The problem is that so much that is said that we believe doesn't come from our teachings. For instance, a study performed at the University of Washington in Seattle in the early 1970s compared New Testament teachings and practices against major Christian religions. The results of that study showed that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormons") followed some 96 percent of the teachings and practices found in the New Testament. The next closest denomination was below 80 percent.
Anyone can claim that the Mormons twist up the Bible, but as to actually support such a claim? One wherein your own religion is any better?
And then there is the matter of why one translation is any better than any other? Or why there should even be differences between the translations? They are all the works of man, attempting to take copies of ancient manuscripts and to translate them into today's languages. No translation is any better than the translators can make it at the time of translation.
The claim, as you state it (yours is not a question) is spurious at best. English speaking Mormons use the King James Translation of the Bible. It contains footnotes, just like all study bibles that aid in understanding the passages.
TDs expected.Mormons you guys twist up the Bible and put different words and meaning into it ...Get a NIV version?
We don't always agree with Jerome's translation into Latin, which was used as the basis of the KJV, but we certainly believe in the Bible. Jerome wasn't a prophet, and he didn't have the Holy Ghost; why should we trust his translation? Greek and Hebrew words typically have a whole gamut of meanings, just like English words, but they don't match up on a word by word basis. Take YOM for example. The earth was created in 6 YOMs. Sure, it could be translated as day. It can also be translated as year, and as stage. Was the earth created in six days? six years? six stages? Relying on tradition is like relying on rumors. The various Christian faiths are largely at odds with one another, because they are based on rumors; they take the scriptures, and without authority from God, they wrest them to their own understanding. Real authority comes when God selects a living prophet, someone he can talk to, who will represent him faithfully to all those who will listen.
So who says the the NIV is better than the King James Bible?
If there is a difference that would make it necessary for us to switch which Bible we use then would that mean that those who made the NIV violated the common interpretation of the passage found in Revelation 22:18-19, which tells us not to add to or take away from God's word?
And if that is the case then which group of people should we trust? The ones that translated the King James version, or the ones that translated the NIV?
This sounds to me like something that James might have been referring to (see James 1:5-6) perhaps you should consider following that advice and praying to find out from God what he would have you do. That is what I did.Mormons you guys twist up the Bible and put different words and meaning into it ...Get a NIV version?
Mormonism was actually my favorite religion to study. My study (about 15 years ago) was quite extensive, but I'll try to recall the things that I remember.
You are quite correct about the changes to the Bible. Normally, they don't use it. But there is a Joseph Smith translation of the Holy Scriptures that they do use from time to time. The changes to it are quite phenomenal. My favorite change was the part where Jesus explained that there were no marriages in heaven, they changed it to say that there is.
Some other favorite things I remember was reading the book, "Joseph Smith Begins his Work" which is supposed to be an exact copy of the original Book of Mormon "before all the punctual corrections." I was surprised about two things regarding this book.
The first surprise was that not only was it difficult for me to find in the library system (I finally found it in a library loan program through the university) but that it hadn't even been checked out or read. My second surprise was the EXTREME and COMPLETE changes to MANY sentences in such a way that it came out totally different, and I'm not talking about punctuation changes either.
Another book I remember was The Story of Joseph Smith by his mother Lucy Mack Smith. I remember reading how Joseph Smith picked up his plates of gold and was chased by three different individuals through wooded area, and got away. I remember comparing the story to the Journal Of Discourses, which described the size of the plates, and the Book of Mormon which also said the plates were made of pure gold. Well, according to the size and the materials made, the plates calculated to weigh 250 lbs. That's quite a load to carry when someone is chasing you.
One story in the Book of Mormon states that it took 364 days to sail from Europe to America. What is odd is that at 10 mph, 364 days would have taken them around the world several times.
The Book of Mormon also describes Chariots, Horses, and Elephants in America. I'll let you figure that one out.
As for your comment about the NIV version. I am quite disheartened by the NIV due to its translators succumbing to the worldly pressures to 'modernize' its translation to include gender neutrality (because it could be offensive). My experience is, if the Bible offends you, you are the one with the problem. (Perhaps pride?)
You are wrong. Did you know that the NIV changed again in 2011? And that some Baptists don't accept your last NIV version from 2005, but that they go back to the previous version a few years before that. Sorry, but to believe that the revisions being made to the NIV are not clouded by the opinions of men is foolish.
The Latter-day Saints use the King James version of the Bible. Plain and simple.Mormons you guys twist up the Bible and put different words and meaning into it ...Get a NIV version?
Blame King James for that.
Him and his King James Version Of The Bible...
the most read, the most quoted, the most popular Bible in the World, bar none.
And that is the Bible that is the official Bible of THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints. It is the same one that LDS Missionaries carry with them.
There are many different versions of the Bible.
The most accurate version is the Joseph Smith Inspired Version Of The Bible, which is the King James Version, but with the redacted parts of the Bible put back in by Joseph Smith.
Unfortunately THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints, does not have the copyright to this version of the Bible (long story) so the King James Version, without the redacted parts put back in the Bible, is the one that is primarily used by Latter Day Saints.
So there is nothing twisted. Everything is out in the open, and is easy to compare, and there is no trickery whatsoever, when it comes to the scriptures of THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints.
And there never has been any trickery, when it comes to the scriptures of THE Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. And your claim that such is so, is false and baseless, and is without any merit whatsoever.
I think you're thinking of the Jehovah's Witnesses. The Mormons have their own addition, a separate book altogether, the Book of Mormon. Even that's not enough, because they rely on other things that Joseph Smith, their founder, wrote. And their church leader has the authority to make any new edicts he see fit, as well.
Thanks. I needed a laugh.
The King James Bible is still the best English translation I've seen so far, so it's asinine to claim that we twist the Bible when we actually adhere to one of the older translations of it.
Sheeeeet .... like YOU'RE not just as crazy as THEM?
Get a grip ... every religion is just delusional nonsense!
No, we don't twist the Bible. We teach what is in the Bible.
Examples please
The JST is laughable at best. Most of them use the KJV because even they agree with my first sentence.
They are followers of their founder. Why would you think they would be any different than him, if they are taught to emulate him? He actually had the nerve to add himself to biblical prophecy in his JST. Wow. Talk about sheer arrogance. What do you expect from someone who claimed physical descent from Jesus Christ, and had himself annointed "King of Israel" in 1844, shortly before he declared himself as a presidental candidate of the US? God finally said, That's it. I'll handle this one, a few short months later.鈥?/a> == read the KJV alongside this translation blurb and see. Italics are Smith's added words to the KJV.
Or you could just burn the bible and get a life.
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