Sunday, February 5, 2012

Why are some people against rhyming in poetry?

I've heard that rhyming in poetry is kind of dead, I guess, and people like to read more free verse now. Is this true? I always write in rhyme. It's just more comfortable to me. And having to twist words around so they fit in a rhyme better is just fun to me, and gets me thinking more creatively.Why are some people against rhyming in poetry?
Well, actually, some people still use rhyme, and it's accepted and occassionally published, so you needn't worry about it greatly.

But modern American poetry has moved into realms where rhyme itself is seen as childish, or badly cliched, and so it is not useful to try and publish it to be taken seriously in many poetic circles.

However, your voice as a poet is your own, and what tropes, schemes, and images you wield must contribute to your unique vision. By all means rhyme, if rhyme is what you need to flay the muse away.
Many poets feel that by twisting their words into rhyme schemes they're giving up an important part of their creativity. Rhymes can sounds forced and cheesy, especially when they force the writer to change word order in a way they normally wouldn't. So if you had a poem that was written using more modern language you wouldn't want to write "Up in the sky / the kite did fly because it breaks your style, and snaps readers out of the mood you created.

If you enjoy rhyming poetry that's fine. If you're good at it, even better! It's just important to keep in mind that if the rhymes are taking away from the message you're trying to convey you aren't bound to use them.

By the way, if you enjoy the challenge of strange rhyme schemes, take a look at the paradelle [ ].Why are some people against rhyming in poetry?
the rhyme in poetry

is like a blank thought

makes you feel you've been bought

the rhyme in poetry

is like a pool of emptiness

you jump in and get a sense of dryness

the rhyme in poetry

is like a bad answer

it gets inside you just like a cancer

the rhyme in poetry

is just a big waste of time

its just long senseless rhyme

the rhyme in poetry
Some people avoid rhyming in poem cause its will at times changes the mood or meaning of the whole poem. If it is made to be a sad or dead poems, how can you expect there to be rhymingWhy are some people against rhyming in poetry?
It is no crime to rhyme

those who say its so

really cannot know.
I like poems that rhyme

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