She is has a poisonous bite, she twists words and takes them out of context, she likened herself to McCain in ability to handle foreign affairs and demoted Obama to having merely given a speech in 2002; she plays on people's fears rather than elevating voters minds to believe what we can accomplish working together as a nation. She proclaims herself to be a FIGHTER. She snarls and bares her teeth and moves lighting fast to attack like a Komodo dragon.Do you think Hillary Clinton has the bite of a Komodo dragon?
NO! Worse ...the attacks of a NARCISSIST!! Hillary Clinton has the medical personality disorder of Narcissism. This is a clear to me and many others I have spoken to regarding this affliction. Narcissism is incurable to date. If you google Narcissism you will find a list of behaviors that fit Hillary Clinton to T!
I could never begin to describe the chaos and irresponsible acts that these sick people are capable of while maintaining an aura of competence, and strength.
The most devastating aspect of this personality disorder is their disconnect from human emotion and their total sense of personal entitlement at anyones cost!
I think I would rather risk the attack of a Komodo dragon than Hillary Clinton. Astounding that her condition has not been picked up by the media, her constituents, the voters who support her...Sad ...and potential huge crisis if Hillary Clinton is elected !!
More like the bite of a crack whore.Do you think Hillary Clinton has the bite of a Komodo dragon?
Tell me something. What politician doesn't twist words and take them out of context. We just had 7 years of that with GWB and Karl Rove as his policy writer. Please tell me that you don't think she's the only one. You can't be that naive.
I'm not voting for Hillary but at least I'm a realist about it.
No, but you sure do, bambam.Do you think Hillary Clinton has the bite of a Komodo dragon?
wow -what a visual you give! But no, Hillary is just doing what she thinks she must to get what she wants - to be the 1st woman president of these United States. I had that it has to be so negative so much of the time and not on the issues but this is not a new stategy. If a man was doing this they way she does it, he would just be considered a politician. But Hillary 'has the bite of a Kmodo dragon'.
Yes...and I don't like her.....
If you were working in the Obama campaign he'd have to fire you.
Listening to these kind of remarks gives me, a Clinton supporter, reason to vote against Obama if he becomes the nominee. I certainly wouldn't want to align myself with such hateful people who can't do anything but spew their venemous ignorance.
Well, she's never shot anyone, like your idol, D!ck Cheney.
Let's be fair. Your charaterization of Hillary as " poisonous...komodo dragon" is unfair, Unless you are working for her rivals.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Where is there proof of a rapture in the book of revelations? Wont God punish those who twist his words?
The rapture isn't in scripture anywhere. That whole doctrine is a con made up by preachers to make people think that they have found an easier Christianity.Where is there proof of a rapture in the book of revelations? Wont God punish those who twist his words?
the word rapture is not used, but the concept is, fyi not all "Christians" get raptured, just the ones that are pure, holy, and blameless %26amp; are awaitin the return of the Lord Jesus Christ...there are verses in Matthew 25 stating "one will be taken and the other LEFT"...
I THESS 4:17,18 good reference by truebeliever
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.…
If you are looking for some kind of logical proof, than you won't find it. The Book of Revelations is a prophesy revealed by God to John the Beloved and is merely an interpretation of the vision given to him about the last days of the earth. There is a somewhat conflicting account of the same thing given in Daniel. Both are somewhat cryptic and hard to understand... it is difficult to put sublimely spiritual thoughts and experiences into words, and we can't be factually sure of what the vision contained, only what John could describe about it on paper.
I beleive God will punish those who twist his words but it is difficult for a man to decide which of the different translations of the Bible as well as other scriptures like the Book of Mormon and Qu'ran is God's word and which is not. We must not pass judgement on things we know nothing about... and we must recoginize that one man's truth may be false to another. Also the quote in Revelations about "not adding onto this book" only apply to the Book of Revelations and not the Bible or scripture in general because the Bible is a book invented (or compiled) by the Catholics in the late 1500's and was not around in the time of Jesus.
The only way to find out if there is a rapture or if something is the word of God or not is to pray in all sincerity and with an open heart for a confirmation of that truth.Where is there proof of a rapture in the book of revelations? Wont God punish those who twist his words?
no God wrote any books currently compiled as the bible, all were written by men. So none of the words are God's words.
its not in revelations. The word rapture is not in the bible. The word they confuse you with is the greek word harpazo meaning caught up. We shall all be caught up at the last trump. "last means last trump". Matthew chp 13 in the parable of the wheat and the tares is revealed by Jesus the tares are the children of the wicked one. It says the children of the wicked shall be bound into bundles first. So the first to go are the bad guys. Some teachers are saying that there congregation will go first. That is what you call deceptive.
Yes, God will punish those who twist His words. That's why He told us not to add on or change the words of the Bible.
Jesus never mentions the rapture. Its just something that these gung-ho babtists made up so you will be good for a day!
There is not any. It is an interpretation of Matthew 24:40-41 and 1 Corinthians 15:52.
I don't think he'll punish those who twist his words. One thing everyone seems to forget is that the bible, every word, was written by man. It's the translation of a divine, perfect message by an imperfect creature. Thus, any retelling of God's intentions through the language of man is not going to be 100% acurate to his (or her) intended meaning.
1. If one dumps a country bucket of sod into the river, wont the punishment be floating deceased fish and aquatic life.
2. so its easy to imagine that if a god or goddess bestowed upon you the ability to prophesize, and you distorted the words, wouldnt they beseech you and give another that job.
3. so with every interpretation of the good book, that 'thee' god Yeshua/Jesuss speaks of, it is not hard to assume that that god will beeseech ALL of those books.
4. what is likely is for that god to send another way, by another messenger, to get those words out again. Only this time he must be wiser and tacticfull, in order that no distortions come to his good words.
brother,what you said is true there is no third coming only second go through Mathew 24.moreover just look at apostles or 1st century Christians they went through great trials.Do yo remember what Jesus told in Luke 22:31"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat. 32?But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers.”
Brother there are so many verses like that .I.don't know if someone pluck my nail or put me in fire,then what will be my response.But one thing i know if he want me to go through that then he will give me the strength with it.
brother ,don't worry to much about other Do god's will and ask god to show your shortcomings.Pray for others,if you have real burden for it.and leave the judgment and punishment part to Lord.God will Bless you.
In Revelation there is no passage that suggest a Rapture, but there are in other places. It is not a twisting of words per say. More or an area of study. I choose to take a wait and see approach to the Rapture. There are verse that support the idea, but there is no real basis for it as far as i can tell. Though I still have ALOT to learn about the Bible. :))
Here are verses that have been used to prove the thinking on the subject of the Rapture.
Remember also that God has told us to come and reason together.
And Pr 27:17 says
"as iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." It is good to debate an issue, even a biblical one.
Consider this
Mat 24:36-41 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
1Co 15:51 Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed
1Th 1:10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.
1Th 4:16-17 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
the word rapture is not used, but the concept is, fyi not all "Christians" get raptured, just the ones that are pure, holy, and blameless %26amp; are awaitin the return of the Lord Jesus Christ...there are verses in Matthew 25 stating "one will be taken and the other LEFT"...
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I THESS 4:17,18 good reference by truebeliever
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Where is there proof of a rapture in the book of revelations? Wont God punish those who twist his words?I THESSALONIANS 4:17,18
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.…
If you are looking for some kind of logical proof, than you won't find it. The Book of Revelations is a prophesy revealed by God to John the Beloved and is merely an interpretation of the vision given to him about the last days of the earth. There is a somewhat conflicting account of the same thing given in Daniel. Both are somewhat cryptic and hard to understand... it is difficult to put sublimely spiritual thoughts and experiences into words, and we can't be factually sure of what the vision contained, only what John could describe about it on paper.
I beleive God will punish those who twist his words but it is difficult for a man to decide which of the different translations of the Bible as well as other scriptures like the Book of Mormon and Qu'ran is God's word and which is not. We must not pass judgement on things we know nothing about... and we must recoginize that one man's truth may be false to another. Also the quote in Revelations about "not adding onto this book" only apply to the Book of Revelations and not the Bible or scripture in general because the Bible is a book invented (or compiled) by the Catholics in the late 1500's and was not around in the time of Jesus.
The only way to find out if there is a rapture or if something is the word of God or not is to pray in all sincerity and with an open heart for a confirmation of that truth.Where is there proof of a rapture in the book of revelations? Wont God punish those who twist his words?
no God wrote any books currently compiled as the bible, all were written by men. So none of the words are God's words.
its not in revelations. The word rapture is not in the bible. The word they confuse you with is the greek word harpazo meaning caught up. We shall all be caught up at the last trump. "last means last trump". Matthew chp 13 in the parable of the wheat and the tares is revealed by Jesus the tares are the children of the wicked one. It says the children of the wicked shall be bound into bundles first. So the first to go are the bad guys. Some teachers are saying that there congregation will go first. That is what you call deceptive.
Yes, God will punish those who twist His words. That's why He told us not to add on or change the words of the Bible.
Jesus never mentions the rapture. Its just something that these gung-ho babtists made up so you will be good for a day!
There is not any. It is an interpretation of Matthew 24:40-41 and 1 Corinthians 15:52.
I don't think he'll punish those who twist his words. One thing everyone seems to forget is that the bible, every word, was written by man. It's the translation of a divine, perfect message by an imperfect creature. Thus, any retelling of God's intentions through the language of man is not going to be 100% acurate to his (or her) intended meaning.
1. If one dumps a country bucket of sod into the river, wont the punishment be floating deceased fish and aquatic life.
2. so its easy to imagine that if a god or goddess bestowed upon you the ability to prophesize, and you distorted the words, wouldnt they beseech you and give another that job.
3. so with every interpretation of the good book, that 'thee' god Yeshua/Jesuss speaks of, it is not hard to assume that that god will beeseech ALL of those books.
4. what is likely is for that god to send another way, by another messenger, to get those words out again. Only this time he must be wiser and tacticfull, in order that no distortions come to his good words.
brother,what you said is true there is no third coming only second go through Mathew 24.moreover just look at apostles or 1st century Christians they went through great trials.Do yo remember what Jesus told in Luke 22:31"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat. 32?But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers.”
Brother there are so many verses like that .I.don't know if someone pluck my nail or put me in fire,then what will be my response.But one thing i know if he want me to go through that then he will give me the strength with it.
brother ,don't worry to much about other Do god's will and ask god to show your shortcomings.Pray for others,if you have real burden for it.and leave the judgment and punishment part to Lord.God will Bless you.
In Revelation there is no passage that suggest a Rapture, but there are in other places. It is not a twisting of words per say. More or an area of study. I choose to take a wait and see approach to the Rapture. There are verse that support the idea, but there is no real basis for it as far as i can tell. Though I still have ALOT to learn about the Bible. :))
Here are verses that have been used to prove the thinking on the subject of the Rapture.
Remember also that God has told us to come and reason together.
And Pr 27:17 says
"as iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." It is good to debate an issue, even a biblical one.
Consider this
Mat 24:36-41 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
1Co 15:51 Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed
1Th 1:10 And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.
1Th 4:16-17 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
I need a short story about somebody feeling isolated, alone, bullied with a TWIST 500-800 words;help please:)?
must be about 500--800 words %26amp; f could provide examples or a story thank you. URGENT- 10 POINTS! :)I need a short story about somebody feeling isolated, alone, bullied with a TWIST 500-800 words;help please:)?
harry potter first book, second chapter.cb radio unique baby girl names
harry potter first book, second chapter.
What are ten songs you like.. (with a twist)?
The twist? Your songs have to be linked together by the whole or part of the last word in the previous song. Have fun.
My list:
Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd)
Here Comes Your Man (Pixies)
Man That You Fear (Marilyn Manson)
Fear Is Big Business (Ministry)
Business Woman (The Church)
Woman In Chains (Tears For Fears)
Chain of Fools (Aretha Franklin)
Fooled Around And Fell In Love (Elvin Bishop)
Love Over Gold (Dire Straits)
Golden Years (David Bowie)What are ten songs you like.. (with a twist)?
Valley of the Kings - Gamma Ray
King Twisted - Noumena
Twisted Mind - Avantasia
Mind Matters - Dark Tranquillity
Matters of the Dark - Tad Morose
Dark Eternal Night - Dream Theater
Night Eternal - Moonspell
Eternal Flames of Metal - Cryonic Temple
Metal Machine - Saboton
Machinery of Lies - Destruction.
Wow, that took a while.
Thank god we stopped at ten...I don't think I could've carried on.
this is too tricky!What are ten songs you like.. (with a twist)?
Warriors of Time - Black Tide
Time Is Gone - The Confession
DUDE this is way hard!
Edit: My bad. =]
The TWIST ~ Chubby Checker
Twist %26amp; Shout ~ the Isley Bros.
Shout (let it all OUT) [unofficial, but hey, it's Sunday] ~ Tears...
Out Of Time ~ the Stones
Time Waits For No One ~ Stones again
One Night ~ Elvis
Night Train ~ James Brown
Train Kept A-Rollin' ~ Yardbirds (yeah, %26amp; the Joe Perry project too)
Rollin' %26amp; Tumblin' ~ Muddy Waters
Tumblin' Dice ~ Stones yet again
Can't resist:
All ~ Collective Soul
All Along The Water(s) ~ Duran2
Water Of Love ~ Dire Straits
Love Song ~ Sara Bareilles
(The) Song Remains The Same ~ LedZep
Same Old Story ~ Aerosmith
Story Of A Young Heart ~ FlockOfSeagulls
Heart Of Stone ~ the Stones
Stone Free ~ Mr. Jimi
Freeway Jam ~ Mr. Jeff BeckWhat are ten songs you like.. (with a twist)?
At the End of the Day - Spock's Beard
Dayride - Return to Forever
Ride the Lightning - Metallica
Lightning Song - Queens of the Stone Age
Song Within a Song - Camel
Song of the Wind - Santana
Wind Up - Jethro Tull
Up from the Skies - Jimi Hendrix
Sky Is Falling - Rocket Scientists
Falling to Pieces - Faith No More
Wicked Witch - Demons %26amp; Wizards
Witch Doctor - David Seville
Doctor My Eyes - Jackson Browne
Eyes Of A Stranger - Queensryche
Stranger In A Strange Land - Iron Maiden
Land Of 1,000 Dances - Wilson Pickett
Dance The Night Away - Van Halen
Getting Away With Murder - Papa Roach
Murder By Numbers - The Police
The Number Of The Beast - Iron Maiden
Bloody Heck that was hard
Thanks for Mr 4 TD's Mr petty jealousy.
We Say Summer - All Time Low
Summer Love - Justin Timberlake
Love Song - Sarah Bareilles
Song of the South - Alabama
Southern Girl - Incubus
Want You - This Century
You're Beautiful - James Blunt
Beautiful Love - The Afters
Love Me Dead - Ludo
Dead Souls - Joy Division
All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan/Jimi Hendrix
Rattle, Shake, and Roll by Big Joe Turner
Like a Rolling Stone by Bob Dylan
Ebony and Ivory by Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney
Lincoln Park Pirates (Steve Goodman)
A Pirate Looks at Forty (Jimmy Buffett)
Forty Shades of Green (Johnny Cash)
Green Green Grass of Home (Porter Wagoner)
Home of the Blues (Johnny Cash)
Blues Stay Away From Me (Delmore Brothers)
Me and You (Poco)
You Ain't Woman Enough to Take My Man (Loretta Lynn)
Man With a Gun (Jerry Harrison)
Guns Made America Great (Pinkard %26amp; Bowden)
Message To The Boys (The Replacements)
Boys Keep Swinging (David Bowie)
Swinging London (Magnetic Fields)
London's Burning (The Clash)
Burn Black (Hole)
Black Out (Pavement)
Outta Me (Bikini Kill)
Me Myself And I (De La Soul)
I Don't Blame You (Cat Power)
You Did It (LiLiPUT)
It Was A Pleasure Then (The Velvet Underground)
Then She Remembers (Dream Syndicate)
jesus christ, I cannot believe how long this took me...but I managed to do 11...!
*Acutally, I screwed up. But I fixed it. And now have 12...!
Paint it Black (rolling stones)
Black Sabbath (balck sabbath)
Sabbath bloddy sabbath (black sabbath)
Sabbath of Sin (bewitched)
Sin city (offspring)
City of Angels (red hot chilli peppers)
Angels of the dark (Blutengel)
Dark Star (beck)
Star me kitten (R.E.M)
Kitten is angery (lemon demon)
Suck My Left One by Bikini Kill
One Song For You by Sleater-Kinney
You Broke My Heart by The Vibrators
Heart Attack Man by The Beastie Boys
(The) Man Who Sold the World by Nirvana
World War by UK Subs
War On Nature by Anti-Product
Nature Song by Maria Taylor
Song For Us by The Briggs
Us %26amp; Them by Pink Floyd
This proved to be a Herculean task.
Hope %26amp; Kirk - Cop Out
Bloodsimple - Out To Get You
Ministry - You Know What You Are
Gary Numan - Are Friends Electric?
