Thursday, February 2, 2012

Do you consider the word "gring0" to be an offensive word, the word originally came from Espana and meant?

'person from another country' but it has been twisted into a racial slur, that, in my opinion, is only slightly less offensive than the n word.Do you consider the word "gring0" to be an offensive word, the word originally came from Espana and meant?
Not really. You do, no doubt, know that "gringo" just means "Greek" (in kind of an altered form), and in Spanish the expression "it's all Greek to me" is used for something one doesn't understand. Slowly it became connected to English-speakers who couldn't say ANYTHING in Spanish (except maybe a tepid "buenos dias") but who jabbered on and on in English TO Spanish-speakers in a Spanish-speaking country.

@Jay: The German cognate (and it's VERY VERY close to English) can mean "to stab" and can be used, even around people who think they are "proper"... (One can say a toreador does that to a bull.)
actually if ya take them literally no word is a "bad" word. even ^%$#. ya know the "other" word for sex, isn't a bad word. the oldest meaning i've ever found for it means "to hit". even the word @!%26amp;^ just means a male chicken. so really, ^%$#sucker could just mean someone with an odd poultry fetish. any word can be a bad word. it all depends on the context.Do you consider the word "gring0" to be an offensive word, the word originally came from Espana and meant?
Heck NO.......Just means man from other country, especially....white man ,in Spanish...Nothing offensive.
I find the words "Niqqer",(sorry for the spelling got deleted) "Nazi", "Retard", "Cracker" and "Wet back" much more offensive...
I guess it depends on how you feel.....
Gringo/gringa is NOT an offensive term... it is actually a term used by many hispanics to describe people who speak a different language or people who look foreign... I guess this discussion came out from my username.Do you consider the word "gring0" to be an offensive word, the word originally came from Espana and meant?
Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never harm me. (because I'm an adult) Oh, but watch out for that knife! LOL
nope. as far as I'm concerned. it just means: foreigner
It still refers to SPlC or w*tback...

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