Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why do religious people try to twist words to fit their own agenda?

I have asked two religious questions so far and for both of them, the religous people have twisted my words. I asked a question about violence bringing up true facts and details, and they either blamed another religion or said I was a liar and hater (I don't hate people, I'm too liberal and therefore incapable of hate). I also asked why they don't accept gays, and they said that they don't agree with them, but they don't hate them (not answering my question). So I want to know why they can't give me a straight answer and take responsibility for themselves? If religious people try to blame these hatreds on their leaders, I want to know: don't you go to that church and follow that person's beliefs, listening to them everyday? WHY CAN'T I GET STRAIGHT ANSWERS?Why do religious people try to twist words to fit their own agenda?
Because they have one reference book in which to base their whole belief system and it is about 2000 years out of date... With out twisting words, they would have to admit that they don't have any answers..
Because they don't want to prove their own religion wrong to themselves.Why do religious people try to twist words to fit their own agenda?
It is the only way they can make their ridiculous fables seem more realistic and they have not yet realised that their conscience is in fact their own internal spirit and not actually god's voice.
Religious people!

I've seen politicians, talking heads on TV, athletes, car salesmen, criminals, and grocery store clerks do the exact same thing.

Don't limit humanity. :)

PeaceWhy do religious people try to twist words to fit their own agenda?
Liberals are "...incapable of hate?" *snort*

Thanks! I needed the chuckle!
Christians are taught to twist things around ,,,and get plenty of practice every Sunday ,,,,when they argue amongst them self's

They would make Good Lawyers
Several thoughts come to mind. First-everyone twists words to fit their own agenda. Second-being liberal does not make you incapable of hate. Everyone is capable of hate. Third, I think they did answer your question about gays. You asked why they don't accept gays and they said they don't agree with them. You may be twisting their words. Last, religious people are no better that anyone else, but sometimes we think we are (or act like we think we are). Relax-you sound like you are trying to get people to agree with you instead of having a dialog.
There is not any logical proof that such thing as god according to three Ibrahim reilgion(Judaisim Christianity and Islam) exist..Since they have been push it in your head Since you were a child it is very hard to clear your head out of it and make you think with your logic,none of thos so called Miracles of god is true or else Egyptians scientists will document it since whenever those religions attack a country(enemy) first they god rid of their book Specially in Egypt and Persian (instead of learning from them) ,you guys just belive in some fictional books(Tora Bible and koran)..and all these three religions claim if you are not a beliver you will go to hell (fear of unknown),,this god is nothing more than creation of Man ,,I know you will be upset and angry,,but belive me if there was such a thing God will send some proof in century 21 for all of us ,it should not be so hard for god to do so,,,read some Niche or Khayyam or RUSSEL all those great thinkers came to conclusion that ,,this god is base of fear of unknown,,No one has came back from death to tell us what is going on after death,,you belive what ever you want to belive but enjoy your existing life while you can ,,none of those so called holly books came up with a solution for minor Could or Flue,,all they insist is to belive and be afraid and pray (for what) ..what kind of god need my pray 5 times a day or else I will go to hell..None of those holly books mentioned anything about south pole or North Pole don't tell me go did not know such a location exist all thos stories in holly books starts somewher in Middle east and end up in there ,and promise of heaven is; rivers ,water ,green space and fountains which at the time there was none in middle of deserts where Mohammad or Jesus or Moses came from so for bunch of desert people that was the best way of living to be in those geographic locations some promise ofvirgin women river of wine (Alkosar) what would women get are they just been created to serve man and open their legs ..Do woman get some good looking men in heaven too??or else god can not be fair to woman,,plus Human had been living for many thousands years before those religions came about , what happen to all those none belivers whom lived for many many generation before Islam or Judaisim or Christianity,,

I belive man created this god through his imagination ,,so many people belive on this "man made" god ,,wish you go to heaven if you want to or else welcome to human society.Just think what kind of god will tell you ; its ok to kill me cause I think so and I dout him ,in Islam call it Kafar and what I am saying is "Kofr" in other religions there are another name for it..

I recommend you read more books impartially from other thinkers and scientists rather than pushing a phiosophy from 2000 years ago when there was no information exchange and science was not in such advance level to disect every DNA of any matter in this world,,you might realize your god is with you it came to this world with you and goes out with you..

don,t close your eyes to logic and be a follower because so and so said so or such a none proof holly book made you think this way...(forgive some of my misspelling).

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