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult - Electrical Soul Wish
Korn - Wish You Could Be Me
Nine Inch Nails - Me, I'm Not
Mudvayne - Not Falling
The Birthday Massacre - Falling Down
AND TO end things on a happy note.......
311 - Down
Phew, I'm worn out!
My list:
Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd)
Here Comes Your Man (Pixies)
Man That You Fear (Marilyn Manson)
Fear Is Big Business (Ministry)
Business Woman (The Church)
Woman In Chains (Tears For Fears)
Chain of Fools (Aretha Franklin)
Fooled Around And Fell In Love (Elvin Bishop)
Love Over Gold (Dire Straits)
Golden Years (David Bowie)What are ten songs you like.. (with a twist)?
Valley of the Kings - Gamma Ray
King Twisted - Noumena
Twisted Mind - Avantasia
Mind Matters - Dark Tranquillity
Matters of the Dark - Tad Morose
Dark Eternal Night - Dream Theater
Night Eternal - Moonspell
Eternal Flames of Metal - Cryonic Temple
Metal Machine - Saboton
Machinery of Lies - Destruction.
Wow, that took a while.
Thank god we stopped at ten...I don't think I could've carried on.
this is too tricky!What are ten songs you like.. (with a twist)?
Warriors of Time - Black Tide
Time Is Gone - The Confession
DUDE this is way hard!
Edit: My bad. =]
The TWIST ~ Chubby Checker
Twist %26amp; Shout ~ the Isley Bros.
Shout (let it all OUT) [unofficial, but hey, it's Sunday] ~ Tears...
Out Of Time ~ the Stones
Time Waits For No One ~ Stones again
One Night ~ Elvis
Night Train ~ James Brown
Train Kept A-Rollin' ~ Yardbirds (yeah, %26amp; the Joe Perry project too)
Rollin' %26amp; Tumblin' ~ Muddy Waters
Tumblin' Dice ~ Stones yet again
Can't resist:
All ~ Collective Soul
All Along The Water(s) ~ Duran2
Water Of Love ~ Dire Straits
Love Song ~ Sara Bareilles
(The) Song Remains The Same ~ LedZep
Same Old Story ~ Aerosmith
Story Of A Young Heart ~ FlockOfSeagulls
Heart Of Stone ~ the Stones
Stone Free ~ Mr. Jimi
Freeway Jam ~ Mr. Jeff BeckWhat are ten songs you like.. (with a twist)?
At the End of the Day - Spock's Beard
Dayride - Return to Forever
Ride the Lightning - Metallica
Lightning Song - Queens of the Stone Age
Song Within a Song - Camel
Song of the Wind - Santana
Wind Up - Jethro Tull
Up from the Skies - Jimi Hendrix
Sky Is Falling - Rocket Scientists
Falling to Pieces - Faith No More
Wicked Witch - Demons %26amp; Wizards
Witch Doctor - David Seville
Doctor My Eyes - Jackson Browne
Eyes Of A Stranger - Queensryche
Stranger In A Strange Land - Iron Maiden
Land Of 1,000 Dances - Wilson Pickett
Dance The Night Away - Van Halen
Getting Away With Murder - Papa Roach
Murder By Numbers - The Police
The Number Of The Beast - Iron Maiden
Bloody Heck that was hard
Thanks for Mr 4 TD's Mr petty jealousy.
We Say Summer - All Time Low
Summer Love - Justin Timberlake
Love Song - Sarah Bareilles
Song of the South - Alabama
Southern Girl - Incubus
Want You - This Century
You're Beautiful - James Blunt
Beautiful Love - The Afters
Love Me Dead - Ludo
Dead Souls - Joy Division
All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan/Jimi Hendrix
Rattle, Shake, and Roll by Big Joe Turner
Like a Rolling Stone by Bob Dylan
Ebony and Ivory by Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney
Lincoln Park Pirates (Steve Goodman)
A Pirate Looks at Forty (Jimmy Buffett)
Forty Shades of Green (Johnny Cash)
Green Green Grass of Home (Porter Wagoner)
Home of the Blues (Johnny Cash)
Blues Stay Away From Me (Delmore Brothers)
Me and You (Poco)
You Ain't Woman Enough to Take My Man (Loretta Lynn)
Man With a Gun (Jerry Harrison)
Guns Made America Great (Pinkard %26amp; Bowden)
Message To The Boys (The Replacements)
Boys Keep Swinging (David Bowie)
Swinging London (Magnetic Fields)
London's Burning (The Clash)
Burn Black (Hole)
Black Out (Pavement)
Outta Me (Bikini Kill)
Me Myself And I (De La Soul)
I Don't Blame You (Cat Power)
You Did It (LiLiPUT)
It Was A Pleasure Then (The Velvet Underground)
Then She Remembers (Dream Syndicate)
jesus christ, I cannot believe how long this took me...but I managed to do 11...!
*Acutally, I screwed up. But I fixed it. And now have 12...!
Paint it Black (rolling stones)
Black Sabbath (balck sabbath)
Sabbath bloddy sabbath (black sabbath)
Sabbath of Sin (bewitched)
Sin city (offspring)
City of Angels (red hot chilli peppers)
Angels of the dark (Blutengel)
Dark Star (beck)
Star me kitten (R.E.M)
Kitten is angery (lemon demon)
Suck My Left One by Bikini Kill
One Song For You by Sleater-Kinney
You Broke My Heart by The Vibrators
Heart Attack Man by The Beastie Boys
(The) Man Who Sold the World by Nirvana
World War by UK Subs
War On Nature by Anti-Product
Nature Song by Maria Taylor
Song For Us by The Briggs
Us %26amp; Them by Pink Floyd
This proved to be a Herculean task.
Hope %26amp; Kirk - Cop Out
Bloodsimple - Out To Get You
Ministry - You Know What You Are
Gary Numan - Are Friends Electric?
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult - Electrical Soul Wish
Korn - Wish You Could Be Me
Nine Inch Nails - Me, I'm Not
Mudvayne - Not Falling
The Birthday Massacre - Falling Down
AND TO end things on a happy note.......
311 - Down
Phew, I'm worn out!
Xbox live gamertag thinking of changing it but not sure what to change it to?
im thinkin of chanign my gamertag but dunno what to chnage it toit has to have the word twist or twisted in it i will pick the best one as best answerXbox live gamertag thinking of changing it but not sure what to change it to?
Mr.TwistXbox live gamertag thinking of changing it but not sure what to change it to?
Twisted Twist?
Mr.TwistXbox live gamertag thinking of changing it but not sure what to change it to?
Twisted Twist?
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Figuratively Do you sometimes feel good when you bite your tongue?
Do you sometimes feel good when you bite your tongue?
Sometimes its best to shut up and bite the tongue, not say anything because it will backfire. Sometimes its best not to say anything. People can be notorious at twisting the words of others around, and taking it out of context.Figuratively Do you sometimes feel good when you bite your tongue?
personally i never feal good leaving thoughts unsaid. i think if you worry about your words backfiring or being misunderstood you are leaving yourself out of a lot of conversations. i feal best when i say everything i think politly but honestly. if people twist my words and midunderstand me thats their problem, i know what i said.
Sometimes its best to shut up and bite the tongue, not say anything because it will backfire. Sometimes its best not to say anything. People can be notorious at twisting the words of others around, and taking it out of context.Figuratively Do you sometimes feel good when you bite your tongue?
personally i never feal good leaving thoughts unsaid. i think if you worry about your words backfiring or being misunderstood you are leaving yourself out of a lot of conversations. i feal best when i say everything i think politly but honestly. if people twist my words and midunderstand me thats their problem, i know what i said.
How to talk around certain peeps?
I'm 17 and straight
I try to be nice to gays who wish to be my friend
But all they want to talk about is sexuality, and, try as i might to not offend, they still find some way to twist my words around to say I offended their orientation
And then the whole gay clique starts calling me "breeder"
How do I not offend, I never actually offend they just say I do?How to talk around certain peeps?
Ask them to talk about something else for once.How to talk around certain peeps?
as a wise man once said: the easiest way to not offend someone is to not say anything in the first place.
I try to be nice to gays who wish to be my friend
But all they want to talk about is sexuality, and, try as i might to not offend, they still find some way to twist my words around to say I offended their orientation
And then the whole gay clique starts calling me "breeder"
How do I not offend, I never actually offend they just say I do?How to talk around certain peeps?
Ask them to talk about something else for once.How to talk around certain peeps?
as a wise man once said: the easiest way to not offend someone is to not say anything in the first place.
Poll: Shouldn't all types of love between consenting adults be accepted?
I don't see why people seem so fit on enslaving us to their will.
(By the way, please don't twist my words into something they are not. You know what this question means)Poll: Shouldn't all types of love between consenting adults be accepted?
If you mean homosexuality, yes, definitely.
But when I read the question I also thought of incest.. err..
Absolutely,yes.Poll: Shouldn't all types of love between consenting adults be accepted?
yes, no one should have the right to tell others who they can love. Love knows no boundaries!
If it's love, it's private between them and should be kept confidential.
If it's just lust it's not love.
I'm only interested in my own lifestyle and don't want to hear about others.Poll: Shouldn't all types of love between consenting adults be accepted?
Of course.
no. depends on deffinition of love. limits are to be set cars kens5
(By the way, please don't twist my words into something they are not. You know what this question means)Poll: Shouldn't all types of love between consenting adults be accepted?
If you mean homosexuality, yes, definitely.
But when I read the question I also thought of incest.. err..
Absolutely,yes.Poll: Shouldn't all types of love between consenting adults be accepted?
yes, no one should have the right to tell others who they can love. Love knows no boundaries!
If it's love, it's private between them and should be kept confidential.
If it's just lust it's not love.
I'm only interested in my own lifestyle and don't want to hear about others.Poll: Shouldn't all types of love between consenting adults be accepted?
Of course.
no. depends on deffinition of love. limits are to be set
Is it "twist ties" or "twisties?"?
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Is it "twist ties" or "twisties?"?
I've always said "twist ties," but I've come across quite a few people who have insisted that the word was "twisties."Is it "twist ties" or "twisties?"?
its twist ties
It's technically two different words, since they're ties that you twist.
But if you think of it as one word, you might think it was just one "t" in the middle there.
Kinda like when people spell it "roomate" instead of "roommate."
Now, speaking-wise, maybe they hear it as having just one "t" sound rather than twisT-Ties, with extra emphasis on the two "t" sounds.
Kinda like in Austin Powers when he says "Miss FFFFFFagina" to emphasize that it isn't, well, y'know, alottafagina.Is it "twist ties" or "twisties?"?
I've always called them twistie-ties!
I just LOVE them.
They have so many uses. Great for tying up wires!
To make them unnoticable I light them with my lighter and burn the paper off.
"Twist ties" sounds right. But "twisties" is still acceptable slang.Is it "twist ties" or "twisties?"?
my husband calls them "bread ties"
I call them "twist ties"
I never heard of them being called "twisties"
depends on where u grew up, different regions of the country say, or have different phrases of things, ie. crayfish-crawfish
It is twist ties, as written on the box of trash bags. Twisties would be the slang version of that.
i've always said twist ties or wire ties-for the metal strips in paper ya know? that works so long as everyone knows what we're talking about
it doesnt really matter its like sprinkles and jimmies either or you know just use the one your most comfterable with
its both, but people have kind of shortend it to twisties.
Twist ties.
its twisties :P
twist ties.
i say twist ties
twist ties (:
twist ties
its twist ties
It's technically two different words, since they're ties that you twist.
But if you think of it as one word, you might think it was just one "t" in the middle there.
Kinda like when people spell it "roomate" instead of "roommate."
Now, speaking-wise, maybe they hear it as having just one "t" sound rather than twisT-Ties, with extra emphasis on the two "t" sounds.
Kinda like in Austin Powers when he says "Miss FFFFFFagina" to emphasize that it isn't, well, y'know, alottafagina.Is it "twist ties" or "twisties?"?
I've always called them twistie-ties!
I just LOVE them.
They have so many uses. Great for tying up wires!
To make them unnoticable I light them with my lighter and burn the paper off.
"Twist ties" sounds right. But "twisties" is still acceptable slang.Is it "twist ties" or "twisties?"?
my husband calls them "bread ties"
I call them "twist ties"
I never heard of them being called "twisties"
depends on where u grew up, different regions of the country say, or have different phrases of things, ie. crayfish-crawfish
It is twist ties, as written on the box of trash bags. Twisties would be the slang version of that.
i've always said twist ties or wire ties-for the metal strips in paper ya know? that works so long as everyone knows what we're talking about
it doesnt really matter its like sprinkles and jimmies either or you know just use the one your most comfterable with
its both, but people have kind of shortend it to twisties.
Twist ties.
its twisties :P
twist ties.
i say twist ties
twist ties (:
twist ties
How can you get rid of a lateral lisp?
I always have to twist my mouth funny to pronounce a word with an 'S' and it always sounds as if I'm over accentuating the sound. I have even had a choir teacher ask me why I did that with my mouth before, and my dad teases me for it every now and then. It really bothers me and I want to correct it.How can you get rid of a lateral lisp?
Try talking slowly. Think of a good sentence (it doesn't need to even make sense), and write it down, then say it very very slowly. Do it over and over again until you get the sound right. I used to have an accent and I found this help.
Try talking slowly. Think of a good sentence (it doesn't need to even make sense), and write it down, then say it very very slowly. Do it over and over again until you get the sound right. I used to have an accent and I found this help.
Based on liberals PC minded requirement to place the word Extreme in front of muslim, shouldn't we do the same?
for Nazi's? I mean were there not good honest, peace loving, productive Nazi's? Is this just another example of the twisted mentality of todays liberal?Based on liberals PC minded requirement to place the word Extreme in front of muslim, shouldn't we do the same?
No. By definition, Nazis were at the extreme right of German politics at the time, as opposed to the center-right political parties, and of course as opposed to their archenemies, the leftists.
You can't condemn an entire religion as extreme because that is just plain dishonest and bigoted. It bears no relation to reality.
Ok so let's no make the distinction between extremists and the general population.
If all Muslims are terrorists, because the 9/11 terrorists were Muslim, then all Catholics (like Bill O'Reilly) are child molesters, because of the Catholic priest abuse scandal.
If all Muslims are terrorists, because the 9/11 terrorists were Muslim, then all Mormons (like Glenn Beck) are rapists, because of LDS leaders like Warren Jeffs have been convicted of child rape.
If all Muslims are terrorists, because the 9/11 terrorists were Muslim, then all Catholics (like Sean Hannity) are terrorists, because the Oklahoma City Bomber, Timothy McVeigh, was Catholic.
If all Muslims are terrorists, because the 9/11 terrorists were Muslim, the all Catholics (like Bill O'Reilly %26amp; Sean Hannity) are Nazis, because Adolf Hitler was Catholic.
But since you've pointed out that there is no such thing as an "Extreme" Nazi nor an "Extreme" Muslim, then that would make the entire FOX News evening crew be CHILD MOLESTING, TERRORIST, NAZI, RAPERS!
But perhaps that is merely your twisted mentality.Based on liberals PC minded requirement to place the word Extreme in front of muslim, shouldn't we do the same?
Have you ever met any muslims? As in, actually had a conversation with them and got to know them? Come back when you have is all I'm saying.
I actually know muslims who basically want to live their lives in peace and don't take their religion seriously, and who have spoken out against the extremists. If basing my judgements on my actual life experiences rather than media scaremongering and black-and-white thinking means I have 'twisted mentality' then so be it.
It has nothing to do with 'political correctness' (not that anyone seems to have a clue what that means any more - it's just a stock phrase that's dragged out and used as a personal attack when bigots can't be bothered having an honest debate with people who disagree with them)
How about just calling them Christians instead of Nazis, since most if not all of the Nazis were Christians. Christians killed millions in the ovens. Does it seem a bit misleading and unfair to characterize Christianity thusly? I think so.
Edit: Of course I realize that it was mostly Christians who brought the Nazis to their knees! Did I not say that it would be misleading and unfair to say "Christians killed millions in the ovens"? Now if you prefaced the word "Christian" with a modifier that would distinguish those Christians from the rest of the Christians, it would be OK.Based on liberals PC minded requirement to place the word Extreme in front of muslim, shouldn't we do the same?
There was that extremist white guy McVey. So, I guess it's all white guys.
There was that extremist American McVey. So, I guess it's all Americans.
There was that extremist religious guy McVey. So, I guess it's all religious guys.
Ergo, white, religious, Americans are to be watchful of in the world.
I think the question validates the notion that most Modern Republican - Tea Party - 'christian' Conservatives - simply have no ability for honest cognition.
The twist is - they are actually PROUD of that fact, and wear their willful ignorance like a badge of populist pride.
So you're saying the approximately 1.27 billion Muslims (more than 1/6th of the entire world's population) is comparable to a now defunct, racist, political party that existed for a few decades in the early part of the 20th century in Germany?
No. It isn't about being PC minded but accurate. If you sincerely have issues with all muslims, then you should be angry with oil relationships with Saudi Arabia and Iraq.
I think trying to solve the problem is better than trying to find the right name calling.
