Thursday, February 2, 2012

Can a person be Intelligent but be unable to communicate verbally with others?

I was reading questions about what makes a person intelligent and most of the answers had a common factor: communication skills. I consider myself to be rather intelligent. I express myself fairly well through writing, but when talking in person I get my words twisted and get very nervous and have tons of anxiety. I am college educated and I love to read. Does not being able to verbally communicate make a person less intelligent?Can a person be Intelligent but be unable to communicate verbally with others?
Absolutely this can be the case. And not just with autism spectrum disorders. I know several extremely intelligent people who struggle greatly with verbal communication. But just because you struggle with communication, that doesn't mean you are less intelligent. It means you are less adept at communication. It could be that you just get really nervous around people. That doesn't mean you don't know how to communicate verbally. It means you have to climb over a wall of anxiety to communicate properly.

I personally consider myself to be intelligent. Especially in the area of the English language. But sometimes when I talk to people, I get incredibly nervous and shaky. I find that the source of this problem is because I am worried at what people might think of me, so I speak with the personality of someone else. Sometimes when we aren't speaking with our own personality and letting who we really are out, then we can become nervous and speech becomes difficult. If you are a nerd, let it out! It's who you are. If you an intelligent person who likes to spout random facts, let it out! Learn how to use it, because it's who you are. Whoever you are, and whatever your personality is, embrace it when you are talking to people. Be confident in what your speech sounds like.

Hope that helps.
These are temporary phases in the initial stages. This symptom occurs particularly when children are not brought up in mature environments. Or if the child is from a rural background. All these qualities (like fluent talking etc.) can be picked up if one practices.Can a person be Intelligent but be unable to communicate verbally with others?
I think you should see the movie- My Left Foot.
autismCan a person be Intelligent but be unable to communicate verbally with others?
yes people have social anxieties but that doesnt make you dumb per say i believe in multiple intelligence theory because it explains this exact case.
I would say your expectations are more than you can produce. Keep building your vocabulary and interacting with people. Socialize a lot and practice your communicating skills. Maybe get a book on better communicating skills.
I do not think verbal communication skills are a sign of intelligence, or lack thereof. I cite as examples many politicians who are great orators, not necessarily what I'd call intelligent. I think it is possible the opposite be true. The more intelligent, the worse the verbal skills. My reasoning would be the mind moves at such a rapid pace, the mouth and vocal chords can not keep up...
I would say that there is no correlation between general intelligence and having good communication skills.
yes, a person can be intelligent, but a poor verbal communicator, due to nervousness, certain physical problems, on brain damage in critical areas. even due to lack of practice.
Steven Hawking.
It depends on the context and where you are in life.

Sometimes Tarzan would utter,

"Me Tarzan, She Jane, ...there Tiger",

.. and that was adequate for the task at hand.

But you are right intelligence and communication

skills often go hand-in-hand,

for example,

Carl Sagan, Anthony Robbins,

Ronald Reagan, and so on,

have certainly made the communicative %26amp; intelligent list.

Remember that some individuals have the potential for

great communications skills but for whatever reason

have found themselves not exercising these talents,....

Emotional abuse, prejudice, poverty, shyness, anger,

and so on, may take a terrible toll on an otherwise

intelligent mind.

Humans are not just knowledge machines, we are

emotional creatures as well; some just refuse to speak.

"Of all the talents bestowed upon men, none is so precious as the gift of oratory . . . Abandoned by his party, betrayed by his friends, stripped of his offices, whoever can command this power is still formidable." - Winston S. Churchill
i agree with Alek.

yes, verbal skills are a common factor in most intelligence scales, but they're not the only factor. verbal fluency isn't the sole indicator of intelligence and it can also be improved. anxiety can be overcame! :)

p.s.: please don't take the person who suggested autism seriously!

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