Thursday, February 2, 2012

Is Poetry better read alone or is it better to share it in a communal setting?


would you rather sit in a corner

with a light shining low

on the pages

where words twist


gain their hold

or should you let everyone else fill the room

the altos the tenor

sopranos and BOOM

the bass

with that thundering



would you have it just one way


have it as both?

just curiousIs Poetry better read alone or is it better to share it in a communal setting?
If I may add a comment never said, "You are the fastest writing gal I 've seen. And you make sense too." Well the answer to it is "An orchestra is capable to support many correct voices." I guess, the collab, conceived (or not) was not only my impression, when the immaculate verses were interconnecting. I am an innocent cafeteria member, when I smell of coffee, I can drink it in any possible way the coffee wants. (lol)
This is an answer from my personal experience alone. I think it's an individualistic thing.

I heard Poe's "The Raven" performed on Youtube by a collective. It was appalling. Somewhat like the molestation of a small child.

I read it alone one night and it was so beautiful.

Ask the same question about music.

I hate 'trying' to enjoy music in a communal setting. I hate trying to enjoy music (period).Is Poetry better read alone or is it better to share it in a communal setting?
I too sit, in a double chair, close to a corner of my private space,

no one needs to be with me in that place, see my face

as I aborb what I read, whether it be words that smile

or pages that bleed.

I admit however, and have experienced you thus

Vocaroo, is righteous and just,

hearing you read is a joy to compare

with a breath of the cleanest air.
I'd have it both

but not all the time, you see

it takes a muse

to be sitting alone

and turning

the pages of a book

but it takes two muses

to stand before some people

one to help you read

and one to help you

keep from stammering

and shaking.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIA!Is Poetry better read alone or is it better to share it in a communal setting?
I am without a doubt a loner however, a small group can add to the appreciation or meaning that I did not catch and so that is an advantage. I think that is why I am drawn to this place. You all help me learn and I can "see" you through your eclectic personalities so if someone gets too loud or offensive, it's easy to tone them out.
Two ways. Alone if I wish to contemplate, and possibly write something stirred by the reading. With another person or two if reading material familiar to all parties and taking turns reading aloud. There are other ways, I suppose,but ain't tried 'em yet.
The great true dark,violent poems should be read in the park ,after dark.

In front of many types of people,very enjoyable.

Even better are the sexy love poems shared only with whom you love.

One way,two ways or a three way.

why not both? time and place for everything. Sometimes i am in the mood to read or write poetry alone and other days i want to sit and watch or perform poetry. Both beautiful escapes.
I prefer to read poetry alone because it gives the story more of a chance to soak in and let me understand the true meaning of it.
i read it alone, i guess.

please answer mine!! :);…

without no 'phone

and no one to moan

just me, and me alone,

alone with me is just me...
I like it better alone, poetry readings can get a little pretentious- especially when read by the author.
I like your poem! But being a liberal subject, I think that poetry could be read anyway people like.
nice poem, i prefer to read alone because the quite helps me think and i cant read with to much noise...

I lean toward the 1st, but have notions on the 2nd.
Sharing poetry sounds best!
Tyler showed a good point

Alone we can be truer in meaning we found.

Among a mass we tend to agree
I hate crowds, so I guess I'm safe either way.

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