Yeah and Extremist drug dealers as I'm sure there are nice/good ones...
Liberals don't want Political correctness across the board, that would be detrimental to their cause. They constantly rant about profilling and stereotypes but how many terrorist in movies are Arabs. How many Drug Cartels are Hispanic, How many drug dealers are black, How many greedy people are jews and so on and so forth. No they want conservatives to act one way while they do as they damn well please. They have no idea what " set the example" means.
Liberals always use fear words. Just look what they did with "Assault" weapons.
No. By definition, Nazis were at the extreme right of German politics at the time, as opposed to the center-right political parties, and of course as opposed to their archenemies, the leftists.
You can't condemn an entire religion as extreme because that is just plain dishonest and bigoted. It bears no relation to reality.
Ok so let's no make the distinction between extremists and the general population.
If all Muslims are terrorists, because the 9/11 terrorists were Muslim, then all Catholics (like Bill O'Reilly) are child molesters, because of the Catholic priest abuse scandal.
If all Muslims are terrorists, because the 9/11 terrorists were Muslim, then all Mormons (like Glenn Beck) are rapists, because of LDS leaders like Warren Jeffs have been convicted of child rape.
If all Muslims are terrorists, because the 9/11 terrorists were Muslim, then all Catholics (like Sean Hannity) are terrorists, because the Oklahoma City Bomber, Timothy McVeigh, was Catholic.
If all Muslims are terrorists, because the 9/11 terrorists were Muslim, the all Catholics (like Bill O'Reilly %26amp; Sean Hannity) are Nazis, because Adolf Hitler was Catholic.
But since you've pointed out that there is no such thing as an "Extreme" Nazi nor an "Extreme" Muslim, then that would make the entire FOX News evening crew be CHILD MOLESTING, TERRORIST, NAZI, RAPERS!
But perhaps that is merely your twisted mentality.Based on liberals PC minded requirement to place the word Extreme in front of muslim, shouldn't we do the same?
Have you ever met any muslims? As in, actually had a conversation with them and got to know them? Come back when you have is all I'm saying.
I actually know muslims who basically want to live their lives in peace and don't take their religion seriously, and who have spoken out against the extremists. If basing my judgements on my actual life experiences rather than media scaremongering and black-and-white thinking means I have 'twisted mentality' then so be it.
It has nothing to do with 'political correctness' (not that anyone seems to have a clue what that means any more - it's just a stock phrase that's dragged out and used as a personal attack when bigots can't be bothered having an honest debate with people who disagree with them)
How about just calling them Christians instead of Nazis, since most if not all of the Nazis were Christians. Christians killed millions in the ovens. Does it seem a bit misleading and unfair to characterize Christianity thusly? I think so.
Edit: Of course I realize that it was mostly Christians who brought the Nazis to their knees! Did I not say that it would be misleading and unfair to say "Christians killed millions in the ovens"? Now if you prefaced the word "Christian" with a modifier that would distinguish those Christians from the rest of the Christians, it would be OK.Based on liberals PC minded requirement to place the word Extreme in front of muslim, shouldn't we do the same?
There was that extremist white guy McVey. So, I guess it's all white guys.
There was that extremist American McVey. So, I guess it's all Americans.
There was that extremist religious guy McVey. So, I guess it's all religious guys.
Ergo, white, religious, Americans are to be watchful of in the world.
I think the question validates the notion that most Modern Republican - Tea Party - 'christian' Conservatives - simply have no ability for honest cognition.
The twist is - they are actually PROUD of that fact, and wear their willful ignorance like a badge of populist pride.
So you're saying the approximately 1.27 billion Muslims (more than 1/6th of the entire world's population) is comparable to a now defunct, racist, political party that existed for a few decades in the early part of the 20th century in Germany?
No. It isn't about being PC minded but accurate. If you sincerely have issues with all muslims, then you should be angry with oil relationships with Saudi Arabia and Iraq.
I think trying to solve the problem is better than trying to find the right name calling.
Yeah and Extremist drug dealers as I'm sure there are nice/good ones...
Liberals don't want Political correctness across the board, that would be detrimental to their cause. They constantly rant about profilling and stereotypes but how many terrorist in movies are Arabs. How many Drug Cartels are Hispanic, How many drug dealers are black, How many greedy people are jews and so on and so forth. No they want conservatives to act one way while they do as they damn well please. They have no idea what " set the example" means.
Liberals always use fear words. Just look what they did with "Assault" weapons.
What is the Surprise Ending to the book series Pretty Little Liars? In other words, how does TWISTED end?
How does the book series end? Details and explain.What is the Surprise Ending to the book series Pretty Little Liars? In other words, how does TWISTED end?
With Courtney gone, Hanna, Aria, Emily, and Spencer can finally put the past behind them and move on. But is Alison really dead? As they struggle to figure out the clues a new A is sending them that could possibly lead them to Ali, they run into some trouble, some life threatening -in aria's case- and some breath-taking. The surprise ending will leave you in awe. With a surprising twist for the girls, nothing will ever be the same...
~Miss Pretty Little LiarWhat is the Surprise Ending to the book series Pretty Little Liars? In other words, how does TWISTED end?
Alison has a twin sister Courtney. The DeLaurentis family brings her out from her seclusion in a mental hospital. It happens to be the same mental hospital Hanna is sent to. Courtney goes to Rosewood Day with all the girls and befriends them, all but Aria. Aria is hesitant and happy to have things seemingly back to normal and is dating Noel. While Aria was trying to figure things out about Alisons death, Noel asked a psychic to meet with her at the spot where Ali was found dead. The psychic said Alison killed Alison. It freaked aria out. A is still sending messages even after they found a man who worked on the gazebo and supposedly killed Jenna. He said he was framed. Then it all starts coming together Courtney, Ali's twin asks all the girls to come along on a trip to her house in the Poconos, all accept but aria. Aria finally accepts after going to a dance and seeing Noel kiss Courtney. Courtney said Noel grabbed her. But this was a lie. Courtney is really Alison. See the real Courtney died by the hands of Alison. When courtney was home for a brief stint she took Alisons place and pretended to be Ali. The real Ali got taken away to the mental hospital. This is why she dumped her other friends and became friends with the girls, they happened to be in her yard that day trying to steal her piece of time capsule flag. The real Ali tries to kill the girls sets the house on fire and they find a secret room to escapeand find Ian's dead body and Spencers sister tied up. Everyone escapes but they can't find Ali or her body. She moves on and is living somewhere else at the very end Ali isn't dead. Also you find out that spencer is half sister to Alison. Crazy book series!trade in value sea ray
With Courtney gone, Hanna, Aria, Emily, and Spencer can finally put the past behind them and move on. But is Alison really dead? As they struggle to figure out the clues a new A is sending them that could possibly lead them to Ali, they run into some trouble, some life threatening -in aria's case- and some breath-taking. The surprise ending will leave you in awe. With a surprising twist for the girls, nothing will ever be the same...
~Miss Pretty Little LiarWhat is the Surprise Ending to the book series Pretty Little Liars? In other words, how does TWISTED end?
Alison has a twin sister Courtney. The DeLaurentis family brings her out from her seclusion in a mental hospital. It happens to be the same mental hospital Hanna is sent to. Courtney goes to Rosewood Day with all the girls and befriends them, all but Aria. Aria is hesitant and happy to have things seemingly back to normal and is dating Noel. While Aria was trying to figure things out about Alisons death, Noel asked a psychic to meet with her at the spot where Ali was found dead. The psychic said Alison killed Alison. It freaked aria out. A is still sending messages even after they found a man who worked on the gazebo and supposedly killed Jenna. He said he was framed. Then it all starts coming together Courtney, Ali's twin asks all the girls to come along on a trip to her house in the Poconos, all accept but aria. Aria finally accepts after going to a dance and seeing Noel kiss Courtney. Courtney said Noel grabbed her. But this was a lie. Courtney is really Alison. See the real Courtney died by the hands of Alison. When courtney was home for a brief stint she took Alisons place and pretended to be Ali. The real Ali got taken away to the mental hospital. This is why she dumped her other friends and became friends with the girls, they happened to be in her yard that day trying to steal her piece of time capsule flag. The real Ali tries to kill the girls sets the house on fire and they find a secret room to escapeand find Ian's dead body and Spencers sister tied up. Everyone escapes but they can't find Ali or her body. She moves on and is living somewhere else at the very end Ali isn't dead. Also you find out that spencer is half sister to Alison. Crazy book series!
Who does Phil Jackson think is better, Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant?
Really I don't care about what Phil thinks because he's just another man like I am. I've seen both play and Michael Jordan is alot better in the records (stats, honors, %26amp; accomplishments). But this question is to address the Kobe jockers. These guys like to TWIST Phils word and INGNORE (like they do with stats %26amp; honors) what he really meant. Here is two quotes by Phil on MJ %26amp; Kobe:
1. "I don't understand why the Lakers treat Kobe as their most valuable asset....................He (Kobe) COULD HAVE BEEN the heir apparent to Michael Jordan and maybe won as many championships. He may still win a championship or two, but the boyish hero image has been replaced by that of callous gun fire."
2. "In a chat about Kobe, Jackson said he has displayed a better "overall" game then any other player he has coached. That would include, um, Jordan...................
He CLARIFIED the comments, saying he never asked Jordan to be a play maker."
Now what do you guys get from this?Who does Phil Jackson think is better, Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant?
Michael Jordan no brainer.
Well, there is no answer for that as Kobe Bryant is still playing in the NBA. You will have to see and compare the stats of Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant once Kobe's career is over. So far, Michael has the better statistics no matter from what view you are looking at it.
he still thinks michael jordan is better... just like the rest of us
he wanted to boost kobes ego when he said he was better than any player he had ever coached
Michael Jordan is the best everWho does Phil Jackson think is better, Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant?
No coach would say one of his player sucks, until he stops coaching. And in Kobe's case, it's true. Phil Jackson thought Kobe is a ballhog, selfish, and an immature whinny little *****.
People need to start reading stories and statistics in historical/situational context.
Michael Jordan
Never mentioned Kobe in HOF induction, but
said he is there because of MJ.
That speaks for itself.
you, my friend, i agree with you. remember, when shaq left LA, jackson called kobe uncoachable. did he ever do that to michael jordan?no so yeah what jackson thinks now is wrong.
u said it urself. "Kobe had the best overall game of any player he was ever coached." He has the most talent and potential of any player of all time, he just doesnt assess himself with his ego. why would u not care what phil thinks? are you saying phil jackson is equal to u? u gotta be on crack. ur a 13 year old kid while phil jackson is considered the best coach of all time alongside Red Auerbach. Phil's got 10 titles, 9 coaching, 1 as a player. He obviously knows a hell of alot more basketball than u. lol this kid here thinks his opinions and thoughts are equal to phil's. Phil Jackson is the only person on this planet that can say who is actually better.
Here's another quote from Phil Jackson:
"That was God disguised as Kobe Bryant"
well phil is not going to say that kobe is bad becuase he is his coach.
i'll say just what DAMN said i agree 100% with his answere
"There's Kobe Bryant, and then there's the rest of us. It's Kobe's league, he just lets the rest of us play in it." - Michael Jordan
MJ is better
your right, he said that kobe had the best overall game but then why would he be second option to shaq
I have read your number two (2) quote and the fact that Phil Jackson failed to mention Kobe as the greatest even the best (which he does when he was asked about Jordan "... best player I had....") would have you thinking what the hell is this man going to?
He said Kobe "has a better overall game" but then is hesistant to take Kobe to a higher pedestal because he knows that putting Jordan down is Bullsphemy!
Since Phil complicates things I'll just take what Bill Russell said about Michael Jordan (Kobe jockers just to differ Jordan from the claim uses Russell's ring to dethrown him):
"...he has this-it's like a computer in his head that he knows all of his multiple skills, which ones he uses, and when to use them, to win the game, because you see the thing is what makes him a GREAT player is his sense of priority, what is important."
"...enthusiasm and the will to win has been there all the time...with just as much dedication, and with just as much intensity. "鈥?/a>
Red Auerbach take on Jordan? "He was the greatest player who ever played the game"鈥?/a>
And to those who says Jordan is all hype here is what Red says:
Auerbach said Jordan's popularity was so immense because he also worked so hard at creating goodwill.
"He didn't win as many championships as Russell," Auerbach said. "Russell won 11 in 13 years, eight of them in a row. But no one went super-duper crazy when he retired. That's because he didn't have Michael's business sense. He wouldn't sign autographs, wasn't patient with people."鈥?/a>
this is a hard question omg j/k
michael jordan without a doubt
Thanks for posting that Darth
I think the two players are NOT similar and thus should not be be compared to one another. Michael and Kobe's roles on their respected teams were different when Phil came to coach them.
I think Phil tries not to play the comparison game with the two gifted players, but he will probably lean more towards Michael in terms of a better player/team mate.
When Phil came to the Lakers, Shaq was the man and franchise player. The team was built around him, which is why he was the first option. At that time, Kobe was still developing and not ready to be lead on the team.
1. "I don't understand why the Lakers treat Kobe as their most valuable asset....................He (Kobe) COULD HAVE BEEN the heir apparent to Michael Jordan and maybe won as many championships. He may still win a championship or two, but the boyish hero image has been replaced by that of callous gun fire."
2. "In a chat about Kobe, Jackson said he has displayed a better "overall" game then any other player he has coached. That would include, um, Jordan...................
He CLARIFIED the comments, saying he never asked Jordan to be a play maker."
Now what do you guys get from this?Who does Phil Jackson think is better, Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant?
Michael Jordan no brainer.
Well, there is no answer for that as Kobe Bryant is still playing in the NBA. You will have to see and compare the stats of Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant once Kobe's career is over. So far, Michael has the better statistics no matter from what view you are looking at it.
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Who does Phil Jackson think is better, Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant?he still thinks michael jordan is better... just like the rest of us
he wanted to boost kobes ego when he said he was better than any player he had ever coached
Michael Jordan is the best everWho does Phil Jackson think is better, Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant?
No coach would say one of his player sucks, until he stops coaching. And in Kobe's case, it's true. Phil Jackson thought Kobe is a ballhog, selfish, and an immature whinny little *****.
People need to start reading stories and statistics in historical/situational context.
Michael Jordan
Never mentioned Kobe in HOF induction, but
said he is there because of MJ.
That speaks for itself.
you, my friend, i agree with you. remember, when shaq left LA, jackson called kobe uncoachable. did he ever do that to michael jordan?no so yeah what jackson thinks now is wrong.
u said it urself. "Kobe had the best overall game of any player he was ever coached." He has the most talent and potential of any player of all time, he just doesnt assess himself with his ego. why would u not care what phil thinks? are you saying phil jackson is equal to u? u gotta be on crack. ur a 13 year old kid while phil jackson is considered the best coach of all time alongside Red Auerbach. Phil's got 10 titles, 9 coaching, 1 as a player. He obviously knows a hell of alot more basketball than u. lol this kid here thinks his opinions and thoughts are equal to phil's. Phil Jackson is the only person on this planet that can say who is actually better.
Here's another quote from Phil Jackson:
"That was God disguised as Kobe Bryant"
well phil is not going to say that kobe is bad becuase he is his coach.
i'll say just what DAMN said i agree 100% with his answere
"There's Kobe Bryant, and then there's the rest of us. It's Kobe's league, he just lets the rest of us play in it." - Michael Jordan
MJ is better
your right, he said that kobe had the best overall game but then why would he be second option to shaq
I have read your number two (2) quote and the fact that Phil Jackson failed to mention Kobe as the greatest even the best (which he does when he was asked about Jordan "... best player I had....") would have you thinking what the hell is this man going to?
He said Kobe "has a better overall game" but then is hesistant to take Kobe to a higher pedestal because he knows that putting Jordan down is Bullsphemy!
Since Phil complicates things I'll just take what Bill Russell said about Michael Jordan (Kobe jockers just to differ Jordan from the claim uses Russell's ring to dethrown him):
"...he has this-it's like a computer in his head that he knows all of his multiple skills, which ones he uses, and when to use them, to win the game, because you see the thing is what makes him a GREAT player is his sense of priority, what is important."
"...enthusiasm and the will to win has been there all the time...with just as much dedication, and with just as much intensity. "鈥?/a>
Red Auerbach take on Jordan? "He was the greatest player who ever played the game"鈥?/a>
And to those who says Jordan is all hype here is what Red says:
Auerbach said Jordan's popularity was so immense because he also worked so hard at creating goodwill.
"He didn't win as many championships as Russell," Auerbach said. "Russell won 11 in 13 years, eight of them in a row. But no one went super-duper crazy when he retired. That's because he didn't have Michael's business sense. He wouldn't sign autographs, wasn't patient with people."鈥?/a>
this is a hard question omg j/k
michael jordan without a doubt
Thanks for posting that Darth
I think the two players are NOT similar and thus should not be be compared to one another. Michael and Kobe's roles on their respected teams were different when Phil came to coach them.
I think Phil tries not to play the comparison game with the two gifted players, but he will probably lean more towards Michael in terms of a better player/team mate.
