cheer for their favorite sports team, but you ask them to raise their voice or hands in church and NO WAY!!!!
    first of all, we are bound by the law to a certain extent remember when Jesus said "depart from me you who practice lawlessness"?

    but also, I agree with you. People do adjust scripture to fit their personal preferences
    and in other news

    gay's are claiming they are christians

    women are becoming priests

    and gay women are becoming priests to atheist congregations

    its almost time..........
    Learning to truely love God takes away any desire to change his word and repaces it with a desire for his will
    Yes I do without a doubt, and starting up a money making new religion that is not of God.
    EVERY believer does this. People take the passages they like and ignore the unpleasant ones. If you want to follow every little commandment in The Bible, but don't because it is against the law, then you truly frighten me. If I believed in a god, I would pray to him and ask him to make sure that your kind NEVER EVER EVER gets control. The Judeo-Christian-Moslem god is a monster.
    Sad to say yes, only few remains, most of them are high minded, ever learning but never have come to the knowledge of the truth.
    %26gt;%26gt; We are not bound by the law [of God] as a Christian ...

    聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽Whoever told or taught you that was either suffering from the same deception, in the form of a tradition of man, as many are -- or was twisting the Word of God to suit their lifestyle or personal belief. The Bible plainly states that all will be judged by the Law of God and according to their works (which testify to their adherance, or not, to the Law of God). What those whom have truly surrendered their lives and hearts to Jesus Christ are *NOT* under is the *condemnation* of having *broken* the Law of God -- for they have been forgiven.

    God bless.
    You have said a lot here..I see this in the election that's going on now.How many of my friends that say they are Christians,are going against what the word of God tells us we must do. to vote for their Candidate..So yes, a lot are twisting the word to do as they wish. this is a very dangerous thing. God nor his word is to be played with. .Hope and pray those that say they are Christians will see what they are doing.and repent.As you can't have it both ways.
    Y E S, I really do believe that some people who call themselves Christians are hypocrites and are defiling the

    WORD OF GOD. We should pay very close attention to the

    Will Of God and the Scriptures.

    YES to the last question.
    First and foremost, the bible is not straightforward, so one should not take the text literally. It has several authors, and the people who wrote the bible were not given a direct list of commands from God. For example, Matthew 18:8 If your hand or foot causes you to sin, Chop it off" But in ancient Jewish culture, it was custom to chop off ones hand for stealing. But what that really means is if something causes you to sin(Ex. Alcohol), avoid it. So simply when someone "adjusts" scripture, they are translating. The book of Genesis is full of confusing text. Starting with the creation story, it is a legend of how the world came to be, and how evil entered the world. Adam was the name given to the first man in the time of the ancient hebrews, and eve the first woman. But there really was the first sin, and it did bring evil into the world, and we inherited it. And then into the story of Noah, it is a babylonian myth that was rendered into a jewish story. But the bible teaches that God is Love, and a loving God would not wipe out every person for their sins, and only save 2 people. And then it explains the origin of Africans, Asians, and Europeans. Which would be highly disputed, and racist. So some truth can be seen for the importance of animal life. Why did he tell noah to save the animals, but not to save the plants, bacteria, or fungi? Then it states for the second time that God is a mighty God who is above all man. So there is really no historical accuracy till Abraham. And in Abrahamic scriptures, it says that several people lived 500 years or so, but this was hebrew symbolism for greatness.

    Funny you should mention a harlot. Isn't there a great harlot at the end of the Bible in the book of Revelation? Didn't John predict about that?

    Also, look at Mark 12:17 where it says: "Jesus then said: 'Pay back Caesar鈥檚 things to Caesar, but God鈥檚 things to God.' And they began to marvel at him." So, following the law was encouraged by Jesus long as it didn't go against God's laws.

    Or are you talking about the law written in Leviticus? Well, we are no longer under that law, that is true. That law had a purpose however. It was to show how sinful man's nature truly was. NO ONE could fully uphold what the law said. This underlined the need for Jesus' sacrifice. That was the whole point of that law.

    But what you are talking about is mentioned in the Bible several times. It even says that you cannot be a slave to two masters, the world (riches) and God (Luke 16:13).

    Jesus Christ himself said that he was no part of this world. He also said that his followers must follow his example, and that that is how you can tell his true followers apart from the false (John 17:15-17). Also, we are told in the Bible not to follow this system of things.

