Thursday, February 2, 2012

Are Athiests some sort of weird Protestant offshoot of Catholicism?

Everyone knows Catholicism was first and is the one true church, stop trying to twist the word of god with satan's doctrine. Offshoots like athiesm and Protestantism and evolution are what is wrong with the world. Only a stupid person would believe such things, and they will all burn in hell. Why would you have a religion that has gaps in its fossil record? The bible has no gaps, and neither does god, and the only gaps in the Pope are the ones in his shiny teeth as he smiles at you.Are Athiests some sort of weird Protestant offshoot of Catholicism?
No, an offshoot of Satanism.
Atheists don't believe in God.

Protestants do.

So to answer your question, no.Are Athiests some sort of weird Protestant offshoot of Catholicism?
google atheist, it will help you form funnier questions

No we are not
Atheism is not believing in any religion...

Evolution also isn't an offshoot of Catholicism... it's actually scientific proof that every creature has evolved from an earlier ancestor.

Open your mind up, question what you're told. How do you know that the Bible's right?

If you want to believe in something, at least be open minded about other's beliefs. Anyways, isn't there only one Christian God? So don't all Christians believe in the same deity, no matter how they choose to worship?

Besides, don't Christians believe in Jesus? Isn't that the point of Christianity. I thought Jesus taught love and forgiveness.

Find peace and follow your own beliefs without putting down others :)Are Athiests some sort of weird Protestant offshoot of Catholicism?
Evolution has nothing to do with christianity - you can be a christian and still believe in Darwin's theory of evolution.

Atheism is the product of people beginning to question their beliefs. The people who finds their belief absurd often choose to reject their previous belief.

How do you know Catholism was first? Do you think that the people who wrote the bible actually were catholics? nope, back then there were massive arguments about which scriptures should be included in the bible ect.. Catholism first arose after this.

The Bible have MASSIVE gaps - just look at the first few pages of genesis, it gives two different accounts on which order the animals, the world ect... was created in.

"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully" - Richard Dawkins

The fossil record has nothing to do with religion

The same pope that said that condoms does not prevent STD's and pregnancy?

The real thing that is wrong with the world is that there's still idiots like you who reads an biased old book written by savage goat-herders and believe it is the thruth...
No, we atheists are actually interplanetary parasitic life forms who came to earth many thousands of years ago. Nowadays, we spend our time infecting the brains of innocent and unsuspecting christians, turning them into drooling, bloodythirsty sodomites who love satan and abhor god. Obviously.
Atheism is about religionless,godless life
You tripped yourself up dear. The Catholic church accepts evolution as truth.

Not very impressive trolling. 0 out of 10
Atheism was around long before Catholicism was.
Atheism is not an "offshoot" of any religion.

Modern Western Atheism is a reaction to the Reformation.
The funny part of this question is that Catholic Church officially accepted evolution. The sad part is that you have obviously no idea what an Atheist is.
No were just smart people who don't believe in crazy stuff not whatever you jus said

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