When Phil came to the Lakers, Shaq was the man and franchise player. The team was built around him, which is why he was the first option. At that time, Kobe was still developing and not ready to be lead on the team.
How can I get a diagnosis without seeing a professional?
I'm sorry but I just really hate therapists. My last one completely put me off of them forever. She made it really hard to confide in her truthfully, I felt like I was being judged and my words were being twisted.
Is there some sort of standard test that I can take?How can I get a diagnosis without seeing a professional?
Therapists who read too much into things and twist your words suck. It's not too much to ask that they at least pretend to listen. Find a better therapist.
You can't get an accurate diagnosis without seeing a mental health care specialist. The tests on the internet are not accurate. You just had a bad therapist. You need to try a different one.How can I get a diagnosis without seeing a professional?
sometimes you can diagnose yourself on the net
what do they think is wrong with you
Go to ur family docter they will diagnose uHow can I get a diagnosis without seeing a professional?
Is there some sort of standard test that I can take?How can I get a diagnosis without seeing a professional?
Therapists who read too much into things and twist your words suck. It's not too much to ask that they at least pretend to listen. Find a better therapist.
You can't get an accurate diagnosis without seeing a mental health care specialist. The tests on the internet are not accurate. You just had a bad therapist. You need to try a different one.How can I get a diagnosis without seeing a professional?
sometimes you can diagnose yourself on the net
what do they think is wrong with you
Go to ur family docter they will diagnose uHow can I get a diagnosis without seeing a professional?
How do I describe someone crying?
I'm writing a story for my English Coursework and I'm stuck on describing a person who knows he is soon going to die. It's meant to be a gothic story. And description about the surrounding, what he hears what he sees will help as well.
But here is the twist, u cannot use the word TEAR/ Tears in your description. Any comments will be appreciated thanks!How do I describe someone crying?
"He reflected on his mortal life, knowing that it would all be gone soon. His eyes bleed with pain" - it sounds creepy, but effective if you want anymore help with the story, then just give me some more info on what your looking for.
hope this helps you :)
Is it supposed to be written in first person or third person?
But anyways, you could write something along the lines of : he collapsed on the floor, dejected, swollen with emotions and realizations of his fate (just include his internal wounds and try to portray a feeling of crushed, hopelessness), mention the dark colors, sad or broken objects he sees (anything from a crushed flower to a broken childrens toy...something sad and equally hopeless), maybe since he's so sad and overcome by emotion, he tunes out his hearing in a way, so he could hear a haunting ringing in his ears and all he hears are the thoughts running through his head.
For the crying part, you could write a cliche like, "the floodgates opened"...haha, but that would be maybe like, he tried to blink away the emotions that blurred his vision...or you could write that they poured out from within and rolled down his cheeks...stained his cheeks
something like that...if that's even useful. haha, hope that helps!How do I describe someone crying?
I'm no expert on gothic stories, but I can dance around "tears" with a little creative omission
"His face showed distress and as he closed his eyes, drops slowly ran down his face. He had wiped them so much they were red and swollen. When he went to look around, his vision was blurry; it was difficult for him to see clearly."
The guy WAS sweating buckets and no matter what happened to his eyes, drops of -SWEAT- RAN DOWN HIS FACE from his forehead, right?
Stick him someplace hot %26amp; humid, in the rain or in the shower and it's a no-contest, I think.
As for what he hears, I'll leave that to you and the context of your story.
The blank, emotionless expression swept over his face as the realization of the moment gradually seeped in. The fear seemed to rise behind his eyes. Like a caged animal, he laid there. Paralyzed by the tragic feeling of isolation, he closed his eyes and gazed into fields of nothingness. He felt the water creep out of his eyes, and he gently whispered to himself, "I will die."How do I describe someone crying?
His eyes filled with water, they became glossy and shining as the light hit them.
use the five senses. and find replacements for tears. like the warm drops streaming down my cheek. lol idk something like that.
His eyes started to water, drops then shed from his eyes.
leaks of wet ___ poured out of his eyes???
But here is the twist, u cannot use the word TEAR/ Tears in your description. Any comments will be appreciated thanks!How do I describe someone crying?
"He reflected on his mortal life, knowing that it would all be gone soon. His eyes bleed with pain" - it sounds creepy, but effective if you want anymore help with the story, then just give me some more info on what your looking for.
hope this helps you :)
Is it supposed to be written in first person or third person?
But anyways, you could write something along the lines of : he collapsed on the floor, dejected, swollen with emotions and realizations of his fate (just include his internal wounds and try to portray a feeling of crushed, hopelessness), mention the dark colors, sad or broken objects he sees (anything from a crushed flower to a broken childrens toy...something sad and equally hopeless), maybe since he's so sad and overcome by emotion, he tunes out his hearing in a way, so he could hear a haunting ringing in his ears and all he hears are the thoughts running through his head.
For the crying part, you could write a cliche like, "the floodgates opened"...haha, but that would be maybe like, he tried to blink away the emotions that blurred his vision...or you could write that they poured out from within and rolled down his cheeks...stained his cheeks
something like that...if that's even useful. haha, hope that helps!How do I describe someone crying?
I'm no expert on gothic stories, but I can dance around "tears" with a little creative omission
"His face showed distress and as he closed his eyes, drops slowly ran down his face. He had wiped them so much they were red and swollen. When he went to look around, his vision was blurry; it was difficult for him to see clearly."
The guy WAS sweating buckets and no matter what happened to his eyes, drops of -SWEAT- RAN DOWN HIS FACE from his forehead, right?
Stick him someplace hot %26amp; humid, in the rain or in the shower and it's a no-contest, I think.
As for what he hears, I'll leave that to you and the context of your story.
The blank, emotionless expression swept over his face as the realization of the moment gradually seeped in. The fear seemed to rise behind his eyes. Like a caged animal, he laid there. Paralyzed by the tragic feeling of isolation, he closed his eyes and gazed into fields of nothingness. He felt the water creep out of his eyes, and he gently whispered to himself, "I will die."How do I describe someone crying?
His eyes filled with water, they became glossy and shining as the light hit them.
use the five senses. and find replacements for tears. like the warm drops streaming down my cheek. lol idk something like that.
His eyes started to water, drops then shed from his eyes.
leaks of wet ___ poured out of his eyes???
Is there life without the word 'i'?
Try having a conversation with someone who knows you well without making reference to yourself. Don't use the word 'I' or try and twist your language to substitute another word for 'I'. Keep it up for as long as you can without telling them what you are doing.
what suprising things happen to the way that the conversation develops.? please type in the converstaion as well if you canIs there life without the word 'i'?
Sounds like a kindergarten teacher. Miss Ross would like you to sit on the floor now, and Miss Ross has some new books to read to you. Ready? Miss Ross will begin.
I think your point was that some people talk about themselves too much. Instead of "I" they should use more "U"
Wow, seriously, get a life.Is there life without the word 'i'?
People who pull a reference from themselves "I"; are people who do not listen, but impatiently wait for their turn to talk.
nope everytime you spell the word life, i always seems to pop up in the middle. lol. seriously here goes
how are you doin?
fine thanks how are you?
did you watch the news last night?
nope, went to bed early, kinda tired
oh, it was interesting you missed out.
don't really get into the news. not my taste
how have you been feeling?
myself? been better you?
know the feeling lol
COULD GO ON FOREVER lolIs there life without the word 'i'?
It all depends on what the conversation is about. If it is about personal things it would be nearly impossible to hold an intelligent conversation without using the word. But on the other hand if you were talking about a mathematical equation, a historical event, of many other subjects you can go for hours on end and never refer to yourself or I.
what suprising things happen to the way that the conversation develops.? please type in the converstaion as well if you canIs there life without the word 'i'?
Sounds like a kindergarten teacher. Miss Ross would like you to sit on the floor now, and Miss Ross has some new books to read to you. Ready? Miss Ross will begin.
I think your point was that some people talk about themselves too much. Instead of "I" they should use more "U"
Wow, seriously, get a life.Is there life without the word 'i'?
People who pull a reference from themselves "I"; are people who do not listen, but impatiently wait for their turn to talk.
nope everytime you spell the word life, i always seems to pop up in the middle. lol. seriously here goes
how are you doin?
fine thanks how are you?
did you watch the news last night?
nope, went to bed early, kinda tired
oh, it was interesting you missed out.
don't really get into the news. not my taste
how have you been feeling?
myself? been better you?
know the feeling lol
COULD GO ON FOREVER lolIs there life without the word 'i'?
It all depends on what the conversation is about. If it is about personal things it would be nearly impossible to hold an intelligent conversation without using the word. But on the other hand if you were talking about a mathematical equation, a historical event, of many other subjects you can go for hours on end and never refer to yourself or I.
What is the true meaning of the word "Messiah"?
The possible meanings of the word "Messiah" are:
son of god
the anointed one
The root of the word Messiah or "Masiach" in Hebrew, can be traced to Egypt, as the tradition of anointing kings was an ancient Egyptian custom. Egyptian kings were anointed with the fat of the holy crocodile--or "MeSeH" As Egypt controlled the region, Egyptian customs would be prevalent in the area.…
Then again, "When the Persian king Cyrus fell upon Israel, Yahweh revealed himself to HIM, (Isaiah 45:1:13) the man whom he had chosen to be his "Messiah", his "anointed one", and promised to help him. For this reason, the pious men of the house of Israel chided Yahweh. But Yahweh answered their reproaches:If you wish to take me to task on account of my sons and of the work of my hands, know then that I am Yahweh"
God and the Gods, Myths of the Bible - Beltz p. 43
So, it seems Jesus cannot be and is not the one and only "Messiah" yahweh himself called upon others to fulfill that role, and calls them his "sons". That is how it goes in the storybook.....:)
Twisting the words and using Humpty Dumpty semantics cannot fix the texts when Yahweh himself calls Cyrus his "anointed one". Christians have mistranslated the word "Messiah" to mean "god"What is the true meaning of the word "Messiah"?
Messiah simply means "a guy who has oil poured on his head, because he enjoys warm sticky fluid dripping off his face". Or for short "the annointed one"
Greek 3323 Mεσσια?; TWOT-1255c; n m
1) anointed, anointed one
1a) of the Messiah, Messianic prince
1b) of the king of Israel
1c) of the high priest of Israel
1d) of Cyrus
1e) of the patriarchs as anointed kingsWhat is the true meaning of the word "Messiah"?
From the Hebrew root verb ma·shach′, meaning “smear,” and so “anoint.” (Ex 29:2,?7) Messiah (ma·shi′ach) means “anointed” or “anointed one.” The Greek equivalent is Khri·stos′, or Christ.—Mt 2:4,
I always thought Messiah meant warrior as well. I really haven't ever thought Messiah meant God, but that's just me.What is the true meaning of the word "Messiah"?
A Messiah is a shame. Savior or Visa?
"the anointed".............Christ Jesus.
May be it means "Ayya ( sir) " you "Mess" with the life of people !
The true meaning is "The one who destroys the Death Star"
No, no WE understand YOU ARE JUST LATE. See I put this in MAN'S reasoning so that you will SEE NO ONE is FORCING anyone TO BELIEVE nothing. - IT IS THE TRUTH.
The Qur'an states Jesus is the Messiah,[Qur'an 3:45] and Muslims believe Jesus is alive in Heaven and will return to Earth to defeat the Dajjal, or Antichrist.
Luke 4:18-19 (JESUS SPEAKING)
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
Main Entry: Christ
Pronunciation: \?krīst\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English Crist, from Old English, from Latin Christus, from Greek Christos, literally, anointed, from chriein
Date: before 12th century
1 : messiah
2 : jesus
3 : an ideal type of humanity
4 Christian Science : the ideal truth that comes as a divine manifestation of God to destroy incarnate error
Main Entry: Christ
Function: biographical name
Jesus — see jesus
Main Entry: Je·sus
Pronunciation: \?jē-z?s, -z?z also -?z?s and -?z?z\
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek Iēsous, from Hebrew Yēshūa?
Date: before 12th century
1 : the Jewish religious teacher whose life, death, and resurrection as reported by the Evangelists are the basis of the Christian message of salvation —called also Jesus Christ
2 Christian Science : the highest human corporeal concept of the divine idea rebuking and destroying error and bringing to light man's immortality
Main Entry: Je·sus
Pronunciation: \?jē-z?s, -z?z\
Variant(s): or Jesus Christ \?krīst\ or Christ Jesus
Function: biographical name
circa 6 b.c.–circa a.d. 30 Jesus of Nazareth; the Son of Mary source of the Christian religion %26amp; Savior in the Christian faith
Main Entry: mes·si·ah
Pronunciation: \m?-?sī-?\
Function: noun
Etymology: Hebrew māshīah? %26amp; Aramaic m?shīh?ā, literally, anointed
Date: 1560
1 capitalized a : the expected king and deliverer of the Jews b : jesus 1
2 : a professed or accepted leader of some hope or cause
Main Entry: anoint
Pronunciation: \?-?no?int\
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French enoint, past participle of enoindre, from Latin inunguere, from in- + unguere to smear — more at ointment
Date: 14th century
1 : to smear or rub with oil or an oily substance
2 a : to apply oil to as a sacred rite especially for consecration b : to choose by or as if by divine election; also : to designate as if by a ritual anointment %26lt;critics anointed the author as the bright new talent%26gt;
JUST STAY ALIVE long enough to SEE IT... There have already been PROPHESIES THAT HAS BEEN REVEALED ALREADY.. YOU are just BLIND.. you WILL SEE.. and I AM NOT WORRIED.
So, what made you think that Christians, as a whole, thinks that "Messiah" means "God"?
As far as THE King that was expected to come, that is also "Shiloh", and we have receive Jesus as He. God raises up and tears down kings, and we believe that God has had on the throne many kings...
We say that Jesus is the son of God because He SAID He was the Son of God. Also, that's not Christians that think kings are part man and part God - that is the kings themselves...
All prophecy must be fulfilled. If the Messiah is to reign as King forever, in the peaceful Kingdom with no more unfaithful and peace everlasting, there first must be fulfilled, "Yahweh said to my lord, 'sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool' ". No one has ascended to be with God except for Jesus, and so the completion cannot be til He returns, and it could not be completed unless He went to heaven to be with God.
Actually, it seems that you've misunderstood genuine, mainstream Christianity's take on "the Messiah." The true meaning of Messiah (as you noted, this is the English transliteration of the Hebrew term), in the original Hebrew is, indeed, "the anointed one." Unlike the understanding thrust upon the term by some Christians, an "anointed one" would most often refer to a king (since they were usually literally anointed with oil before or during their coronation ceremony), or could refer to some specially chosen leader. That king/ leader did not, in the Jewish concept, have to be "divine" in any sense. That the "messiah" would be "divine" is actually foreign to the Hebrew understanding, and is often cited as one reason that the Jewish people rejected ( and continue to reject) early Christian claims regarding Jesus' nature. "Messiah" certainly, originally, did not mean divine, or "god" in any sense. To believe that the Messiah would be divine (rather than, perhaps, divinely blessed) was a novel idea unique to an early generation of Christians. Obviously, other leaders and would-be leaders among the Jews were dubbed, by their followers at least, as a messiah. Because of Cyrus's sixth century BCE role in restoring the Jewish homeland to them following the Babylonian Exile, he, too was understood as one who was "anointed" by YHWH's blessing as a (human) leader in the life of the Hebrew nation.
You should note that while "Messiah" is the transliteration of the Hebrew term for "anointed one," the Greek term for "anointed one" (both Hebrew and Greek terms having the same meaning) is "christos." From that term, of course, we have derived the English expression of "Christ."
Mainstream Christianity understands that, to refer to Jesus as "the Messiah" is a recognition of his expected role of leadership among the Jews of his era, not an appellation that carries the idea of divinity. You observe rightly that Jesus was not the first, and certainly not the last man to be referred to as a "Messiah." That fact has never been in dispute. The term "Christ" has, however, taken on the aspect of divinity, as it is used to distinguish between Jesus, the human who walked on earth during a very particular time period, and the eternally existent Cosmic "Christ", who became the (divine) Son of God and who reigns with God. (You should be aware that, in the New Testament, there are *four* different beliefs reflected in Scripture regarding exactly *when* Jesus became the Son of God.) The subject of Christology is certainly more complex than I have here presented, but these basics seem to address your issue.
Messiah, from the Hebrew Moshiach, means "anointed one". It is a person who is anointed into a special place, such as a king or priest. There have been many messiahs in Judaism. All of the Jewish kings were anointed, therefore they were all messiahs. All of the ancient Jewish priests were anointed, therefore they were all messiahs.
There exists within Judaism the idea that an "anointed one" will come, meaning that some person will be anointed into some certain position.
The Messiah of Judaism is referred to specifically as a single individual who will be "anointed". While the term "messiah" is a general term, it is also used as a specific term. It is no different to say in modern times "An Elected One" as a specific term while at the same time referring to all elected leaders as "elected ones".