    Romans 12:2 reads: "And quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making YOUR mind over, that YOU may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

    That is what is required to be a TRUE Christian. Anyone can claim to be a Christian. But actions speak louder than mere words. If you do not live by what you say you believe, what is it truly worth?

    Great question, and an awesome point. I disagree with a lot of the former answerers on that ALL Christians do this. Not all Christians do this, but they all do sin. The fact that they sin does not mean they do not realize that it was wrong. Bible standards remain Bible standards, even if you can't always live up to them. Striving for that goal is the point.

    Hope that helps! Have a great day!

    Luv ya,

    Tashi :)
    so we should stone homosexuals, adulterers, and disobediant teenagers?

    Good thinking
    Cultures evolve and so do religions, or they run off to be polygamist camps.

    I'd rather be living in this century than 3000BCE.

    I don't see many followers of Jesus on this site, but plenty followers of Paul.
    He never said live to the old law duh.

    He was talking about justifying sinfull lifestyle by using scriptures that when isogeted(sp) can mean what they want it to.

    Wilshere Red Card: will people now twist Wengers words?

    when Wenger critcizes players for bad does not mean his own players are not part..

    and he also meant players should take responsibility..meaning Wilshere is part

    Just saying before we get people trying to twist his words all weekWilshere Red Card: will people now twist Wengers words?
    He hasn't spoken yet! shhh ha ha

    I think we can all admit it was a bad challenge and not go on about how it was a "50-50".Wilshere Red Card: will people now twist Wengers words?
    Wilshere played outstanding today. probably our best player on the pitch. But still Marouane Chamakh ***** does it again. :)Wilshere Red Card: will people now twist Wengers words?
    Let's wait until the after match interview... I bet he didn't see it.

    Is it just me - or does it seem to you that the only way to get anywhere is to (AT BEST) twist the truth?

    I constantly find myself having to exaggerate and lie to get by in life.

    Examples: I have to exaggerate my resume' to even have the slightest chance of competing with the other "hot-shots" - I have to exaggerate my accomplishments and interviews (and lie about things that can't be verified). But if I am honest with myself - that special project I worked on was really just a bunch of dudes eating donuts - that prestigious award was just a nomination - that "distinction paper" was just a regular paper.

    But what am I going to say to employers - that I really haven't accomplished anything that any other shmuck can't accomplish - and that I am mediocre?

    The same goes to mating - one has to kind of put on a some kind of show in order to make mates attracted to oneself - or else you would not even get the time of day - what am I gonna say? That I'm actually just a typical guy with mid-range salary and a Toyota Camry? That I don't really do anything important - I just stamp papers? Even with some word-twisting, some confidence feigning, some exaggerating menial things while keeping a straight face - makes it BARELY enough to compete with the other shmucks.

    I mean - when I think about myself - I just feel - terribly mediocre - and all the things that people do to stop being mediocre (e.g. activities and other "break from the routine" crap - tends to make them seem even more mediocre)...

    I don't know - but sometimes - I feel like I'm living a lie - that I'm not really what I am on paper - and that IN REALITY - I really don't have anything special to offer anyone... Not that I want to feel special or something - its just - there are almost 7 billion people on earth - and I kind of feel like one of them (luckier than most) - but still just another worthless lying scumbag...

    Problem is - if I am honest - I would probably lose the job I have - never find another job - never find a mate - and end up living under a bridge...Is it just me - or does it seem to you that the only way to get anywhere is to (AT BEST) twist the truth?
    Chances are that you are not being completely honest with yourself. Most people with a healthy ego tend to see themselves as less than really are. Ask yourself what you value most in others. If you see integrity as an asset then your priorities will reflect this. The fact that you are attempting to analyze your values and project the outcome speaks volumes of the person you desire to be from your core. Ask your piers to share what they value most about you then expound on your strengths when selling yourself. Millions of workers do nothing more than push paper all day long but few hold true integrity. If you are reliable and trustworthy hold onto these values. Never compromise who you can be by being pressured into pretending you are something you are not.

    Why does my daughters tongue twist when she's trying to speak she 19 month old?

    Even though she can say mummy, tar when she wants she does point drag or push you to where she wants something from. Other than the fore mentioned words nothing really makes any sense but saying that I have noticed her tongue does twist when she babbles like she's telling you something.

    I just want to know if this is something I should be concerned with her tongue twisting if that makes any kind of sense?

