Thursday, February 2, 2012

Word Game: How many different ways can you think to use the abbreviation TMK?

So far I got: This Material Kills, Too Much Kush, Twisted Mind Kontrol. Lol.Word Game: How many different ways can you think to use the abbreviation TMK?
The milky king

Tomatoes milk and kookies

To my knowledge

To much kum

To many keys

Tough monkeys krums

To midnight kumWord Game: How many different ways can you think to use the abbreviation TMK?
Take my kidneys.

Torture my kids.

Tickle my tortellini.

Tease my kitty.Word Game: How many different ways can you think to use the abbreviation TMK?
Tennessee Monkey Plums

Try Mortal Kombat

To Mom's Place
take my king (chess)

to make kingdoms
  • sailboats for sale
  • art games
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