and that the German pronunciation of the "z" as in marzipan is pronounced more like how we pronounce pizza, making it "mots-i-pon"? Ergo - pronounced: "Not-See" Can we "NOT SEE" (nazi) that this word is the derivative of the word Ashkenazi, the light-skinned / European Jews of Germany (or any other "european" country / peoples) and that the Rothschilds (Ashkenazim) have some relationship to Hitler, and that they didn't care what side was right or wrong - but that they made a profit? Am I using my T-H-I-N-K-I-N-G cap or am I completely wrong and off base? Tell me, tell me oh word twisting / mind-bending intellectuals of Yahoo - Land. Tell me I'm wrong / a racist / and completely off base. (A nut, A dummy, An ignoramus, Nut Job who has succumb to propoganda (%26lt;%26lt; nonethelesss, propoganda fueled by the poor, politically unconnected, and out of touch with the status - quo financially well-endowed media monopolists / capitalists / robber-baron Rothschild backed Elite ...)Isn't the word N-A-Z-I "really" a derivative of the word "Ashkenazi," who are the lighter-skinned / GermanJews?
Trying to stir up the anti-Semites, are we????
Nope, it stands for the National Socialist German Workers party.Isn't the word N-A-Z-I "really" a derivative of the word "Ashkenazi," who are the lighter-skinned / GermanJews?
It is a contraction of National Socialist German Workers Party.
The term Nazi is derived from the first two syllables of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, the official German language name of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (commonly known in English as the Nazi Party).Isn't the word N-A-Z-I "really" a derivative of the word "Ashkenazi," who are the lighter-skinned / GermanJews?
No yeah what Maurog II said...
Uh - why not? And USA is right in the heart of Jerusalem.
If you take a word from one language, and transfer it over, sound-by-sound, character-by-character, into another language, then you try to make something of it, the only thing you make is a fool of yourself!
No. The word "nazi" derives from the German word for "nationalization".
You are a nut, a dummy if you like
No. It's an abbreviation for
National Sozialismus.
(The National Socialist Party).
German, short for Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter-Partei, National Socialist German Workers' Party.
No, National Sozialistische Deutsch Arbeiter-Partei. It means National Socialist German Worker's Party. A person who belongs to this National Socialist German Worker's Party is called a Nazi
Ashkenazi is pronounced Ush-kuh-naz-ee , not not-see.
NAZI is an acronym for National Socialism, and in German : Nationalsozialismus
Ashkenaz is the Hebrew name for a geographical region in Europe that includes modern Germany, where many Jewish communities lived in medieval times. The last letter is derived from the Hebrew letter zayin, pronounced like the Z in English. So there is a connection with Germany but not with National Socialism.
If you think there is an etymological connection that betrays a moral kinship, it is because you are looking for one, along with a conspiracy to cover it up.
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