    ThanksWhy does my daughters tongue twist when she's trying to speak she 19 month old?
    She may be tongue tied..check under her tongueWhy does my daughters tongue twist when she's trying to speak she 19 month old?
    If you are concerned about it talk to her doctor. They will refer you to a speech pathologist. They can test her and see if there is any kind of problem. Thats what I did with my daughter.

    Would it be weird to sing an english song but then have japanese words in it? and kinda put a twist on it?

    i have always loved japan and just the crazy things that they do. i find it more exciting then what we do in the US. if i put a song together but then put japanese words into it would it be weird. note that im an american girl.Would it be weird to sing an english song but then have japanese words in it? and kinda put a twist on it?
    Not at all. If you can do it well then that'd be awesome!Would it be weird to sing an english song but then have japanese words in it? and kinda put a twist on it?
    How about singing American songs in Japanese?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>Would it be weird to sing an english song but then have japanese words in it? and kinda put a twist on it?
    yeah its kind of weird......
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  • What is the name of the song in the Pillsbury Cinnamon Twist commercial?

    The song in the background in the Pillsbury Cinnamon Twist commercial? There are no words, it's just a flute instrumental piece. Anyone know how I can get a hold on it?What is the name of the song in the Pillsbury Cinnamon Twist commercial?
    Not sure which country you are from.

    If it's a US ad, you can try - just use their search feature to search the forums, Just type in "Pillsbury", and remember to set the search time frame to the maximum.

    Other choices are sites called or

    For UK ads, try:




    Hope that helps - the answer should be on one of these! It's possible, however, that it might have been created specially for the ad.

    What's a word that would fit this description?

    What word could I use to describe a person who is malicious and twists the truth to make it look like they are trying to aid and the other person is the bad one when it's the other way around?What's a word that would fit this description?
    Conniving, Devious, Sly, Crafty, Deceitful
    Manipulative? Would that work?What's a word that would fit this description?
    *****, haha
    Beguiler or beguiling

    Deceitful or deceiverWhat's a word that would fit this description?

















    Fallacious ------------

    wolf in sheep's clothing

    How many pages is a 20'000-25'000 word essay?

    Our teacher is making us write a 20'000-25'000 word essay on the themes within Oliver Twist...and it's due tommorow, do I have any hope? =(How many pages is a 20'000-25'000 word essay?
    Woah i dont think you really have hope why are you asking this now when its due tomorrow and you havent even started yet...

    A 20-page double-spaced paper is about 5000 words, so a 20,000 word paper would

    be about 80 pages.How many pages is a 20'000-25'000 word essay?
    12 point type, double-spaced, caluculate 300 words per page. That comes to 67 to 83 pages. Forget it.How many pages is a 20'000-25'000 word essay?
    Just guessing... you have no hope. You probably get about 800 type written words using that font and spacing to a page.

    I am writing a research paper on the book Oliver Twist and I need a thesis statement. not city vs. countryside?

    I need to write a research paper on Oliver Twist and my original thesis was about comparing and contrasting the city and the countryside but it just isn't working. I've done all my research and I just cant write a paper on it. I am trying to come up with a thesis about how Oliver is not corrupted by his hardships and poverty but I cant put it into words. Any ideas?I am writing a research paper on the book Oliver Twist and I need a thesis statement. not city vs. countryside?
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book! XD Okay, anyways, the concept of compassion seems to be heavily conveyed in this story. Also, well actually, tying in to his good nature. ie. Think about the relationship he has with each character.

    Why do people try to twist the president words,into lyes?

    God does have a law, Do not bear false wittinessWhy do people try to twist the president words,into lyes?
    And why do you blatantly lie for him.
    He lies in his own words, no need to twist.Why do people try to twist the president words,into lyes?
    People do not want at all. Majority of Americans love, respect and support President Obama. Only Republican-Neocons-Racists hate Obama, tell lies about President, keep smearing him in hopes that few ignorant souls will buy their BS.
    Ignorance or prejudice.Why do people try to twist the president words,into lyes?
    This is his lie, in his own words. This stimulus package has to be enacted, to prevent unemployment from exceeding 8%. As of January 2010, unemployment is 10% and growing. He is a liar and he proves it more and more everyday.
    They are pushing their own political agenda, in a spiteful way.
    Lyes? Perhaps it is because they want to make soap. Lye was the active ingredient in soap until the 1850s. That stuff would burn your eyes if you weren't careful.
    I'm so sorry, but I burst out laughing when I read that we should not bear false wittiness.