And in no case does Christianity translate "messiah" as "god".north carolina dmv used car values
son of god
the anointed one
The root of the word Messiah or "Masiach" in Hebrew, can be traced to Egypt, as the tradition of anointing kings was an ancient Egyptian custom. Egyptian kings were anointed with the fat of the holy crocodile--or "MeSeH" As Egypt controlled the region, Egyptian customs would be prevalent in the area.…
Then again, "When the Persian king Cyrus fell upon Israel, Yahweh revealed himself to HIM, (Isaiah 45:1:13) the man whom he had chosen to be his "Messiah", his "anointed one", and promised to help him. For this reason, the pious men of the house of Israel chided Yahweh. But Yahweh answered their reproaches:If you wish to take me to task on account of my sons and of the work of my hands, know then that I am Yahweh"
God and the Gods, Myths of the Bible - Beltz p. 43
So, it seems Jesus cannot be and is not the one and only "Messiah" yahweh himself called upon others to fulfill that role, and calls them his "sons". That is how it goes in the storybook.....:)
Twisting the words and using Humpty Dumpty semantics cannot fix the texts when Yahweh himself calls Cyrus his "anointed one". Christians have mistranslated the word "Messiah" to mean "god"What is the true meaning of the word "Messiah"?
Messiah simply means "a guy who has oil poured on his head, because he enjoys warm sticky fluid dripping off his face". Or for short "the annointed one"
Greek 3323 Mεσσια?; TWOT-1255c; n m
1) anointed, anointed one
1a) of the Messiah, Messianic prince
1b) of the king of Israel
1c) of the high priest of Israel
1d) of Cyrus
1e) of the patriarchs as anointed kingsWhat is the true meaning of the word "Messiah"?
From the Hebrew root verb ma·shach′, meaning “smear,” and so “anoint.” (Ex 29:2,?7) Messiah (ma·shi′ach) means “anointed” or “anointed one.” The Greek equivalent is Khri·stos′, or Christ.—Mt 2:4,
I always thought Messiah meant warrior as well. I really haven't ever thought Messiah meant God, but that's just me.What is the true meaning of the word "Messiah"?
A Messiah is a shame. Savior or Visa?
"the anointed".............Christ Jesus.
May be it means "Ayya ( sir) " you "Mess" with the life of people !
The true meaning is "The one who destroys the Death Star"
No, no WE understand YOU ARE JUST LATE. See I put this in MAN'S reasoning so that you will SEE NO ONE is FORCING anyone TO BELIEVE nothing. - IT IS THE TRUTH.
The Qur'an states Jesus is the Messiah,[Qur'an 3:45] and Muslims believe Jesus is alive in Heaven and will return to Earth to defeat the Dajjal, or Antichrist.
Luke 4:18-19 (JESUS SPEAKING)
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
Main Entry: Christ
Pronunciation: \?krīst\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English Crist, from Old English, from Latin Christus, from Greek Christos, literally, anointed, from chriein
Date: before 12th century
1 : messiah
2 : jesus
3 : an ideal type of humanity
4 Christian Science : the ideal truth that comes as a divine manifestation of God to destroy incarnate error
Main Entry: Christ
Function: biographical name
Jesus — see jesus
Main Entry: Je·sus
Pronunciation: \?jē-z?s, -z?z also -?z?s and -?z?z\
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek Iēsous, from Hebrew Yēshūa?
Date: before 12th century
1 : the Jewish religious teacher whose life, death, and resurrection as reported by the Evangelists are the basis of the Christian message of salvation —called also Jesus Christ
2 Christian Science : the highest human corporeal concept of the divine idea rebuking and destroying error and bringing to light man's immortality
Main Entry: Je·sus
Pronunciation: \?jē-z?s, -z?z\
Variant(s): or Jesus Christ \?krīst\ or Christ Jesus
Function: biographical name
circa 6 b.c.–circa a.d. 30 Jesus of Nazareth; the Son of Mary source of the Christian religion %26amp; Savior in the Christian faith
Main Entry: mes·si·ah
Pronunciation: \m?-?sī-?\
Function: noun
Etymology: Hebrew māshīah? %26amp; Aramaic m?shīh?ā, literally, anointed
Date: 1560
1 capitalized a : the expected king and deliverer of the Jews b : jesus 1
2 : a professed or accepted leader of some hope or cause
Main Entry: anoint
Pronunciation: \?-?no?int\
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French enoint, past participle of enoindre, from Latin inunguere, from in- + unguere to smear — more at ointment
Date: 14th century
1 : to smear or rub with oil or an oily substance
2 a : to apply oil to as a sacred rite especially for consecration b : to choose by or as if by divine election; also : to designate as if by a ritual anointment %26lt;critics anointed the author as the bright new talent%26gt;
JUST STAY ALIVE long enough to SEE IT... There have already been PROPHESIES THAT HAS BEEN REVEALED ALREADY.. YOU are just BLIND.. you WILL SEE.. and I AM NOT WORRIED.
So, what made you think that Christians, as a whole, thinks that "Messiah" means "God"?
As far as THE King that was expected to come, that is also "Shiloh", and we have receive Jesus as He. God raises up and tears down kings, and we believe that God has had on the throne many kings...
We say that Jesus is the son of God because He SAID He was the Son of God. Also, that's not Christians that think kings are part man and part God - that is the kings themselves...
All prophecy must be fulfilled. If the Messiah is to reign as King forever, in the peaceful Kingdom with no more unfaithful and peace everlasting, there first must be fulfilled, "Yahweh said to my lord, 'sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool' ". No one has ascended to be with God except for Jesus, and so the completion cannot be til He returns, and it could not be completed unless He went to heaven to be with God.
Actually, it seems that you've misunderstood genuine, mainstream Christianity's take on "the Messiah." The true meaning of Messiah (as you noted, this is the English transliteration of the Hebrew term), in the original Hebrew is, indeed, "the anointed one." Unlike the understanding thrust upon the term by some Christians, an "anointed one" would most often refer to a king (since they were usually literally anointed with oil before or during their coronation ceremony), or could refer to some specially chosen leader. That king/ leader did not, in the Jewish concept, have to be "divine" in any sense. That the "messiah" would be "divine" is actually foreign to the Hebrew understanding, and is often cited as one reason that the Jewish people rejected ( and continue to reject) early Christian claims regarding Jesus' nature. "Messiah" certainly, originally, did not mean divine, or "god" in any sense. To believe that the Messiah would be divine (rather than, perhaps, divinely blessed) was a novel idea unique to an early generation of Christians. Obviously, other leaders and would-be leaders among the Jews were dubbed, by their followers at least, as a messiah. Because of Cyrus's sixth century BCE role in restoring the Jewish homeland to them following the Babylonian Exile, he, too was understood as one who was "anointed" by YHWH's blessing as a (human) leader in the life of the Hebrew nation.
You should note that while "Messiah" is the transliteration of the Hebrew term for "anointed one," the Greek term for "anointed one" (both Hebrew and Greek terms having the same meaning) is "christos." From that term, of course, we have derived the English expression of "Christ."
Mainstream Christianity understands that, to refer to Jesus as "the Messiah" is a recognition of his expected role of leadership among the Jews of his era, not an appellation that carries the idea of divinity. You observe rightly that Jesus was not the first, and certainly not the last man to be referred to as a "Messiah." That fact has never been in dispute. The term "Christ" has, however, taken on the aspect of divinity, as it is used to distinguish between Jesus, the human who walked on earth during a very particular time period, and the eternally existent Cosmic "Christ", who became the (divine) Son of God and who reigns with God. (You should be aware that, in the New Testament, there are *four* different beliefs reflected in Scripture regarding exactly *when* Jesus became the Son of God.) The subject of Christology is certainly more complex than I have here presented, but these basics seem to address your issue.
Messiah, from the Hebrew Moshiach, means "anointed one". It is a person who is anointed into a special place, such as a king or priest. There have been many messiahs in Judaism. All of the Jewish kings were anointed, therefore they were all messiahs. All of the ancient Jewish priests were anointed, therefore they were all messiahs.
There exists within Judaism the idea that an "anointed one" will come, meaning that some person will be anointed into some certain position.
The Messiah of Judaism is referred to specifically as a single individual who will be "anointed". While the term "messiah" is a general term, it is also used as a specific term. It is no different to say in modern times "An Elected One" as a specific term while at the same time referring to all elected leaders as "elected ones".
And in no case does Christianity translate "messiah" as "god".
Is it considered kidnapping to take my unborn child to canada so cps wont take her?
My fiance had her first child taken because cps twisted her words and now they say that they are going to take our daughter when she is born. We want to move to Canada to avoid this since Canada has told us that they wont take our daughter, but we heard that cps will call Canada and file kidnapping charges against us.Is it considered kidnapping to take my unborn child to canada so cps wont take her?
The law can do nothing about a a child until that child is actually born.
If you could edit - and say why the other child was taken - I would be able to give you a detailed response.
Because "twisting words" isnt a good reason - obviously something drastic happenend.
It appears the first child that was taken, wasnt yours. So this child that is on its way - IS yours. If you are a fit parent, CPS will not take your child. If the mother is deemed unfit, then they can revoke her parental rights, but not yours. Moving to canada would be a bad idea - for one, its going to take you a long time to gain residency. And CPS cannot file kidnapping charges on you for moving, unless there court orders in place saying you cannot leave. Theres alot of information missing from your question.
And you believe your fiance? No one will admit they abused their child. She will tell you anything to shift blame. You are putting your child at risk. If there is an open case you CAN get in trouble for leaving.
They don't take children for twisted words. They take them for valid concerns of IMMINENT harm.Is it considered kidnapping to take my unborn child to canada so cps wont take her?
Whether or not they would consider it kidnapping may be irrelevant. You are aware you can't just "move to Canada", aren't you? You'd have to immigrate like any other foreigner, and that won't happen overnight.
You cannot kidnap an unborn child, because until the child is born they it is not recognised by law.Is it considered kidnapping to take my unborn child to canada so cps wont take her?
CPS so rarely takes a child that when they do it is usually for very good reason.
The law can do nothing about a a child until that child is actually born.
If you could edit - and say why the other child was taken - I would be able to give you a detailed response.
Because "twisting words" isnt a good reason - obviously something drastic happenend.
It appears the first child that was taken, wasnt yours. So this child that is on its way - IS yours. If you are a fit parent, CPS will not take your child. If the mother is deemed unfit, then they can revoke her parental rights, but not yours. Moving to canada would be a bad idea - for one, its going to take you a long time to gain residency. And CPS cannot file kidnapping charges on you for moving, unless there court orders in place saying you cannot leave. Theres alot of information missing from your question.
And you believe your fiance? No one will admit they abused their child. She will tell you anything to shift blame. You are putting your child at risk. If there is an open case you CAN get in trouble for leaving.
They don't take children for twisted words. They take them for valid concerns of IMMINENT harm.Is it considered kidnapping to take my unborn child to canada so cps wont take her?
Whether or not they would consider it kidnapping may be irrelevant. You are aware you can't just "move to Canada", aren't you? You'd have to immigrate like any other foreigner, and that won't happen overnight.
You cannot kidnap an unborn child, because until the child is born they it is not recognised by law.Is it considered kidnapping to take my unborn child to canada so cps wont take her?
CPS so rarely takes a child that when they do it is usually for very good reason.
Whats a cool introduction to my speech about illegal music downloading?
Im doing a speech on illegal music downloading and need a cathy introduction. In the past i have done speeches on people like Mohamed ali and wore boxing gloves for an introduction.
Any suggestions..? like twisting the words of a common song?
ThanksWhats a cool introduction to my speech about illegal music downloading?
something like "Limewire Burning" instead of "Fire Burning'Whats a cool introduction to my speech about illegal music downloading?
I would bring out the subject that's at hand. Tell a question like, everyone's done it, most have heard out it, but do you know the consequences? Why downloading illegal music is bad. You can get fines and jail time for downloading illegal music..ect. That is a great start.
Any suggestions..? like twisting the words of a common song?
ThanksWhats a cool introduction to my speech about illegal music downloading?
something like "Limewire Burning" instead of "Fire Burning'Whats a cool introduction to my speech about illegal music downloading?
I would bring out the subject that's at hand. Tell a question like, everyone's done it, most have heard out it, but do you know the consequences? Why downloading illegal music is bad. You can get fines and jail time for downloading illegal music..ect. That is a great start.
How come peoeple get mad for little to no reason?
i know people who get mad and anger for no real reason.And if it is a reason it will a small reason why.And he will twist your words around so its like your lying about your side of the story.And one minute his happy and then they go berserk.And when hes mad he has no if the kid is smaller then they are they dont care.even now its obvoius they'll win.Is that a mental problem or just ignornace cause im not sure what his problem is.How come peoeple get mad for little to no reason?
He has a short fuse and needs anger management.
People like that are impatient, inconsiderate, scary, and unpopular.How come peoeple get mad for little to no reason?
It sounds like this person is very unhappy. Maybe he just wants to make everyone around him just as unhappy.
He has a short fuse and needs anger management.
People like that are impatient, inconsiderate, scary, and unpopular.How come peoeple get mad for little to no reason?
It sounds like this person is very unhappy. Maybe he just wants to make everyone around him just as unhappy.
I have a AP English binder I have to decorate. The twist is I have to include the words "how" and "what."?
What are some popular or good songs that a Senior in high school would know that would have these words individually? I like anything from pop, rap, country, 80s, screamo, chorus, and christian rock. It doesn't have to be in the title just in the song. Also, is there any poetry that could include these? Maybe like a line. If you have sources that would be great thanks! :DI have a AP English binder I have to decorate. The twist is I have to include the words "how" and "what."?
"We are what we repeatedly do."- Aristotle
"We are what we repeatedly do."- Aristotle
Should I be friends with this girl who keeps getting mad at me for the littlest things? I don't think I should?
I stopped talking to her but she keeps messaging me on Facebook saying to please re add her %26amp; she says she's sorry %26amp; whenever she says sorry she always has an exuce. she twists words too. I feel bad for her tho because she doesn't have any friends anymore because nobody wants to be her friend.Should I be friends with this girl who keeps getting mad at me for the littlest things? I don't think I should?
she sounds annoying i would ignore her.Should I be friends with this girl who keeps getting mad at me for the littlest things? I don't think I should?
No. You never want to be friends with a short tempered person because most of the time they're jerks.Should I be friends with this girl who keeps getting mad at me for the littlest things? I don't think I should?
yes, just try hard
Well, I wonder why nobody wants to be her friend....haha.
I would just meet up with her and have a serious talk about what's going on with her and why she acts the way she acts. Just tell her straight up why you're considering not being her friend, and maybe give her a chance to prove to you that she's worth your time. If she's not willing to change or if she just flips out, get up and walk out. You shouldn't have to deal with drama like that at all.
Oh and if she's hot, don't let it be the only reason to keep her around trailers captain america shield
she sounds annoying i would ignore her.Should I be friends with this girl who keeps getting mad at me for the littlest things? I don't think I should?
No. You never want to be friends with a short tempered person because most of the time they're jerks.Should I be friends with this girl who keeps getting mad at me for the littlest things? I don't think I should?
yes, just try hard
Well, I wonder why nobody wants to be her friend....haha.
I would just meet up with her and have a serious talk about what's going on with her and why she acts the way she acts. Just tell her straight up why you're considering not being her friend, and maybe give her a chance to prove to you that she's worth your time. If she's not willing to change or if she just flips out, get up and walk out. You shouldn't have to deal with drama like that at all.
Oh and if she's hot, don't let it be the only reason to keep her around haha.
Why am i being hated on so much ?
I dont understand outwardly they are nice and they talk but on the inside they lie and twist words.
I dont get it ?
Someone says to me .. its because your good looking... LoL so is everyone else..
it doesnt matter what answer i give or what question i ask ...
the answer is anything to have the last word so they can continue to hate ....
so whats a guy to do ?Why am i being hated on so much ?
If I were you I would avoid these people.
And don't try to guess what they're thinking, you'll guess wrong more often than not.
It's none of your business what they're thinking about you anyway.Why am i being hated on so much ?
Some people just hate for no reason.
Some people would gladly hate you for certain small things that you did that be offensive to them.
Some could hate you for not being the same with them. Remember birds of the same feathers flock together.
Some would hate you for being a competition to them.
Go to your friends. Those that make you feel better.
Or you could be nice to your enemies. Threat them out if you have the money. People like people who has lots of cash.Why am i being hated on so much ?
Find the person who is the least worst of all of these and ask them how you have to change in order to be accepted - also try a new group where no one knows you and monitor what happens in social interactions.Sometimes children who are good looking get an easier passage through life early on, and then find that everything doesn't really revolve around them and find life a shock
i dont understand you
im just gunna smile and nod LOL
I dont get it ?
Someone says to me .. its because your good looking... LoL so is everyone else..
it doesnt matter what answer i give or what question i ask ...
the answer is anything to have the last word so they can continue to hate ....
so whats a guy to do ?Why am i being hated on so much ?
If I were you I would avoid these people.
And don't try to guess what they're thinking, you'll guess wrong more often than not.
It's none of your business what they're thinking about you anyway.Why am i being hated on so much ?
Some people just hate for no reason.
Some people would gladly hate you for certain small things that you did that be offensive to them.
