Sunday, February 12, 2012

How come on T.V. they can use the "female dog" word or the "a" word but edit out the word "God"?

Is it me, or is American society really twisted and backwards?How come on T.V. they can use the "female dog" word or the "a" word but edit out the word "God"?
The TV "standards" are full of double standards and honestly need to be reviewed and updated, if not totally done away with.

There's the 7 classic words you can't say on TV, but yet many of their synonyms - many of which are considerably worse - are still allowed.

Then again you gotta remember, these were things first set up nearly 60 years ago.

Anyways I'm less concerned about what words can and cannot be said on TV, and what's considered "appropriate" overall.

It's OK to show people being shot on TV, and then have commercials with women running around in bras, followed by viagra ads, but a 2 second shot of Ms. Janet Jackson's mostly-naked-breast during the Superbowl is STILL grinding its way through the courts for indecency. What's even more outrageous is that during one of the award shows, one of the female presenters was basically topless with nothing but pasties over her nipples which were much smaller than the piercing thingie Jackson was wearing on her breast. Yet the FTC didn't say anything about that, and are still trying to fine Jackson and others several million dollars.

What few standards exist are very unevenly applied, and usually only if someone religious conservative moron complains. What they don't realize is that the complaints only draw MORE attention to the "objectionable" material in question.How come on T.V. they can use the "female dog" word or the "a" word but edit out the word "God"?
I think the other person attempting to answer this question doesn't understand. I assume you're referring to when they edit out the "god" part of God Damn. They are afraid they'll get slack and boycotts from the ultra religious minority. A female at work used to ***** when i used the phrase "god dammit." She would claim it's blasphemous. I told her that I would say it as much as I want because I don't believe in got therefore I cannot be blasphemous.How come on T.V. they can use the "female dog" word or the "a" word but edit out the word "God"?
I agree with you! TV producers worry about offending non-religious people with the word GOD. But I guess all those horrible obscene words will not offend people?

It is the same situation in public schools.

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