    All those people out there who know you're not really witty, knock it off. Now. I mean it.
    It's what the GOP does best.
    Are you talking about Robert Gibbs? that man can spin anything Obama says until the liberals thinks it is true !
    They don't have to twist them . He does a fine job of that on his own. God bless.
    It is just a baseless accusation not to be given any credibility when you dont provide examples
    lye is a very caustic chemical. I would love to learn how you turn spoken words into solid/liquid/gaseous objects. We can make a fortune.
    That's why they're called spin doctors. Some of them get paid to do it. And most of them that listen to the people who get paid to do it don't know they are listening to lies. There is none so blind as those that will not see.
    they've worked into such a frenzy, thinking they have something to fear (yet they can't cite one instance of their rights being curtailed), that they have resorted to an 'ends justify the means' mindset.

    and they wonder why their standard bearers are the nation's biggest jokes.
    I have never said he lied, he simply has a little problem with the truth from time to time.
    Wittiness is humor and lye is an ingredient in soap.
    No one has to twist Obama's words into lies (note the correct spelling, and PLEASE get an education). Obama lied and lied and lied all through his campaign and is STILL lying every day.

    Or do you think making back-room deals on health care and giving the unions free health care is honest? Transparent, maybe? Obama promised us transparency and hasn't delivered it yet.

    God does INDEED have a law, and Obama will roast in Hell for breaking it with his lies.
    You mean like when he said CSPAN would air the health care sausage machine? Or do you mean like when he said he would take a scalpel to the pork in the bills before he would sign them. Or do you mean how he said he would reform Washington? Or do you mean that special bipartisanship he would encourage? I didn't twist his words. He just hasn't done what he said he would do.
    I believe George W Bush asked the very same question.

    P.S.: It don't hurt to use the freekin' spell checker once in a while!
  • nada boats
  • tess gerritsen
  • What eight letter word does d, i, s, c, r, u, n, e, spell?

    I am playing a text twist game, and i need to use all of the letters above to spell an eight letter word.What eight letter word does d, i, s, c, r, u, n, e, spell?

    or it could also be...

    Dice Urns

    Dice Runs

    Iced Urns

    Iced Runs

    Cinder Us

    Riced Nus

    Riced Sun

    Dicer Nus

    Dicer Sun

    Cried Nus

    Cried Sun

    Cider Nus

    Cider Sun

    Ciders Nu

    Dicers Nu

    Dices Run

    Dices Urn

    Dunce Sir

    Crudes In

    Cursed In

    Cured Sin

    Cured Ins

    Crude Sin

    Crude Ins

    Disc Rune

    Curd Sine

    Crud Sine

    Cuds Rein

    Scud Rein

    Cud Reins

    Cud Risen

    Cud Resin

    Cud Rinse

    Cud Siren

    Rice Duns

    Cries Dun

    Rices Dun

    Crise Dun

    Ecrus Din

    Cruse Din

    Curse Din

    Cures Din

    Ecru Dins

    Cure Dins

    Cues Rind

    Cue Rinds

    Incurs Ed

    Runic Eds

    Incur Eds

    Uric Send

    Uric Ends

    Uric Dens

    Sic Under

    Sic Nuder

    Curs Dine

    Cur Snide

    Cur Dines

    Disc Re Nu

    Curds En I

    Cruds En I

    Curd En Is

    Curd Ens I

    Crud En Is

    Crud Ens I

    Cuds Re In

    Scud Re In

    Cud En Sir

    Cud Re Sin

    Cud Re Ins

    Cud Res In

    Rec Id Nus

    Rec Id Sun

    Rec Din Us

    Rec Dis Nu

    Rec Ids Nu

    Rec Duns I

    Rec Dun Is

    Recs Id Nu

    Recs Dun I

    Sec Id Run

    Sec Id Urn

    Sec Rid Nu

    Sic Ed Run

    Sic Ed Urn

    Sic Red Nu

    Sic Dun Re

    Curs Ed In

    Curs End I

    Curs Den I

    Curs Id En

    Cur Ed Sin

    Cur Ed Ins

    Cur End Is

    Cur Den Is

    Cur Send I

    Cur Ends I

    Cur Dens I

    Cur Eds In

    Cur Id Ens

    Cur Dis En

    Cur Ids En














    (wow this is a hard one!)






    (Aww, almost... "rescind" is a word, without that extra "u")








    (is "suncider" a beverage?)