Some could hate you for not being the same with them. Remember birds of the same feathers flock together.
Some would hate you for being a competition to them.
Go to your friends. Those that make you feel better.
Or you could be nice to your enemies. Threat them out if you have the money. People like people who has lots of cash.Why am i being hated on so much ?
Find the person who is the least worst of all of these and ask them how you have to change in order to be accepted - also try a new group where no one knows you and monitor what happens in social interactions.Sometimes children who are good looking get an easier passage through life early on, and then find that everything doesn't really revolve around them and find life a shock
i dont understand you
im just gunna smile and nod LOL
FIFA World Cup section: Who would like to beat up on Jim Rome?
I say get a Cricket bat and treat his desperate and arrogant ignorance. He likes to twist words and say he believed Thierry Henry and France never won the World Cup because of their last failure. Or maybe he doesn't know about 1998? The point is he's a dumbass....FIFA World Cup section: Who would like to beat up on Jim Rome?
Ha one of my roomates used to love watching that Rome guy, he was such a dumbbutt lol, I never really saw him talk about footie tho haha.FIFA World Cup section: Who would like to beat up on Jim Rome?
Jim Rome is wicked funny and his show Jim Rome is Burning is awesome. Actually that proves americans don't care about soccer.
What up Uncle Tommy? Switched names? Jim Rome makes fun of everyone and with Henry he was probably only kidding. He said the Yankees never won a WS and they won 27. No Im not lost, some guy said you get mad when someone disagrees with you..
Ha one of my roomates used to love watching that Rome guy, he was such a dumbbutt lol, I never really saw him talk about footie tho haha.FIFA World Cup section: Who would like to beat up on Jim Rome?
Jim Rome is wicked funny and his show Jim Rome is Burning is awesome. Actually that proves americans don't care about soccer.
What up Uncle Tommy? Switched names? Jim Rome makes fun of everyone and with Henry he was probably only kidding. He said the Yankees never won a WS and they won 27. No Im not lost, some guy said you get mad when someone disagrees with you..
Can you use this word in a sentence?
According to Merriam-Webster online, the word of the day is temerity (noun).
Definition: unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger or opposition : rashness, recklessness
Example Sentence: "The official was thrown into jail for having the temerity to publicly disagree with the dictator."
Synonyms: audacity, hardihood, effrontery
A little twist on the old "word of the day" game - your sentence must make a true statement about yourself and/or someone you know.
Have fun! 鈾?/div>
Temerity will move you closer to the front of my list.
So, you had the temerity to even pose this question?Can you use this word in a sentence?
My life is dedicated to temerity.
The driver was given a ticket for having the temerity to run three red lights in a row while spinning the surrounding cars around.Can you use this word in a sentence?
I had the temerity to oppose the views of the musical instructor. Everyone else stayed silent, though they were uncomfortable with her dominant personality.
I can be at times temerity.
My husband had the temerity to stay in bed this morning during the tornado warning.
My friends and I had the temerity to watch the mortars coming in last night because we were comfortable in our lawn chairs and we wanted to watch the Patriot system intercept them.
I can't believe my Friend had the temerity to argue with me.
My friend had the temerity to go and get her lip pierced on a school trip to Italy!
Definition: unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger or opposition : rashness, recklessness
Example Sentence: "The official was thrown into jail for having the temerity to publicly disagree with the dictator."
Synonyms: audacity, hardihood, effrontery
A little twist on the old "word of the day" game - your sentence must make a true statement about yourself and/or someone you know.
Have fun! 鈾?/div>
- 5 years ago
- Report Abuse
Temerity will move you closer to the front of my list.
So, you had the temerity to even pose this question?Can you use this word in a sentence?
My life is dedicated to temerity.
The driver was given a ticket for having the temerity to run three red lights in a row while spinning the surrounding cars around.Can you use this word in a sentence?
I had the temerity to oppose the views of the musical instructor. Everyone else stayed silent, though they were uncomfortable with her dominant personality.
I can be at times temerity.
My husband had the temerity to stay in bed this morning during the tornado warning.
My friends and I had the temerity to watch the mortars coming in last night because we were comfortable in our lawn chairs and we wanted to watch the Patriot system intercept them.
I can't believe my Friend had the temerity to argue with me.
My friend had the temerity to go and get her lip pierced on a school trip to Italy!
Why cant I ask a freaking question without someone getting offended or twisting my words around?
People say blacks are freaking sensitive and od it but god damn you white and gay people are the same way..
Bring in all the bs answers so I can continue to block the nimrodsWhy cant I ask a freaking question without someone getting offended or twisting my words around?
You can't control how other people will react to your questions. Just ignore those answers that annoy you.
Well if you don't bring stereotype (like you've just done) I'm sure people would be less offended by question. Stereotypes make people offended because nobody likes to stereotyped for something because of who they are especially as normally stereotypes are bad. Secondly ignore the answers that annoy you and just read the answers that tell you what you want to read.Why cant I ask a freaking question without someone getting offended or twisting my words around?
Cause people are stupid. Some can take a joke, some can't. It doesn't matter....if you get offended, it happens. If the Dixie Chicks say that they are ashamed because George W. Bush (who wasn't even born in Texas). is from Texas and people get what? Or if people slammed Obama? So what....we live in a country where we are allowed to voice our freedom of least...that's what I was raised to believe.
yeah what priscilla saidWhy cant I ask a freaking question without someone getting offended or twisting my words around?
sheesh, you forgot to mention the browns=hispanics. what about us, lol
Bring in all the bs answers so I can continue to block the nimrodsWhy cant I ask a freaking question without someone getting offended or twisting my words around?
You can't control how other people will react to your questions. Just ignore those answers that annoy you.
Well if you don't bring stereotype (like you've just done) I'm sure people would be less offended by question. Stereotypes make people offended because nobody likes to stereotyped for something because of who they are especially as normally stereotypes are bad. Secondly ignore the answers that annoy you and just read the answers that tell you what you want to read.Why cant I ask a freaking question without someone getting offended or twisting my words around?
Cause people are stupid. Some can take a joke, some can't. It doesn't matter....if you get offended, it happens. If the Dixie Chicks say that they are ashamed because George W. Bush (who wasn't even born in Texas). is from Texas and people get what? Or if people slammed Obama? So what....we live in a country where we are allowed to voice our freedom of least...that's what I was raised to believe.
yeah what priscilla saidWhy cant I ask a freaking question without someone getting offended or twisting my words around?
sheesh, you forgot to mention the browns=hispanics. what about us, lol
Which words do native English speakers use in this situation?
Suppose you are washing your face, after you are finished, you need to squeeze/tweak/twist/wring/press your towel so it become less wet.
What word would native speakers use here? Which word is the most commonly used to refer to the act of making the towel less wet by taking out its water.
Hope native speakers can help me with this.
Thank you!Which words do native English speakers use in this situation?
Wring out is the most common.Which words do native English speakers use in this situation?
Wring or more likely wring out.
The item you would wring out would more likely be called a "Wash Cloth" or "Face Cloth". The latter being slightly more formal than the former. The wash cloths usually match the towels but are much smaller. At any good hotel you will be supplied with a "Face Cloth", a "Hand Towel" and a "Bath Towel" for each guest and also one "Bath Mat" similar to a towel, though perhaps a little coarser, to use to stand upon while drying yourself.Which words do native English speakers use in this situation?
to wring out (pronounced like "ring out")
Present tense: My towel was dripping water, so I had to wring it out over the bathtub.
Past tense: I wrung out my towel and now it is dry.unique baby boy names window tinting
What word would native speakers use here? Which word is the most commonly used to refer to the act of making the towel less wet by taking out its water.
Hope native speakers can help me with this.
Thank you!Which words do native English speakers use in this situation?
Wring out is the most common.Which words do native English speakers use in this situation?
Wring or more likely wring out.
The item you would wring out would more likely be called a "Wash Cloth" or "Face Cloth". The latter being slightly more formal than the former. The wash cloths usually match the towels but are much smaller. At any good hotel you will be supplied with a "Face Cloth", a "Hand Towel" and a "Bath Towel" for each guest and also one "Bath Mat" similar to a towel, though perhaps a little coarser, to use to stand upon while drying yourself.Which words do native English speakers use in this situation?
to wring out (pronounced like "ring out")
Present tense: My towel was dripping water, so I had to wring it out over the bathtub.
Past tense: I wrung out my towel and now it is dry.
Why do white men like to twist around statistics?
The most desired list according to the white race goes like this
White women
East Asian females
South american women
Black women
Now notice this is the SAME order of women who are most likely to find white men attractive.
Asian females are known to date white men first out of any other race since they find white males attractive because they see them as being manlier than asian guys.
South American women are known to be attracted to white men second because in south America it is VERY diverse and their are alot of White latinas in south america as well as black latinas.
Black women are known to find black men more attractive than any other race, simply because black men are the epitone of what a real man is. These men are built bigger than any other race and black women feel contempt with sticking to their men.
Now tell me how is it that the white men twists this around says that black women are the least desired just because black women are the least likely to find white men attractive?!?! in our culture their is no man that resembles a white man unless he has a genetic defect and is albino!! We see white man as completly opposte, feminen and unattractive. But the ironic thing is they say the same thing about us back, they think we act to manly are unattractive and are opposite to them too.
Regardless white men are the majority in America and south america so they make it seem like everything is opposite, twist around words to make it seem like they are the choosers when it comes to women and all women are after them .
East Asian, south american are the two races that are more likely to find white men attractive and date them.1) being that in south america their are white latinas and 2) being in east asia white men are seen as manlier than asian men.Why do white men like to twist around statistics?
I'm secure enough to admit that Black women are not as interested in White men as we are in them. However, I have a more realistic reason. Black men (and women) call Black women sellouts and oreos if they date a White man. They tell the Black women that we are less then men, have small penises, and can't protect them. They laugh at Black women for dating us as if they are speaking facts.
Okay, you don't like white men that's cool. But don't make it seem like all white men want black women, I HATE when black women say "All white men secretly want black women." Which is a complete lie. So ignore us, and we will ignore you.Why do white men like to twist around statistics?
We don't find each other attractive. Most black women prefer black men and most white men prefer white women. Stop baiting Black women and white men against each other, it is what it is
What statistic are you talking about? Do you understand what a statistic is? Stats need numbers not just uninformed words and opinion.Why do white men like to twist around statistics?
This is exactly why I would never date an american, sucha screwed up society. I only date non u.s black women
I'm white and my girlfriends
black%26amp;white, I love all
beautiful women
You suck, white men like me are glad black women don't find us attractive.
Because they suck
Yeah, I think you are right, I don't think they twist around statistics but they don't analyze why things happen like they do.
In my experience, women in my family who like white men tend to marry white men, those who like mexicans marry mexicans. I like Mexicans and will probably marry a Mexican guy because I am Mexican too.
Most asian girls i have met don't really like asian guys, they either date white or mexican guys
Guys will date whoever gives them attention
Do you know how masculine you come off when you defend and protect Black men as if they were women?
This is why you rarely date outside of your "race" because you see yourself as Black first and women second.
you need to start seeing yourself as a feminine woman first and stop this loyal race crap because it makes you look manly.
Black men never say things like "white women are the most masculine" , why? Because they don't want to burn any bridges which is smart on their part.
You should follow their advice because they don't care about you and have made that known to the world by bashing you!
It's true. White women date the most out of every race of men
Black women date the less out of every race of men
Obviously these men aren't asking black women out.
Fact: black women with asian men are the least with under 5,000 couple
fact: black women with white men are only 100,000.
White women
East Asian females
South american women
Black women
Now notice this is the SAME order of women who are most likely to find white men attractive.
Asian females are known to date white men first out of any other race since they find white males attractive because they see them as being manlier than asian guys.
South American women are known to be attracted to white men second because in south America it is VERY diverse and their are alot of White latinas in south america as well as black latinas.
Black women are known to find black men more attractive than any other race, simply because black men are the epitone of what a real man is. These men are built bigger than any other race and black women feel contempt with sticking to their men.
Now tell me how is it that the white men twists this around says that black women are the least desired just because black women are the least likely to find white men attractive?!?! in our culture their is no man that resembles a white man unless he has a genetic defect and is albino!! We see white man as completly opposte, feminen and unattractive. But the ironic thing is they say the same thing about us back, they think we act to manly are unattractive and are opposite to them too.
Regardless white men are the majority in America and south america so they make it seem like everything is opposite, twist around words to make it seem like they are the choosers when it comes to women and all women are after them .
East Asian, south american are the two races that are more likely to find white men attractive and date them.1) being that in south america their are white latinas and 2) being in east asia white men are seen as manlier than asian men.Why do white men like to twist around statistics?
I'm secure enough to admit that Black women are not as interested in White men as we are in them. However, I have a more realistic reason. Black men (and women) call Black women sellouts and oreos if they date a White man. They tell the Black women that we are less then men, have small penises, and can't protect them. They laugh at Black women for dating us as if they are speaking facts.
Okay, you don't like white men that's cool. But don't make it seem like all white men want black women, I HATE when black women say "All white men secretly want black women." Which is a complete lie. So ignore us, and we will ignore you.Why do white men like to twist around statistics?
We don't find each other attractive. Most black women prefer black men and most white men prefer white women. Stop baiting Black women and white men against each other, it is what it is
What statistic are you talking about? Do you understand what a statistic is? Stats need numbers not just uninformed words and opinion.Why do white men like to twist around statistics?
This is exactly why I would never date an american, sucha screwed up society. I only date non u.s black women
I'm white and my girlfriends
black%26amp;white, I love all
beautiful women
You suck, white men like me are glad black women don't find us attractive.
Because they suck
Yeah, I think you are right, I don't think they twist around statistics but they don't analyze why things happen like they do.
In my experience, women in my family who like white men tend to marry white men, those who like mexicans marry mexicans. I like Mexicans and will probably marry a Mexican guy because I am Mexican too.
Most asian girls i have met don't really like asian guys, they either date white or mexican guys
Guys will date whoever gives them attention
Do you know how masculine you come off when you defend and protect Black men as if they were women?
This is why you rarely date outside of your "race" because you see yourself as Black first and women second.
you need to start seeing yourself as a feminine woman first and stop this loyal race crap because it makes you look manly.
Black men never say things like "white women are the most masculine" , why? Because they don't want to burn any bridges which is smart on their part.
You should follow their advice because they don't care about you and have made that known to the world by bashing you!
It's true. White women date the most out of every race of men
Black women date the less out of every race of men
Obviously these men aren't asking black women out.
Fact: black women with asian men are the least with under 5,000 couple
fact: black women with white men are only 100,000.
Can some one reword this to make is seem more deeper and meaningfull then it already?
here is the twist the only word you can use from the original quote is the word dream
its painfull i dont want to kill you but if you advance i will have no choice then i will kill the kindess in my own heart and i will fully embrace the warrior way. Please do not blame me i fight for someone that is precious to me. I love for him and i will die for him so i can see that his dreams becomes reality.Can some one reword this to make is seem more deeper and meaningfull then it already?
"The thought of killing hurts so badly but not killing you is so much more so. I will supress any kind feelings I still have if it will help me become a soldier girl. A killer. Don't say "It's all because of you" as he is more to me than the light and air. I adore him and am willing to sacrifice myself if the dreams he holds so dear will come true."
this was just a random try- i didn't really check for not using words from the original but hey- not too badCan some one reword this to make is seem more deeper and meaningfull then it already?
Think of how you would say this to another person so it flows more naturally.
its painfull i dont want to kill you but if you advance i will have no choice then i will kill the kindess in my own heart and i will fully embrace the warrior way. Please do not blame me i fight for someone that is precious to me. I love for him and i will die for him so i can see that his dreams becomes reality.Can some one reword this to make is seem more deeper and meaningfull then it already?
"The thought of killing hurts so badly but not killing you is so much more so. I will supress any kind feelings I still have if it will help me become a soldier girl. A killer. Don't say "It's all because of you" as he is more to me than the light and air. I adore him and am willing to sacrifice myself if the dreams he holds so dear will come true."
this was just a random try- i didn't really check for not using words from the original but hey- not too badCan some one reword this to make is seem more deeper and meaningfull then it already?
Think of how you would say this to another person so it flows more naturally.
You know roti prata, why people like to twist and turn their words?
I know what is roti and paratha. Wat's difficult?
Obama says efforts to twist Sotomayor's words will fail.Will efforts to evaluate exactly what she said succeed?
I mean, a raging liberal leaves a trail, right?鈥?/a>Obama says efforts to twist Sotomayor's words will fail.Will efforts to evaluate exactly what she said succeed?
I love revisionists. When the world only had print media, it was possible to say something then later deny it. But you have to realize that the world has changed and you go look at precisely what the person said.
She did say that policy is set at the appeals court level and acknowledged that she wasn't supposed to let that slip out.
She did say that a latina woman could make better decisions than a white man.
The first statement supports the violation of the separation of powers clause of the Constitution. That document says that the courts interpret and apply law. If they don't agree with the law, they can declare it unconstitutional but that';s all.
