Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why do modern religions twist the words of the Bible around to make up their own rules, which were never?

never commanded in the Holy Bible? For instance, in Leviticous Chapter 20 it has specific rules for having sex and NOWHERE in there does it say you have to be married!!! Forinification is when you break the rules given in Leviticous Chapter 20 and adultery is when you have sex after you are married with someone other than your spouse!!!Why do modern religions twist the words of the Bible around to make up their own rules, which were never?
Unfortunately some humans try to force their interpretations of the Bible on others. Organized religion inevitably does this, no matter how good the intentions are. Biases and hate do exist in the most religious of people, we all know humans aren't perfect.

I have turned away from organized religion, and this is one of my main reasons. I'd rather study religious thought on my own rather than learn it from another human.
It does say in the bible that if a man sleeps with a man he should be killed.Why do modern religions twist the words of the Bible around to make up their own rules, which were never?
Look up the meaning of fornication..not forinification.
sigh, this is what atheism is about; promiscous sex, and blasphemous mindWhy do modern religions twist the words of the Bible around to make up their own rules, which were never?
The BIBLE does teach against pre-marritial sex

and its a SIN against ones own body



as a WHOLE

Not just scriptures to try and justify your own beliefs

and Jesus said "if a man looks at a women to LUST after her , he has already committed adultry with her in his heart "

how did he commit adultry if she is single women ?

Answer me that if you can.........

I know its Truth , yet you cannot see its simplicity !!
Look at all the man made denomination. They each have different views on one thing or another.
The authentic new covenant church makes the rules today ... not the bible, and especially not the old testament.

The church established the rules for morality, based on the revealed will of God ... and that's the way Jesus personally set things up.

Take it or leave it.
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