    (and so on and so on...)

    Are you sure it's not Runedisc or Discrune?



    Suncride (did I already say that one?)

    I'm sorry, I'm stumped, but at least I figured out what it's NOT. I'd keep at it but I've gotta go-- class is over and I'm goin' HOME!What eight letter word does d, i, s, c, r, u, n, e, spell?
    Inducers. Is the only word I can see, I google it and it is a molecule that starts gene expression.

    EDIT: I was typing this while the answer above was sent, I did not copy him/her
    censuredWhat eight letter word does d, i, s, c, r, u, n, e, spell?
    yea idk
    ummmmm how about discrune? that is wat it says! lolz

    My boyfriend for over a yr still make up stories, lies, twist words to make him look better?

    If the lies involve you and your relationship with him, than its time to cut ties. If the lies are just small ones that only harm himself its time to sit down and explain to him that you do not approve of what he is doing. If he loves and cares for you he will make the attempt to change.

    Do you trust someone's intelligence based on how they twist words or how they can actually solve mathproblems?

    off the cuff statements can have problems. What concerns me is when a candidate promises things and hasn't done the math.

    For example, how can Barry cut taxes to 95% of families AND give health care to 47 million people at the same time AND all the other things he promised in his acceptance speech?Do you trust someone's intelligence based on how they twist words or how they can actually solve mathproblems?
    neither. It's whether they are democrat or Republican.

    If they are democrat, I don't trust they have any intelligence. If they are Republican, then I know they at least have common sense and decency.Do you trust someone's intelligence based on how they twist words or how they can actually solve mathproblems?
    By how they can think. Wisdom + intelligence = good leadership. (Obama!!!)Do you trust someone's intelligence based on how they twist words or how they can actually solve mathproblems?
    You are forgetting raising taxes to the rich and bringing home the troops as soon as possible.

    McCain has a higher deficit spending in his plan than Obama does. Since he intends to keep as many troops in Iraq as long as possible, he will spend more. And don't forget the massive health credits McCain wants too.
    I use neither as a basis of trust....It's a person's character that I look at...

    Short story with a twist at the end.?

    I need to write a 750-1000 word story with a twist at the end for an english project, but I can't come up with any ideas. Can anyone help?

    What could it be about and what could the twist be?

    Thank you xxShort story with a twist at the end.?
    I am not a weirdo but for some reason the Oedipus Complex came to my mind first but not so vile of a plot. Maybe two young people from different parts of the country accidentlly met on vacation in a remote exotic distant land, fell in love and were about to be married when they discovered that they were long lost brother and sister.
    Write about something simple, like a child stealing candy from a grocery store. Make sure you give the kid a genuine personality, and make him learn a lesson.

    And his lesson shouldn't simply be "stealing from the grocery store is wrong." It should be more like, "I shouldn't steal from the grocery store, because the owner, Mr. Peters is a really nice man, and I'm ashamed to do him wrong."

    Or maybe his lesson would be "Mr. Peters is a miserable old snob. And he thinks he can charge sixty five cents for a Snickers bar! Thats highway robbery! Screw this guy, I think I'll just take it."

    It really depends on the character.... whats important is that the character has a genuine personality.Short story with a twist at the end.?
    You could write about:

    Someone going to war, and having their family told they died, but in the end they had the bodies mixed up, or something like that.

    Two people that hate each other and end up in love and getting married in the end.

    A crime where someone shoot at someone, but the one that shoots gets killed.

    A child that is abused that's about to die, but ends up being taken away by foster care.

    Here's a few. They could go on and on I suppose... (:

    Hope they help !
    you could write an original story, but make it completely different, like turn:

    sleeping beauty, into sleeping ugly

    snow white and the 7 dwarfs into snow white and the 7 giants

    cinderella and the 2 ugly step sisters, into cinderella and two ugly brothers

    or you could make it really modern

    like cinderella and the ugly chav sisters


    hope his helps

    oxoShort story with a twist at the end.?
    try to think of things in your life and manipulate them like i have a neighbor who keeps looking in my house so when i go to sleep ithink that i am a spy and he was sent to keep a close eye on me the enemy

    this is my story make your own up by things in your life like annoying teacher into assasin sent to kill or annoying bro or sis into little mind controled machins dont stop your amagination from going wild just remember its not true and u dont have to worry

    Ha! You're not getting any of my plots -.- They're hard to come up with, the really good ones.