There is no difference between saying that a Latina woman can make better decisions than saying a white man can make better decisions. And by the way, the statue of the goddess Justice in front of the Supreme Court holds a simple balance scale and wears a blindfold but I don't suppose most of you get the symbolism.
hard to tell. yet again it's nothing more than disgusting partisan politics from our elected officials. they all stink. do these democrats forget that they did the exact same thing to the republicans during a few nominations?
it all continues to highlight how much we need REAL change in our system, starting by sweeping the old cobwebs out and putting in thinkers and doers who actually care about the country instead of themselves.
meanwhile, i think this fight for her nomination will be interesting. like anyone receiving that vote of confidence, she is obviously well qualified in many ways. the question will come down to if she is qualified in the most important areas.
i don't see a slam dunk on either side yet.Obama says efforts to twist Sotomayor's words will fail.Will efforts to evaluate exactly what she said succeed?
it depends on what the definition of "it" is lol
she's not talking about the "white male" as in white male. She's talking about her neighbor White who's been too lazy to change his mailbox number so she keeps getting his mail, and there's so much of it that she barely has time to go through the pile to pull out her own mail.
right-wing blogs and talk radio, of which you are a faithful acolyte, have yet to prove any ability whatsoever to evaluate anything correctly.
The only thing they have proved their skill at is using misinformation and misleading those who are naive and easily misled.Obama says efforts to twist Sotomayor's words will fail.Will efforts to evaluate exactly what she said succeed?
If Obama is correct, then his "efforts to twist Sotomayor's words will fail", and she may get rejected (although I disagree with Obama, and believe she will be approved BECAUSE of her racist words).
Obama wants it so Obama WILL have it.
So, are you in support of twisting words or in favor of accurate information being put out?
I'm confused.
The only "twisting" is being done by Republicans.
No and yes....The racist`s words will remain unveiled...and once again, only the "educated" will know the truth...sad....
She is a racist, but will succeed anyway
This hatred is all a wast of time. She will do a great job no matter what the sour grape republicans think and say.
Her words do not have to be twisted. She said what she said.
No one in the government care to look.
Obama has ordered it so must it be done.
Even if she is what other fear.
I suppose he will next claim that we have twisted his words of "change and hope"?
I agree with what she said 100%.鈥?/a>Obama says efforts to twist Sotomayor's words will fail.Will efforts to evaluate exactly what she said succeed?
I love revisionists. When the world only had print media, it was possible to say something then later deny it. But you have to realize that the world has changed and you go look at precisely what the person said.
She did say that policy is set at the appeals court level and acknowledged that she wasn't supposed to let that slip out.
She did say that a latina woman could make better decisions than a white man.
The first statement supports the violation of the separation of powers clause of the Constitution. That document says that the courts interpret and apply law. If they don't agree with the law, they can declare it unconstitutional but that';s all.
There is no difference between saying that a Latina woman can make better decisions than saying a white man can make better decisions. And by the way, the statue of the goddess Justice in front of the Supreme Court holds a simple balance scale and wears a blindfold but I don't suppose most of you get the symbolism.
hard to tell. yet again it's nothing more than disgusting partisan politics from our elected officials. they all stink. do these democrats forget that they did the exact same thing to the republicans during a few nominations?
it all continues to highlight how much we need REAL change in our system, starting by sweeping the old cobwebs out and putting in thinkers and doers who actually care about the country instead of themselves.
meanwhile, i think this fight for her nomination will be interesting. like anyone receiving that vote of confidence, she is obviously well qualified in many ways. the question will come down to if she is qualified in the most important areas.
i don't see a slam dunk on either side yet.Obama says efforts to twist Sotomayor's words will fail.Will efforts to evaluate exactly what she said succeed?
it depends on what the definition of "it" is lol
she's not talking about the "white male" as in white male. She's talking about her neighbor White who's been too lazy to change his mailbox number so she keeps getting his mail, and there's so much of it that she barely has time to go through the pile to pull out her own mail.
right-wing blogs and talk radio, of which you are a faithful acolyte, have yet to prove any ability whatsoever to evaluate anything correctly.
The only thing they have proved their skill at is using misinformation and misleading those who are naive and easily misled.Obama says efforts to twist Sotomayor's words will fail.Will efforts to evaluate exactly what she said succeed?
If Obama is correct, then his "efforts to twist Sotomayor's words will fail", and she may get rejected (although I disagree with Obama, and believe she will be approved BECAUSE of her racist words).
Obama wants it so Obama WILL have it.
So, are you in support of twisting words or in favor of accurate information being put out?
I'm confused.
The only "twisting" is being done by Republicans.
No and yes....The racist`s words will remain unveiled...and once again, only the "educated" will know the truth...sad....
She is a racist, but will succeed anyway
This hatred is all a wast of time. She will do a great job no matter what the sour grape republicans think and say.
Her words do not have to be twisted. She said what she said.
No one in the government care to look.
Obama has ordered it so must it be done.
Even if she is what other fear.
I suppose he will next claim that we have twisted his words of "change and hope"?
I agree with what she said 100%.
Put the word goalie in a tongue twisting sentence?
The great goalie girl got a great game goingPut the word goalie in a tongue twisting sentence?
The gigantic gleaming goalie guarded the goal greatly.
the gentle goalie gazed at green gelatin in greenland!
the gambling goalie gambled all games, guns, and girlfreinds!
the green goalie gained glory guarding the goal!
great goalies gaurd great goals gaining great glory!
lol....that was fun hoped i helepd!Put the word goalie in a tongue twisting sentence?
go give the goalie a great garden.
going to go give the goalie a gorgeous ground garage.
Giant gophers gallantly guard gorgeous goalies.Put the word goalie in a tongue twisting sentence?
good goalies get great guts getting goals.pick a part sea ray
The gigantic gleaming goalie guarded the goal greatly.
the gentle goalie gazed at green gelatin in greenland!
the gambling goalie gambled all games, guns, and girlfreinds!
the green goalie gained glory guarding the goal!
great goalies gaurd great goals gaining great glory!
lol....that was fun hoped i helepd!Put the word goalie in a tongue twisting sentence?
go give the goalie a great garden.
going to go give the goalie a gorgeous ground garage.
Giant gophers gallantly guard gorgeous goalies.Put the word goalie in a tongue twisting sentence?
good goalies get great guts getting goals.
So apparently the world is going to end tomorrow?
If you haven't already heard, some minister is saying the world is going to end tomorrow. But whats funny is he already said this back in 1994 and then he twists his words and says his ''calculations'' were wrong.
What are your opinions on this?So apparently the world is going to end tomorrow?
People will do almost anything for attention and money. This person is using the fears of others to make money and gain attention. No one knows when the world will end and if it does it will most likely be unstoppable, so what is the point in thinking about it. Live your life and don't worry about what some crackpot is saying about the end of the world. People have been saying this stuff for thousands of years. Eventually one will get it right and his prize will be death.So apparently the world is going to end tomorrow?
Hmm, what type of quantum anomalies was he calculating, and did he carry the one?So apparently the world is going to end tomorrow?
It's the Chicken Little effect.
What are your opinions on this?So apparently the world is going to end tomorrow?
People will do almost anything for attention and money. This person is using the fears of others to make money and gain attention. No one knows when the world will end and if it does it will most likely be unstoppable, so what is the point in thinking about it. Live your life and don't worry about what some crackpot is saying about the end of the world. People have been saying this stuff for thousands of years. Eventually one will get it right and his prize will be death.So apparently the world is going to end tomorrow?
Hmm, what type of quantum anomalies was he calculating, and did he carry the one?So apparently the world is going to end tomorrow?
It's the Chicken Little effect.
Why is the Lamestream Media so jealous of Limbaugh?
They twist his words every chance they get. Anyone that listens to Rush on a regular basis understands what a great American he is.Why is the Lamestream Media so jealous of Limbaugh?
They have penis envy
Too dumb to know what lamestream means? let me help.
It means most popular and slanted. Conservative radio dominates the radio band and Focks is the most popular 24 hr opinion media, all of which are heavily slanted. What don't you understand about that? Need help with math too? 2+2=4.
Moving on, now...
So, to address your question, I don't know why conservative radio or Focks news would be jealous of him. Isn't that like it being jealous of itself?
Check out answerer #1 (Thomas), I couldn't stop laughing at his answer. It implies he has penis admiration for Limpballs.Why is the Lamestream Media so jealous of Limbaugh?
I don't think it is jealousy. I think it is hatred.
Rush is so very good at making fun of them and they hate him for it. They are so eager to catch him at something that he is able to play them anytime he wants to.
And he knows that most of them will follow whatever their lying media outlets tell them and won't check for themselves.
Newspapers, except for the Wall Street Journal, are declining.
Most people can't name a successful liberal talk radio host.
FOX beats the ratings of all the other cable outlets combined.
The Center for Excellence in Journalism, part of the Pew Charitable Trust, ran the numbers for the 2008 election and found out that only one cable news organization was fair and balanced in its coverage of John McCain and Barack Obama.
Conservatives remain the single largest ideological group, no matter how hard the mainstream media try to change us.鈥?/a>
The frustration must be maddening to a liberal. They are all invited to come share in the truth.Why is the Lamestream Media so jealous of Limbaugh?
You can't possibly think you're going to be taken seriously by anyone with a modicum of intelligence with a term like "lamestream"
you don't have to twist his words,he puts his own foot in his mouth quite well on his own.
I have listened, and I think he is a pompous windbag!!!
They see Rush for what he is to them a teller of the truth and it kills them to hear it.An his ratings just like Fox blows the others away.
they've flushed themselves down the toilet but need to blame someone besides themselves.
follow the money.
follow the influence.
MSM have neither.
The account Keith seems to have some facination with him also.
A regular Rush Caribou Lips type
It's because they think they are the only ones that are aloud to have an opinion.
Because he is more influential then they will ever be.
Paycheck size probably.
You are kidding I hope.
They're just playing the same game he is.
Raise the ratings.
We want his meds!
Oh my god, you're hopeless. I don't know how any Conservative in their right mind could defend him after this one.
They have penis envy
Too dumb to know what lamestream means? let me help.
It means most popular and slanted. Conservative radio dominates the radio band and Focks is the most popular 24 hr opinion media, all of which are heavily slanted. What don't you understand about that? Need help with math too? 2+2=4.
Moving on, now...
So, to address your question, I don't know why conservative radio or Focks news would be jealous of him. Isn't that like it being jealous of itself?
Check out answerer #1 (Thomas), I couldn't stop laughing at his answer. It implies he has penis admiration for Limpballs.Why is the Lamestream Media so jealous of Limbaugh?
I don't think it is jealousy. I think it is hatred.
Rush is so very good at making fun of them and they hate him for it. They are so eager to catch him at something that he is able to play them anytime he wants to.
And he knows that most of them will follow whatever their lying media outlets tell them and won't check for themselves.
Newspapers, except for the Wall Street Journal, are declining.
Most people can't name a successful liberal talk radio host.
FOX beats the ratings of all the other cable outlets combined.
The Center for Excellence in Journalism, part of the Pew Charitable Trust, ran the numbers for the 2008 election and found out that only one cable news organization was fair and balanced in its coverage of John McCain and Barack Obama.
Conservatives remain the single largest ideological group, no matter how hard the mainstream media try to change us.鈥?/a>
The frustration must be maddening to a liberal. They are all invited to come share in the truth.Why is the Lamestream Media so jealous of Limbaugh?
You can't possibly think you're going to be taken seriously by anyone with a modicum of intelligence with a term like "lamestream"
you don't have to twist his words,he puts his own foot in his mouth quite well on his own.
I have listened, and I think he is a pompous windbag!!!
They see Rush for what he is to them a teller of the truth and it kills them to hear it.An his ratings just like Fox blows the others away.
they've flushed themselves down the toilet but need to blame someone besides themselves.
follow the money.
follow the influence.
MSM have neither.
The account Keith seems to have some facination with him also.
A regular Rush Caribou Lips type
It's because they think they are the only ones that are aloud to have an opinion.
Because he is more influential then they will ever be.
Paycheck size probably.
You are kidding I hope.
They're just playing the same game he is.
Raise the ratings.
We want his meds!
Oh my god, you're hopeless. I don't know how any Conservative in their right mind could defend him after this one.
Text Twist! How many words can you spell using the letters B R O B R E?
Hint - total of 10 words possible! Have fun and goodluck!Text Twist! How many words can you spell using the letters B R O B R E?
BobText Twist! How many words can you spell using the letters B R O B R E?
brrText Twist! How many words can you spell using the letters B R O B R E?
BobText Twist! How many words can you spell using the letters B R O B R E?
brrText Twist! How many words can you spell using the letters B R O B R E?
Would Ron Paul be a more viable if he went around twisting words or acting like a goof ball?Why are TRULY?
honest ppl generally rejected by the system/media?Would Ron Paul be a more viable if he went around twisting words or acting like a goof ball?Why are TRULY?
But he doesn't? I love him because at the end of the day he throw's his agenda out there and say's "love it or not, what you see is what you get." Ron Paul gives me a buzz :)Would Ron Paul be a more viable if he went around twisting words or acting like a goof ball?Why are TRULY?
Like Dick O'bama does??Would Ron Paul be a more viable if he went around twisting words or acting like a goof ball?Why are TRULY?
Maybe he needs to look like Brad Pitt
But he doesn't? I love him because at the end of the day he throw's his agenda out there and say's "love it or not, what you see is what you get." Ron Paul gives me a buzz :)Would Ron Paul be a more viable if he went around twisting words or acting like a goof ball?Why are TRULY?
Like Dick O'bama does??Would Ron Paul be a more viable if he went around twisting words or acting like a goof ball?Why are TRULY?
Maybe he needs to look like Brad Pitt
Twist my words?
This sentence is really bugging me, how can I make it better?
"They deserved to have it thrown in there faces. This was unfair to me, I was the victim, and they deserved what my being unhappy with them would make them feel"
ThankiesTwist my words?
Except for a couple of spelling and punctuation corrections, I think that what you have written is fine. Sometimes we just have to use our own manner of speaking to express what we really feel. You have done that, and done it well, I believe.
Here's how I would write it:
The situation was unfair. I was the victim! They should feel bad because of my unhappiness. They deserve to have it thrown back in their faces!Twist my words?
How about this:
"This entire situation was unfair to me, I was just the victim. Anything feelings resulting from my grief would be well-deserved on their part. They deserved to have this whole thing thrown in their faces!"
I do not care if my being unhappy is upsetting them. I was the victim, It was unfair to me and they deserve to have it thrown in their faces.Twist my words?
First, it should be "their faces," not "there faces."
Action words are better than passive, like "he hurt me" is better than "I was hurt."
What was unfair? Who was being unfair?
I didn't deserve this. They wronged me. They victimized me.
"I am the victim" instead of "I was the victim." Using present tense over past tense brings the issue into the here and now instead of the there and then.
The last part ... do you know whether or not you being unhappy with them made them feel anything at all? Try something like "if they felt bad that I was unhappy, then good, because they deserved it!"
And don't forget that you can emphasize with exclamation points and not be shouting.
Hope I've helped a little :)chrome apps california academy of sciences
"They deserved to have it thrown in there faces. This was unfair to me, I was the victim, and they deserved what my being unhappy with them would make them feel"
ThankiesTwist my words?
Except for a couple of spelling and punctuation corrections, I think that what you have written is fine. Sometimes we just have to use our own manner of speaking to express what we really feel. You have done that, and done it well, I believe.
Here's how I would write it:
The situation was unfair. I was the victim! They should feel bad because of my unhappiness. They deserve to have it thrown back in their faces!Twist my words?
How about this:
"This entire situation was unfair to me, I was just the victim. Anything feelings resulting from my grief would be well-deserved on their part. They deserved to have this whole thing thrown in their faces!"
I do not care if my being unhappy is upsetting them. I was the victim, It was unfair to me and they deserve to have it thrown in their faces.Twist my words?
First, it should be "their faces," not "there faces."
Action words are better than passive, like "he hurt me" is better than "I was hurt."
What was unfair? Who was being unfair?
I didn't deserve this. They wronged me. They victimized me.
"I am the victim" instead of "I was the victim." Using present tense over past tense brings the issue into the here and now instead of the there and then.
The last part ... do you know whether or not you being unhappy with them made them feel anything at all? Try something like "if they felt bad that I was unhappy, then good, because they deserved it!"
And don't forget that you can emphasize with exclamation points and not be shouting.
Hope I've helped a little :)
Do john the dinosaur McCain know the different between precondition and unconditional dialog?
can you republicans explain the different to us demacrats so we want be confuse on what obama policies will be in iran once he become president . or do you want to keep trying to twist obama words around hoping that the americans peoples is just dumb enough to elect mcbush ?Do john the dinosaur McCain know the different between precondition and unconditional dialog?
I, Actor Ron Reagan, am embarassed that this man is from the party of mine and Lincoln's. What has happened to my country. When i said do as I say not as I do I was just joking. What have you all done to my party and country. I will always be the oldest living president with half a mind. My name is Actor Ron Reagan and I approve this message
First, drop the partisan attacks, because they don't matter. As a matter of fact, Obama himself was trying to run as non-partisan only last fall. It's what made him so popular in the first place.
Second, this matter of Obama's exact words is of precious little importance. They're politicians; what they say is never important anyway. Drop it. Pick a more crucial battle.Do john the dinosaur McCain know the different between precondition and unconditional dialog?
Do liberals know the difference between,
Diplomatic dialog between countries,
And the President of the US personally talking to a foreign leader ?
McCain has said nothing about having a dialog with other nations, including Iran.
What McCain said, was that the President of the US, should not meet with iran's president.
So why do you keep confusing the two ?
You represent a typical Democrat in that your written and spoken language abilities are indecipherable. Buy a dictionary and look up the word indecipherable.Do john the dinosaur McCain know the different between precondition and unconditional dialog?
Yes, indeed he does....
Wow, I've seen better grammar and sentence structure on the Front of a Claymore.....
Whats a "Demacrat?
I know Democrat....
If your the typical "Demacrat American Peoples" this country is in deep Kimchi....
I normally don't comment on bad language, but I find it ironic and amusing that you call Republicans "dumb" in this post.
Our liberal education/indoctrination system at work.
You know you are an appeasing left wing dictator suck up. Be honest with the folks, because Obama will be on his knees in front of every left wing dictator, why he may even use his wife for additional service.
What in the world are you talking about? Are you old enough to vote? Based upon your grasp of the English language you seem like you should be in Kindergarten.
I know this much; he knows spelling, grammar, sentence structure and punctuation. These are all very important for a President to know.
Might want to work on your grammar and/or spelling. This question/comment makes absolutely no sense. Sorry I can't help you.
I would like to educate you but your spelling was so bad I am not sure there was a coherent statement in there to answer!
all you need to know is that republicans rule! and obama and hillery sucks!
I'm sure he does, but he knows his semi-literate voter base can't tell.
wow I think my 4 year old cousin has better grammar...
I, Actor Ron Reagan, am embarassed that this man is from the party of mine and Lincoln's. What has happened to my country. When i said do as I say not as I do I was just joking. What have you all done to my party and country. I will always be the oldest living president with half a mind. My name is Actor Ron Reagan and I approve this message
First, drop the partisan attacks, because they don't matter. As a matter of fact, Obama himself was trying to run as non-partisan only last fall. It's what made him so popular in the first place.
Second, this matter of Obama's exact words is of precious little importance. They're politicians; what they say is never important anyway. Drop it. Pick a more crucial battle.Do john the dinosaur McCain know the different between precondition and unconditional dialog?
Do liberals know the difference between,
Diplomatic dialog between countries,
And the President of the US personally talking to a foreign leader ?
McCain has said nothing about having a dialog with other nations, including Iran.
What McCain said, was that the President of the US, should not meet with iran's president.
So why do you keep confusing the two ?
You represent a typical Democrat in that your written and spoken language abilities are indecipherable. Buy a dictionary and look up the word indecipherable.Do john the dinosaur McCain know the different between precondition and unconditional dialog?
Yes, indeed he does....
Wow, I've seen better grammar and sentence structure on the Front of a Claymore.....
Whats a "Demacrat?
I know Democrat....
If your the typical "Demacrat American Peoples" this country is in deep Kimchi....
I normally don't comment on bad language, but I find it ironic and amusing that you call Republicans "dumb" in this post.
Our liberal education/indoctrination system at work.
You know you are an appeasing left wing dictator suck up. Be honest with the folks, because Obama will be on his knees in front of every left wing dictator, why he may even use his wife for additional service.
What in the world are you talking about? Are you old enough to vote? Based upon your grasp of the English language you seem like you should be in Kindergarten.
I know this much; he knows spelling, grammar, sentence structure and punctuation. These are all very important for a President to know.
Might want to work on your grammar and/or spelling. This question/comment makes absolutely no sense. Sorry I can't help you.
I would like to educate you but your spelling was so bad I am not sure there was a coherent statement in there to answer!
all you need to know is that republicans rule! and obama and hillery sucks!
I'm sure he does, but he knows his semi-literate voter base can't tell.
wow I think my 4 year old cousin has better grammar...
Do you have a quote or special word that you would be remembered by?
In the 8th grade, a bunch of us girls were standing around at lunchtime and I suggested that we all "sh1t" down. They looked at me like I just had sex for the first time!
My tounge twisted and it came out wrong, I didn't even know the word at that time! But, it's 46 years later and I still use it every day.Do you have a quote or special word that you would be remembered by?
"For those who fought for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know."
Mine was "let dead dogs lie". I have a friend that razzed me about that statement for years. He would say, "What else are dead dogs going to do?"Do you have a quote or special word that you would be remembered by?
if I post on here, everyone will know about my potty mouth.
I always say " dog-gone-it! " when I'm perturbed. Or " for the
love of Pete!"Do you have a quote or special word that you would be remembered by?
As long as you know how to shoot a semi-automatic weapon you can say what you want. I'm certified in three.
birds of a feather flock together
I do not. In fact,if I can help it ,I would be looked on as an unpredictable person I do not have(visible) halo,horns of tail but I would unsheath them at some times.I find that this serves me well as persons think twice before getting smart with me
I would say that most folk expect my first word of exclaimation in either good or bad situations is 'Right-tee-oh'!
How stupid is that?!
"Your car bill Mrs. Eyedontknow is £1000"
"That'll be £100 for grass cutting Mrs.E-D-N"
I must be simple!
My favourite quote of all time :
"it's later than you think"
Tale of Two Cities Dickens
I don't think people realise just how precious time is - we always think that we have tomorrow.
One day we will be wrong.
Do all that good stuff that you have been dreaming of TODAY!
on a good day "goodness gracious" a mediocre day "hells bells and littles fishes" probably my kids would say she always says "if its not life or death don't get your bowels in an uproar"
my family gets tired of hearing me say "You reap what you sow".
The one I like is "Humans are the only animals that blush. Or need to"......Mark Twain
Who knows. I always say that. And I usually write when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
This is my favorite quote:
"Nobody can do more to make your life better than you can. You cannot borrow another's brains, talents or luck. GOD WANTS YOU TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!"
I am the author of this quote. I wrote it to myself several years ago when I was frustrated in my job. It was a reminder to me to take charge of my own life. I have it posted above my desk at home now. It used to be on the wall at my workplace before I "retired."
Behave yourself:The other Bearded jolly old fat man is watching you. Iasid this to a former student and she reported me.
Only one name would I be remembered by all for...Baby Gail! LOL I can are not allowed too! LOL! Okay, I am the youngest of my Mom and Dad's generation. Since I was the "Caboose", everyone called me the baby, baby, baby Gail and so on! Every time I go to yet another funeral, there's always someone ther to call me baby!
Since last year, most all have gone home now.So, there are few left who would know this. But, those few...they would always be reminded of me as baby.
When things are not going my way or are going horribly wrong, I will always say Lovely when there is nothing lovely about the situation.
Another thing I am known for is "It is what it Is".........
There's probably no word that folks associate with me, unless it's Poopy or Dadgummit, which are the words I use when I bowl badly. That's a family sport and I don't want to say something that kids would pick up. In fact, our pro tour fines you if you use profanity.
If you're looking for epitaphs, mine would probably say "She died tilting at windmills."
I fight useless battles ranting about grammar and spelling and politicos.
My tounge twisted and it came out wrong, I didn't even know the word at that time! But, it's 46 years later and I still use it every day.Do you have a quote or special word that you would be remembered by?
"For those who fought for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know."
Mine was "let dead dogs lie". I have a friend that razzed me about that statement for years. He would say, "What else are dead dogs going to do?"Do you have a quote or special word that you would be remembered by?
if I post on here, everyone will know about my potty mouth.
I always say " dog-gone-it! " when I'm perturbed. Or " for the
love of Pete!"Do you have a quote or special word that you would be remembered by?
As long as you know how to shoot a semi-automatic weapon you can say what you want. I'm certified in three.
birds of a feather flock together
I do not. In fact,if I can help it ,I would be looked on as an unpredictable person I do not have(visible) halo,horns of tail but I would unsheath them at some times.I find that this serves me well as persons think twice before getting smart with me
I would say that most folk expect my first word of exclaimation in either good or bad situations is 'Right-tee-oh'!
How stupid is that?!
"Your car bill Mrs. Eyedontknow is £1000"
"That'll be £100 for grass cutting Mrs.E-D-N"
I must be simple!
My favourite quote of all time :
"it's later than you think"
Tale of Two Cities Dickens
I don't think people realise just how precious time is - we always think that we have tomorrow.
One day we will be wrong.
Do all that good stuff that you have been dreaming of TODAY!
on a good day "goodness gracious" a mediocre day "hells bells and littles fishes" probably my kids would say she always says "if its not life or death don't get your bowels in an uproar"
my family gets tired of hearing me say "You reap what you sow".
The one I like is "Humans are the only animals that blush. Or need to"......Mark Twain
Who knows. I always say that. And I usually write when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
This is my favorite quote:
"Nobody can do more to make your life better than you can. You cannot borrow another's brains, talents or luck. GOD WANTS YOU TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!"
I am the author of this quote. I wrote it to myself several years ago when I was frustrated in my job. It was a reminder to me to take charge of my own life. I have it posted above my desk at home now. It used to be on the wall at my workplace before I "retired."
Behave yourself:The other Bearded jolly old fat man is watching you. Iasid this to a former student and she reported me.
Only one name would I be remembered by all for...Baby Gail! LOL I can are not allowed too! LOL! Okay, I am the youngest of my Mom and Dad's generation. Since I was the "Caboose", everyone called me the baby, baby, baby Gail and so on! Every time I go to yet another funeral, there's always someone ther to call me baby!
Since last year, most all have gone home now.So, there are few left who would know this. But, those few...they would always be reminded of me as baby.
When things are not going my way or are going horribly wrong, I will always say Lovely when there is nothing lovely about the situation.
Another thing I am known for is "It is what it Is".........
There's probably no word that folks associate with me, unless it's Poopy or Dadgummit, which are the words I use when I bowl badly. That's a family sport and I don't want to say something that kids would pick up. In fact, our pro tour fines you if you use profanity.
If you're looking for epitaphs, mine would probably say "She died tilting at windmills."
I fight useless battles ranting about grammar and spelling and politicos.
Do you agree with the Phelps family views?
Now i am a bit religious, but that family is crazy and twist the words of the bible up go along with their own hatred and insecurities. In case you don't know who they are, they are a religious crazy family from Topeka, kansas. So what are your opinions on the family as a whole and their views?Do you agree with the Phelps family views?
They are the most poorest excuse of human being I have ever heard of.
If god exists he should strike that entire family down with bolts of lighting
I think they like all the attention people waste on them.Do you agree with the Phelps family views?
Many religious nuts here agree with their views on homosexuality. It's strange how they try to distance themselves from that family when their views are the same.
Now now aren't they just good god fearing baptists who interpret the bible for themselves like the rest of the fundiesDo you agree with the Phelps family views?
Are you kidding... LOL
When they came to Little Rock, we were 'pleased' to greet them FSM style.鈥?/a>
can we look them up on the web?
anybody that twist the Bible will have no part in heaven.
they are horrible people.
Absolutely not!
God does not hate ANYONE (America, homosexuals, jews, muslims etc).
One person I know pointed out in one of the news clips that Mrs Phelps doesn't even blink, which is, he claims, a sign of psychosis.
I cannot judge them, even though their views are extreme. They are free to express their views. We, also, are free to express ours. I do not agree with their views.
Well, Fred Phelps must have done something right: his son is an atheist.
The Phelps have been deceived by Satan
they are not of God,he did not teach
their ways or belief,s.
It,s sad to have those kind claim to be Christ like.
You will find that truth for many is what is most appealing to their mind.
Be a truth seeker in your life and find the truth through your inner leadings through faith in the God of survival the Universal Father of all follower of the teachings of Jesus.
Good gracious no! But then, not even the entire family believes the same way either. I've heard that at least one of the kids has left the family, become an atheist, and is a taxicab driver in a major city. He's one of the few sane ones. Everybody else needs some serious help.
i think they should be set on fire
If they are the ones who protest at soldiers funerals, they are so vile and disgusting. They do not know God or His Son Jesus at all.
"that family is crazy and twist the words of the bible up go along with their own hatred and insecurities"
You forget that intolerance and prejudice are found in the Bible to the same degree that the Phelps family hawks it for media attention.
The best option is simply to discard any scriptural passage that calls for prejudice, discrimination or murder.
I suspect that most Christians have not read their own Bible.
How can one misinterpret the following passages ?
"When the Lord your God shall bring you into the land where you are entering to possess it, and shall clear away many nations before you...and when the Lord your God shall deliver them before you and you shall defeat them, then you shall utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them and show no mercy to them" (Deut. 7:1-3)
"And they (the Israelites) utterly destroyed everything in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox and sheep and donkey, with the edge of the sword" (Joshua 6:21)
Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."
Leviticus 20:10 "If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death."
Exodus 21:17 And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death.
Exodus 23:24 Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images.
The Phelps are following the Bible TO THE LETTER (with the exception of Shirley Phelps who had a kid with someone who was not her husband). Their group supports the death penalty and other heinous punishments for those who are gay and they compare America to Sodom and Gomorrah.
The key is not to reinterpret the Bible so it sounds moral but to DISCARD intolerance all together.
OMG I just read on wikipedia about Fred Phelps!
They aren't just crazy, they are down right unchristian and unpatriotic. They need to go somewhere else, if America is so lost and full of enablers of homosexuality.
They are the most poorest excuse of human being I have ever heard of.
If god exists he should strike that entire family down with bolts of lighting
I think they like all the attention people waste on them.Do you agree with the Phelps family views?
Many religious nuts here agree with their views on homosexuality. It's strange how they try to distance themselves from that family when their views are the same.
Now now aren't they just good god fearing baptists who interpret the bible for themselves like the rest of the fundiesDo you agree with the Phelps family views?
Are you kidding... LOL
When they came to Little Rock, we were 'pleased' to greet them FSM style.鈥?/a>
can we look them up on the web?
anybody that twist the Bible will have no part in heaven.
they are horrible people.
Absolutely not!
God does not hate ANYONE (America, homosexuals, jews, muslims etc).
One person I know pointed out in one of the news clips that Mrs Phelps doesn't even blink, which is, he claims, a sign of psychosis.
I cannot judge them, even though their views are extreme. They are free to express their views. We, also, are free to express ours. I do not agree with their views.
Well, Fred Phelps must have done something right: his son is an atheist.
The Phelps have been deceived by Satan
they are not of God,he did not teach
their ways or belief,s.
It,s sad to have those kind claim to be Christ like.
You will find that truth for many is what is most appealing to their mind.
Be a truth seeker in your life and find the truth through your inner leadings through faith in the God of survival the Universal Father of all follower of the teachings of Jesus.
Good gracious no! But then, not even the entire family believes the same way either. I've heard that at least one of the kids has left the family, become an atheist, and is a taxicab driver in a major city. He's one of the few sane ones. Everybody else needs some serious help.
i think they should be set on fire
If they are the ones who protest at soldiers funerals, they are so vile and disgusting. They do not know God or His Son Jesus at all.
"that family is crazy and twist the words of the bible up go along with their own hatred and insecurities"
You forget that intolerance and prejudice are found in the Bible to the same degree that the Phelps family hawks it for media attention.
The best option is simply to discard any scriptural passage that calls for prejudice, discrimination or murder.
I suspect that most Christians have not read their own Bible.
How can one misinterpret the following passages ?
"When the Lord your God shall bring you into the land where you are entering to possess it, and shall clear away many nations before you...and when the Lord your God shall deliver them before you and you shall defeat them, then you shall utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them and show no mercy to them" (Deut. 7:1-3)
"And they (the Israelites) utterly destroyed everything in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox and sheep and donkey, with the edge of the sword" (Joshua 6:21)
Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."
Leviticus 20:10 "If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death."
Exodus 21:17 And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death.
Exodus 23:24 Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images.
The Phelps are following the Bible TO THE LETTER (with the exception of Shirley Phelps who had a kid with someone who was not her husband). Their group supports the death penalty and other heinous punishments for those who are gay and they compare America to Sodom and Gomorrah.
The key is not to reinterpret the Bible so it sounds moral but to DISCARD intolerance all together.
OMG I just read on wikipedia about Fred Phelps!
They aren't just crazy, they are down right unchristian and unpatriotic. They need to go somewhere else, if America is so lost and full of enablers of homosexuality.
Twist of Fate or twist of words? What gets your attention?
:)~Twist of Fate or twist of words? What gets your attention?
Twist of words
Thank you! =)
Twist of fate got mine.
A twist of fateTwist of Fate or twist of words? What gets your attention?
a twist of fate will do it every time.
im an expert a twisting ppl's words
Twist of words
Thank you! =)
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Twist of Fate or twist of words? What gets your attention?Twist of fate got mine.
A twist of fateTwist of Fate or twist of words? What gets your attention?
a twist of fate will do it every time.
im an expert a twisting ppl's words
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